General Discussion

General DiscussionInvoker

Invoker in General Discussion

    Hey guys, I have recently taken it upon myself to bring my Invoker rate to at least 50% (40% right now).
    I know no one has time to look at my games, but I think I have the basics of the hero down, I just seem to struggle late game.

    I used to think he was a 1v5 hero, but I can't pull the games out. Therefore I know I am either not doing something right, or Invoker truly isn't a late game hero. The easiest games to win for me are Quas/Wex, but I want to learn to WIN with the Q/E because of the flash farming ability.

    >>>>>WARNING: Normal Skill player, but WILL listen to good advice<<<<<

    ~Quas / Exort. Destroyed lane.
    ~ Farmed quickly (about 110 last hits by 15 minutes) <- Keep in mind, Normal skill who is trying to improve this.
    ~Stayed involved early game with sun strikes and a few ganks (6 kills, 2 assists at 20 minutes)

    - Dropped off, killed Slark only once late game.
    - Wasn't involved in team fights from 20 minutes to 30 minutes.

    I can win a Quas Exort if I have another competent carry that can split push with me, or team fight with me (buffed by Alacrity).
    I do have Invoker's combo's down, but they seem to do nothing late game, even with a refresher.
    Tornado > EMP > Chaos Meteor > Deafening Blast (repeat with refresher)
    without refresher, same thing as before, but add the Cold Snap, Alacrity and Ice Wall.

    Is it just placement of my combo's, timing, or just Invoker not being as good late game as he used to be?
    Does my build need to change, team involvement, or what?

    თემა შეიცვალა

      Not a very keen invoker player,so sorry
      But I will bump this thread because you seems like a nice guy


        Invoker is prob the best lategame 1v5 hero in the game. watch some replays of good players and try to copy.


          It's not just about using the single combo

          Your farm is very slow for an invoker, do you get midas often?

          I also wouldn't recommend refresher in normal skill, it's a difficult item to maximize potential with, same with blink dagger.

          Also why do you level wex so late?


            My advice would be to get Wex at 9 if you're gonna go QE. And never go into a fight thinking "i'm gonna do X combo and kill a guy", especially late game. One of Invoker's strengths is that he can adapt to pretty much any situation and if you go into a fight with the mindset I mentioned then you spend a lot of time standing around waiting for an opportunity to use your combo rather than actually using your spells. Also, as a QE Invoker you have extremely powerful pushing capabilities so try to use that for objectives., eg if the enemy mid goes to gank a lane then you can really easily take the mid tower by level 8.


              Get midas. Focus on not dying and farming you dont want to be in fights. You can trade tower for a fight with forge spirits and acrility. Once lvl 8 you have huge right click dmg with 2 spirits and cold snap. So you can fight but if you missposition yourself you are usually dead. Invoker is actually Just a lot of game sens. Pretty much like np. Positioning and understanding what can the ennemy do to you and how to counter it is key. Basically thinking ahead. Concerning invoker i havent watched your replay but i guess you must do good early Just farm until you have agh octarine and some more shit (40 minutes mark) then you should destroy everything. You shouldnt really fall off. Try to understand when to be agressive in fights. About your spells Just Watch some pro games.

              Sorry for writing such a mess, hope it helps.


                @Salza, I do get Midas. When I hit Level 22+ I usually sell it for the BB gold or to complete an item. Thanks for the advice on the refresher. Items instead would be Shiva's, Sheepstick and O-Core I assume?


                  Usually Scythe of the way to go. I'm personally not a big fan of having an octarine core and an aghs.


                    I think of the O-Core being more of the CD for your other spells, not so much your R. The lowered cool downs can let you use a few Spells a second time if the team fights last long.

                    კომენტარი შეიცვალა

                      Wait for pit lords root spell and then just throw all your non tornado combos and you will win.... Kappa (not really)

                      nekopunchhh dadadadadadada

                        Invoker is actually one of late game gods lol
                        U just don't spam the skill all at once, u should see the situation like if the enemy have bkb, is the bkb already off,linkins?,omni? Try to combine ur skill with ur team. For example when chasing hero use qqw wwq or qqe, set combo with magnus eew qwe www, solo kill eeq wwe qqq eee, spell immunity heroes only wwe+eee etc
                        And try to get midas early
                        Comeback is real

                        კომენტარი შეიცვალა

                          Well, listened to 3 things.
                          1. Bought scythe over Refresher or O-Core (which was a good decision anyway cuz of the Sven)
                          2. Didn't go for "combos" but used abilities as they were needed.
                          3. No blink dagger, just eul's for solo kill potential and 504 movement speed (and to dispell the silence, dodge nukes, etc)

                          Had no real position 1 carry. Will shoutout to Salza and others if this game wasn't just a fluke.

                          Farm was still terrible, but had enough kills with few enough deaths for me to still hit decent timings on items.

                          კომენტარი შეიცვალა

                            Also, watched a few Invoker games from the pro's. Picked up the idea of an early Ring of Basilius, lvl wex and exort lvl 1 first, then spam alacrity in lane.


                              Well, all the advice given by the first 3 comments was pretty good.
                              Up to 44% winrate (from 34%), and my KDA is vastly improving. At times I still don't feel as though I am doing good enough for the team cuz no one can provide the space I need to farm up. I try to keep up by splitpushing with 4-1-4 (at least) fire spirits and alacrity, but in some games its not enough!

                              Thanks again guys.


                                dont get wex before level 9 please its awful i often wait till level 10 to get it even

                                all u do early game is farm and kill with sunstrike and maybe with coldsnap forge spirits u dont need wex at all


                                  ^I started getting 1 level to spam alacrity at early levels. It's been helping me get the earlier cs and denies I need, as well as a little extra damage to zone out. I will try the other way again, but I am liking alacrity spam.

                                  Something else I noticed is if I lose the lane (BTW, 1 in every 3 or 4 games I get a support who ganks mid, the rest of the time, team just ignores me even if I ask for help), the team blames me, and says I never ganked their lanes.
                                  As an Invoker, my job is to farm up quickly with forge spirits, and hit sun strikes, which I do pretty reliably. Is that not the goal of a Q/E voker? I mean, if the other team is being idiots and diving our T1's, I usually have a TP to come in, but that doesn't happen too often.

                                  კომენტარი შეიცვალა

                                    >Relax, you're doing fine


                                      Wew is waste, the benefits of alacrity is marginal while having double forge at 8 instead of 9 (big xp gap) is really big


                                        Ladies and Gentleman...

                                        I have achieved my goal of 50% Invoker winrate. I know I got carried a few times, but overall wins were from my game impact.
                                        Thanks for the advice everyone.

                                        (and of course as soon as i post this, i lose to 5 carries, fml)

                                        კომენტარი შეიცვალა

                                        We just released an updated hero and facet statistics page featuring more data and advanced filters. Oh, and it supports Turbo!