General Discussion

General DiscussionSlark Build

Slark Build in General Discussion
#Hot asawa ni Marcos

    Which is Better for Slark? Silver edge or basher first? My Build is Sb-echo sabre- then silver edge but I'm not sure if it's more effective ,I Haven't tried basher first


      I guess it depends on the line up. I usually get Silver edge if the opponents have strong passives


        silver if your enemy has an passive, example would be bristleback. basher if you need lock down

        #Hot asawa ni Marcos


          casual gamer

            it really depends, usually basher will be better

            sometimes u don't go edge at all, sometimes you go straight skadi after basher

            theres all kinds of different ways to build slarks extension items, u have to think about what u need


              What jdf said
              I'm a trash slark anyway
              Won't bother trying to tell you things

              Essi Daven

                They pretty much said it. Slark is such a good hero because he's very flexible. Shadow Blade is usually taken because of the synergy with your ult's passive. If the enemy line up has lot of good passive abilities, or low nuking power, I suggest you go for SE first because of the lower cooldown, and passive break, allowing for a hit and run playstyle. If however, you're in the lead, and your biggest problem is that you can't get a kill because of a lack of lockdown, then get basher first. Personally, since the change in Abyssal, I tend to get MKB no matter what, for the mini bashes, and the better damage. I only get the bash to prevent TP's anyway, so personally, I perfer MKB over Basher, but it's still up to you as to how you wish to play the balanced fish man

                Mr. Nice Guy

                  you dont go basher until u have 2 items or so ffs,basher has sinergy with as and early lvls slark has low AS. the build is ussualy either sb into echo either echo into sb. then it depends,bkb if needed,if not butter or bash or skadi,it s very flexible from that point


                    Don't build orchid what ever you do , slarks supposed to be a carry but orchid turns spark into a one trick pony of just being a ganker .



                      Orchid is usefull sometimes

                      M U R D E R

                        Orchid is good for solo kills and it also builds into bloodthorn which is the endgame item for slark. I tend to have great success with sb/se->basher->orchid->skadi/bkb/linkens(pick 2)->abyssal->bloodthorn

                        კომენტარი შეიცვალა
                        Mr God

                          I love getting something for attack speed before basher.

                          Boi Danny

                            Bws is trash.


                              so are you

                              M U R D E R

                                @Good Riddance casual Quarterstaff? 10as 10dmg for 875g(if im not mistaken), or 2 of them(into orchid). Ofc you can echo saber but it isnt really that efficient for your lategame buildup (only useful midgame, kinda)

                                Mr God

                                  Imo I don't think you should buy Quarterstaff unless you go Orchrid(not a fan of this item on Slark) or Echo Sabbre(quite good item, i'll explain why)

                                  Passive Echo Strike
                                  Bonus +10 Strength
                                  +10 Intelligence
                                  +75% Mana regeneration
                                  +15 Attack damage
                                  +10 Attack speed

                                  This is what you get with it, and coinsidering it's cost it's way better than"

                                  Drums(got nerfed for Slarky)
                                  SnY(Way too expansive, you don't get much better stats out of it)

                                  The way I usualy build slark is:

                                  PMS/Tangoes/PT/SB/Echo Sabre or Silver Edge if I need it. In my opinion ,whatever you build first(echo or Silver Edge) you should have all this items before you hit min @ 21, preferably earlier. It can be done even @ 15-16 mins into the game with good farm and few kills.

                                  Echo is good item on Slark not only because of passive but because it gives him decent HP/mana regen/raw int and some attack speed+DMG, so you can skip Aquila/Drums/SnY.

                                  After you build Echo Sabre you can build Silver Edge if you need it, you can buy basher, you can even get SNY for some more stats and that MS outside of your passive or you can get Skadi...

                                  I think understanding the game flow will tell you what to buy.

                                  I've seen so many Slark players buying a naked Butterfly or a naked Skadi which I think is bad.

                                  კომენტარი შეიცვალა
                                  casual gamer

                                    echo sabre is absolutely fantastic and should be bought most games

                                    orchid slark is completely terrible no offense. just game-throwingly terrible item 99/100 times

                                    კომენტარი შეიცვალა
                                    casual gamer

                                      slark functions by being tanky and impossible to kite enough to steal a shitton of agi and live

                                      yeah you burst supports down comboing them out of invis but that doesn't mean you should buy crit or dagon just to enhance ur burst. you wanna hit them as many times as possible (aka why slark > WW)

                                      if u have some shit like shadow blade treads orchid you are so fucking squishy you will die first against anyone with a brain

                                      Professor Dog

                                        Hey the world's best storm spirit got a smurf. Trying to smurf to 50% wr? :D ily


                                          personally i build treads/aquila/lothar every game. echo most games.

                                          and after that is completely situational.

                                          for example
                                          u might want orchid vs. antimage but only if you're ahead and before he gets manta (but its ok even vs. manta, u just need to save it for after he splits, but a smart AM will just blink first but u can kill him in a teamfight still...)

                                          M U R D E R

                                            if u have some shit like shadow blade treads orchid you are so fucking squishy you will die first against anyone with a brain

                                            well yeah i imagine you have at least a basher

                                            echo sabre becomes almost useless if you dont end the game fast, bloodthorn on the other hand is quite good. lets say you bait out sven bkb, and use boodthorn on him, he would have no chance at all in a 1v1 (at that point you probably hit so hard you can kill him quite fast maybe even pickoff), simply die for you. and cooldown so low too (which makes it good on slark as he is a hero that's always online - every time slark fights, bloodthorn will be up)

                                            კომენტარი შეიცვალა
                                            Boi Danny

                                              Not a smurf. This is my only account

                                              casual gamer

                                                echo sabre never becomes useless, orchid is the item that becomes useless very early on and doesn't come back until you have bloodthorn at 50 minutes vs low duration bkbs

                                                early orchid makes ur hero so worthless in every situation except for hitting someone 1v1 when they have no dispel, I guarantee you that if you buy it every game you will lose games that you should win due to feeding 1-2 deaths after getting ahead with ur low hp pool and ruining ur snowball


                                                  I like how danny is lying
                                                  Where did you 100+ storm spirit games acc go then huh


                                                    You got HS on a smurf and already acts uber cocky like you're good on dota lol

                                                    M U R D E R

                                                      Yeah i agree that orchid every game is highly unnecessary, but i think it can be fine when your team needs an additional silence to win fight (bad pub drafting, poor communication, etc)

                                                      კომენტარი შეიცვალა

                                                        If you are buying orchid in even 5% games except as a 6th item for bloodthorn you are playing this hero terribly wrong. It is just a trash item on Slark as you need hp and a way to stick to targets far more than a silence.

                                                        The build is pretty much always treads->talon->(aquila)->sb->sabre->edge->luxuries as needed, basher, bkb or skadi tend to be the options.

                                                        კომენტარი შეიცვალა

                                                          ^ 6k aus shit = 2k sea trash


                                                            Orchid is ultra situational imo
                                                            Only against QoP or SS I think


                                                              better dragon lance for stat lul

                                                              Potato Marshal

                                                                There is no item you should always get on Slark, except treads, and maybe shadow blade most of the times. Silver edge is always an extremely situational item unless you're 6 slotted and already have a shadow blade. Some of you guys really need to erase this mindset of "I need an item build to follow every single game for this hero". Seriously, how hard is it to choose items based on situations? Fighting a hero with an annoying passive like Huskar or Bristle? Get a silver edge. Having trouble locking someone down? Get a basher.


                                                                  Edge isn't situational, it is basically core, the upgrade is too efficient to skip even if there are 0 passive to disable. Maybe if you desperately need bkb you can skip it but I'd always go back for it afterwards. For 2400 gold it gives you 4 second decrease to lothar cd, +73 damage on the first auto, +15 all stats, +8 damage and you can dis-assemble for skadi or linkens later on if you want to. Not to mention the enemy damage decrease is very under-rated, and it all fits into 1 item slot so you will have plenty of room for shit like talon or gem.

                                                                  People buy dragon lance on shit for stats and that only gives +14 to str and agi for 1900 gold, if you aren't buying silver edge you need to get your brain checked.

                                                                  კომენტარი შეიცვალა

                                                                    Not even blue star said blink...many high mmr players still do that....and ofc know why...but agree all what blue said


                                                                      Ya even vs ss and qop orchid not worth it since you are just too dam squishy for that late in the game . By that time you should have some kinda item that increases your hp .



                                                                        Dire Wolf

                                                                          Does no one build s&y anymore? It's better offense than Skadi, maim proc plus move speed is enough to stay on target, just lacks in hp compared to Skadi but build up is a breeze. Still seems useful to me but since echo everyone skips it. I think shadow blade, echo, s&y, abyssal should be pretty strong and the hp on abyssal and echo means you're on par with old slark with just s&y and Skadi.

                                                                          casual gamer

                                                                            theres way too many better items than sny tbh


                                                                              It got replaced by echosabre

                                                                              M U R D E R

                                                                                sny movement speed buff is useless when you use shadow blade. there u have it. sny blink is legit, sny lothar is not


                                                                                  sny ? better dragon lance m8 trust me !!!11!


                                                                                    I'm sure sny is dead as an item when diffu blade, echo sabre and dragon lance all exist at a similar price point but are way stronger.


                                                                                      Wanna talk about dead item?

                                                                                      M U R D E R

                                                                                        sny is good because it puts slark at constant max MS (something neither echo sabre nor diffusal nor dragon lance can offer), but as i said its useless with shadow blade therefore is only worth buying if you dont opt for SB and go blink dagger instead(in like 1 game out of 50)

                                                                                        კომენტარი შეიცვალა

                                                                                          When do you exactly buy dagger tho?

                                                                                          M U R D E R

                                                                                            idk but ive seen some high mmr plays with blink sny

                                                                                            i guess when enemy team has proper supports that are preparing for your shadowblade with their wards.... or you need to siege high ground or something.

                                                                                            კომენტარი შეიცვალა

                                                                                              OR HOW ABOUT YOU GET A FUCKING DAGGER FOR EXAMPLE?


                                                                                                Dagger on Slark is "is completely terrible no offense. just game-throwingly terrible item 99/100 times".

                                                                                                M U R D E R

                                                                                                  So the item has 60% winrate on him because ppl buy it as luxury right?


                                                                                                    well, once i play am with 12 min battle fury and lose bcs slark get shadow blade orchid at 18 min mark and wreck enitre of my team

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