General Discussion

General Discussionwhat is the mindset to go jungle?

what is the mindset to go jungle? in General Discussion

    Lately i ve noticed that a lot of people in my games are going jungle, did i lose anything in the updates that favor a jungle player? (even if it is not a decent jungler)

    I can get it with chen, enchantress, axe, enigma, legion sometimes beastmaster and dark seer also, but 2 games in a row i got a wk jungler, what does he bring to the table?

    Goes midas with 7mins (nice timing bro!) keeps jungling his armlet, and shadow blade, and them what?

    I rly try to understand the mindset to try to adapt the plays with the team but i cant, I think its a self oriented playstyle that just fucks the team (my opinion)

    Anyone can enlight me on this jungle style?


      In lower bracket its literally uncontested free farm which lets you essentially have 2 more cores than the enemy. It works here


        on my games i go wk treads blademail min 10 then go gank midd or offlane push rosh gg it works


          but it just makes the lanes weaker, cuz he doenst gank, doesnt do shit to help, afk farming 20mins+, like how do u expect to win, or have a good game, when u r the only one with items, and the team go shut down cuz enemies pressured earlier, on a 4v5 situation

          A good jungler to me is a constant fear on the other team that he might be ganking anylane anytime, while having a decent amount of farm, not only have farm, guess maybe im having the wrong idea for junglers


            yeah, but the problem is when u don't have a team that can deal with 2 lategame carries that won't contribute to the early and midgame, I mean, what's the point of having 2 cores if your team won't be able to survive until they are ready to fight?


              lmao its only min 10 as i said and i have blademail and lvl 8 9 and if i farm camp near safe lane i join lane to kill or remove hero from exp


                @Son of a bitch

                welp, the wk's i got go midas and just afk farming 15+ mins thats just sad


                  all that while i jungle and get min 10 trads bm and allrdy go all fight and push


                    midas sucks as jungler juglera needs some fast blink blademails at min 7 like legio so they can be active very early later its most of time gg



                      you should stop queing with bad players, get better!


                        why is that lately so many wk's are going jungle? did i lose any change at jungle? or at wk himself? is he a good jungler? cuz i might try to learn it so is a position that i can help the team, instead of a fker afk farmer



                          i dont wanna make a smurf account, thats not how im going to get better, i need to learn the concepts behind why people do shits, so i can avoid, or try to adapt on it


                            WK jungle was because his crit damage vs. creeps was doubled.

                            Honestly, although many jungle players are quite skilled at their role, there are many more core players who play jungle simply because their lane / role was taken and they don't want to support. (Many of those players absolutely suck at jungling and just feed repeatedly.)

                            კომენტარი შეიცვალა

                              Cus it is unranked all pick, so maybe they just feel like a relaxing jungle game. Nobody gives a fuck about winning its not for mmr. Selfish people. I fucking played support for some dickheads in unranked and the guy told me I didn't ward and I checked in yasp I placed 17 wards so fuck em I bet I cud have won that game jungling ursa or whatever. Most titling thing ever


                                I never said "make a new account", I said "get better" JUST DO IT!!
                                if I were u I would start rethinking how many friends u have that are worth playing with


                                  for me wk is op hero and he should be the one who die first i fight ( his ulti ofc).so u need to go first behind them take most shits and then revive and kill rest...especially after 16 ...and go itema likke treads -blademail- sange yasha/deso/...or go armlet blink maelstrom abysal . .. .


                                    @Son of a bitch

                                    so from what i got of ur thinking, wk is kinda snowball playstyle, where u hit lvl6, and go for some risk fights with ur team, if u win without dying, it just snowball to another fight, if u die, depending on the outcome of the fight u can choose if u want to play more defensive, or ofensive is that right?


                                      when u get treads blademail at 10 ur allrdy 9 lvl then go midd gank and its not risk fight u have blademail and ulti push litle how far u can push and go other lane push kill wait again ulti ( u can do rosh at that time ) go again pushtank die o ulti revive stun kill push tower and so on :d game can end very early check my recent games wk


                                        Lanes in 2k rarely matter because the team in the lead always throws at some point


                                          @Son of a bitch

                                          k i got it, u get tread and 1st item blade mail, i just tried it in lobby, and got it in 12mins, what is ur initial items? i went for tango, stout and qblade, maybe i should work more on my farm patterns at jungle lawl

                                          thnx btw


                                            yes u should i cut tree and faem max 2 camps hard and medium i dont farm little camps and i stack if the camp is almost killed but can be stacked no need to waste time go other camp


                                              The jungle very much is viable, i've been hitting 5:30 lvl 7-8 on venomancer, and brotating to push every tower with Aquila.
                                              It's quite rare for 5-6mins being too slow for a rotation, however having maxed out wards at 6mins into the game, is quite difficult to depush. You also make up for the less gold earnt in your safelane (assuming he didn't get free farm) with the towers you acquire.

                                              I Personally enjoy jungling in lower mmr's due to the fact it is rarely contested and i don't have to rely on a team mates to succure my farm.

                                              The trick is with a jungler is to make sure your impact is felt, with either a rushed blink timing, a rushed mek to push/teamfight or atleast rotating.

                                              I found that on a veno game i was able to get 96 cs/10mins and pushed 2 towers from the jungle.

                                              LIL KASALANAN

                                                How are you enjoying this shit, junglers on my teams get fucked by a last pick riki or bh and they just proceed to cry all game. =__=


                                                  Enigma/chen/LC are pretty good jungling heros with high impact if played well. Free farming Enigma will have Tranquils + Sould Ring + Blink on min 8-9. And proceed to gank after that.

                                                  Same for LC. Chen pretty can start ganking/pressuring enemy since lvl 1 or 3 with 2 creeps.


                                                    iron talon allows any hero to jungle


                                                      I think You should only jungle in very high mmr. When your team kinda knows what its doing. You dont need more cores thats stupid. Junglers skilled AYYYYY LMAO. The guy who said That is a dummie. There is no lane how the hell can they show skill.
                                                      Anyway dont jungle in low mmr. Wasting your time. Wasting the Farm, destroying the Farm of other cores.


                                                        in high level games, jungling is only a response to enemy doing trilane safe lane which would make it impossible for 1 hero to get exp / farm because theyll force him out of lane with harrass,

                                                        in low level games it's just noobs who have no confidence that they can do well in lane, or they have no confidence in their team so they hope you dont get raped early game while they jungle.

                                                        The important thing is to keep your cores alive and guarantee they are farming reasonably well in early game. IF you can manage that, having a jungler is ok. As long as you play well when it comes time for team fights

                                                        Aidra Fox

                                                          jungling is ok if you know what you are doing ,after all you have +1 core ( I only play jungle or roam depends on the enemy team picks I can either pick a pusher or a nuker jungler)

                                                          კომენტარი შეიცვალა
                                                          LIL KASALANAN

                                                            Nawh cl1b, in low levels people pick junglers because they dont want to be the support/ second support ROFL.


                                                              Midas into SB+ thread can pretty much win you game as WK. if your team has stronger laning phase.


                                                                Jungling is good in all brackets but it depends on the lineup and how good your opponents are. Keep in mind lower down brackets will build midas, go shitty items etc. But if you've picked the right hero, and are concious you may not get free farm for long so need to get core items instead of luxury ones it can be very profitable to go jungling right now with the addition of iron talon.

                                                                STE 8-1-8

                                                                  @Son of a bitch

                                                                  The thing is, what happens in the first 10 minutes can be very impactful on the the rest of the game and you've done nothing to contribute up until that point.


                                                                    Then outplay the opponent, you already know you have an afk guy farming at lets say 500-600 gpm, then you're 4 guys able to fight, dont take unnecessary 4 v 5 engagements. Same thing if there are 2 or 3 afk guys, just pair with the guy you can get something done and dont feed.

                                                                    Just take the fights you should take, and in case you're support, get some wards in your jungle so your useless wk jungler doesnt get ganked, and he will keep farming at a decent gpm ratio, that may not win the game, but if you dont feed and actually get something done on the map while ur afk farmer keeps farming you will have more chances at winning.
                                                                    EZ +500 mmr confirmed.

                                                                    კომენტარი შეიცვალა

                                                                    We just released an updated hero and facet statistics page featuring more data and advanced filters. Oh, and it supports Turbo!