General Discussion

General DiscussionPosition 1 Centaur?

Position 1 Centaur? in General Discussion
Miquel, aka Salsa de Pato

    Has anyone had any success with it? Waga in his vid going over all heroes mentioned he can be played pos 1, trying to close the game quickly. What are your thoughts?


      Even axe pos.1 better

      Miquel, aka Salsa de Pato

        I know its not very good, but I like unconventional builds. In this case I wouldnt even know what to build though


          i saw it several times in good dota games (tier1 competitive), but the last game of the kind was played more than a year ago


            godamn these stupid questions

            Miquel, aka Salsa de Pato

              Goddamn these professional players on DB forums.


                goddamn thеse high skill players

                კომენტარი შეიცვალა
                doc joferlyn simp

                  Goddamn these people saying goddamn.


                    Coupled with sd i guess isnt bad for tower raping

                    2k indog monkey

                      Goddamn these russkis

                      2k indog monkey

                        Oh wait xd

                        King of Low Prio

                          it really serves nothing a duo offlane would not be able to achieve


                            It's really OP max W and return with 1 point in stun and tank up hood/vanguard straight into heart


                              Actually the up e build + shadow demon and finishing up towers from b4 min10 is so gud


                                alliance loda did centaur pos 1 in a competitive scene


                                  yea its pretty good, just leave one stunning support and you win any offlaner easy


                                    or just centuar sd safe


                                      Yeah definitely yes, especially agaist some line ups, i have been spam him while ago i played safe, offlane and also mid , he is very fuckin strong hero agaist right clickers ....i have WR 65% and KDA 4.88 on him that says a lot from 2k scrub 😃

                                      We just released an updated hero and facet statistics page featuring more data and advanced filters. Oh, and it supports Turbo!