General Discussion

General DiscussionThink it's time to quit Dota

Think it's time to quit Dota in General Discussion

    This game has become a joke with the amount of fucking bullshit I keep getting, Dont even see the piont in playing any fucking game since its 0/15 by 10 minutes in every fuckin game that I play, I dont feed yet I get reported for thier shit.


      no, its time to post useless crap no one wants to read on a forum




          TripleSteal- As always, after all.


   4 stack of spanish players in Australia. wp volvo wp, keep adding to the amount crap you keep producing


              Yeah, yeah, keep vomiting poison on a forum. Keep doing that, mr nice person.

              ASSESS Product

                Well at least you can play dota. I can't join mm since a week ago bcoz it will stuck in loading screen and got instant 24 hour ban. Even I can't watch game.


                  I think triplesteal should neck himself tbh always talks shit on this forum


                    Go phuck yourself


                      only getting the team that has won 1 out of 20 games, yeah 50% forced winrate isn't real.

                      [IR] Colitas

                        i feel u man
                        im having these shit teams lately its like 1v9 all games no 50% chance but less than 10%
                        when u go mid u carry u def u push u kill and ward and cour and shit then u see ur team doesnt know what dust is ! yeah they keep feeding and then start blaming the one sane normal player there... gg ez lost to team mates


                          I get this a lot, but I just go out with my girlfriend, come home and then dota is relaxing.

                          M u r d e r

                            What can I say. Welcome back to normal skill.

                            I believe it is you who said that, if you are a good player that is truly better, you should have no problem whatsoever winning normal skill games even 1v9.


                              Look, you're freaking 2k mmr dude.. it's not hard to stomp games there if you're actually good. Hint: you're not good at dota, that's why you keep getting stomped.

                              There's no one to blame but yourself. To win in 2k literally all you have to do is hit creeps and boom, you have more networth than the braindead carry on the other team. You guys are just delusional. Also the guy above saying i feel u man is also 2k mmr rofl.

                              M u r d e r

                                deleted comment

                                კომენტარი შეიცვალა

                                  You have 2600 games and cant carry?

                                  Bro just pick heroes like ember, farm for 40 mins,

                                  Win games with bfury, daedelus, deso,bkb, divine rapier.

                                  Ur team can feed all game just push lanes w. Boots of travel

                                  But u suck tho s idk


                                    I'm gonna tell you some truth OP. If you're getting rekt by 2k players on daily basis, good chance is that you're 2k yourself and can't climb cause you're as bad as they are. If you just focus on how bad everyone is and you're tilted all the time and play as bad as they are - that's YOUR problem. And if you actually wanna play with better players, thenyou have to stop whinning, mute everyone, play good and win games. There's no one holding you back, except yourself.

                                    Bad Intentions

                                      Yo Swirl! sup mann, oh boy..

                                      hey man i think you're a high skill playa man, I've seen your moves and stuff with the warden, you just have to persevere mannn! just take it one game at a time, you can do this man! :O

                                      LIL KASALANAN

                                        Just normal skill things


                                          Swirl is actually 3.4k atm, just keeps getting in normal skill games because of low prio. That said low prio games are the worst since you would often get 2k shitstains queued onto your team and they then proceed to feed like nobodies business.

                                          Eg -

                                          Mid storm, goes 1-4-2 before he abandons - this is playing against a BH mid. Check through his recent matches and yep - all fucking normal skill even though the guy has played almost three and a half thousand matches of dota. Like if you aren't semi decent by that point just honestly give up.


                                          Kunkka actually says he is going to go mid. Have only won a single game with a Kunkka mid in my entire Dota playing days so I obviously tell him to fuck off, dominate mid but as a Qop am of course unable to win against a super fat Sven while the rest of my team are trash. Kunkka goes 2-8-3. Check Kunkka's dotabuff - yep of course all 100% normal skill games. Luckily this guy had the brains to know he was trash and quit playing completely almost a year ago.


                                          Chinese dude who ran down the top lane feeding and feeding and feeding (even after we had started winning). check his dotabuff - Almost every game played in China. Thanks for coming to Australia's server and trying to make the team you are on lose. Also of course normal skill. BH also goes 2-8-8 with zero fucking impact even though he wasn't intentionally feeding - 100% normal skill games just a sub 2k player. Max shuriken toss last. Unfortunately this shitstain is still playing, and of course still in normal skill even though almost a year has passed - no skill improvement at all.

                                          I've made extra careful to not get sent to low prio ever since the "must win 5 games" change was made, never going into that shithole again.

                                          კომენტარი შეიცვალა

                                            I'm sure there's gotta be some correlation with that behaviour score and the quality of one's average game


                                              Yeah it's definitely easy to win games when half of them have a Slark that has 8 kills in the 1st 10 minutes. better mmr or not winning with a hero you have 20% winrate with is still hard with a snowball slark

                                              LIL KASALANAN

                                                Sick attitude m8y :v

                                                Im pretty sure I haven't been sent to low prio yet, the worst things I get are 5-20-1day bans because of dodging games :/


                                                  Typical normal skill bracket games :-)


                                                    typical smurf comment ^ probably worse than me. Add the fact you are from SE-A nuff said


                                                      Better to smurf ez 4k :-) than forever complaining at 3 k noobiest mate :-) I'm smurfing to make money :-) oops, I got normal skill game too:-) ,my first game.RIP YOU 3k Skill ego kiddo :-)


                                                        Oh typical SEA :-) how many SEA teams do you see at TI16 :-)


                                                          Do you remember how MIRACLE GOT HES LOSING STREAK AT SEA DOTO :-)?


                                                            Forgot to mention, any Aussie team ever get to pro scene :-)?

                                                            LIL KASALANAN

                                                              Haha getting schooled by a smurf >Nice!


                                                                LUL dude you are such a feeder why you flaming when you're the problem learn to last hit properly and gank buddy


                                                                  2,500 matches and still at 3k. How to explain to this guy that he is the problem not his team mates :-) YOU MUST DELETE DOTA.DON'T HESITATE :-)


                                                                    how many 8k sea players do you see? oh 1 out of a country that only plays dota


                                                                      ^ says the guy with 37% win rate in SEA


                                                                        its called 200 ping


                                                                          you just have to play 130 times with 200 ping?

                                                                          Al Bundy

                                                                   just had to think of it with your name man.
                                                                            Dont give up just smoke a shitton of bud xd.


                                                                              all the games were 12 months ago and I didn't even realise or care

                                                                                კომენტარი წაშალა მოდერატორმა

                                                                                  Swirl do you want to exchange accounts. Pretty sure I could win about 80% of games on your account.

                                                                                  You should only really start losing as much as you win when you hit your peak that's how skill works. Have you ever considered that where you are is where you will peak?

                                                                                  I hit 5.8 which was a miracle but then dropped back to about 5.4 where I have consistently been forever. Again, reasons for this are because skill wise it's possible to climb higher but I will always be the weaker player so will eventually drop back down. As much as it frustrates me to lose sometimes deciding you're not as good as you would like to think you are helps you to focus on enjoying or simply improving.

                                                                                  I actually play only party ranked now and haven't solo queued in ages, I lose most of my games in party but again, this doesn't discourage me at all. Wanting to win isn't the same as having the skill to win. Again, happy to prove this point by playing on your account for awhile.


                                                                                    Oh, and I am going to Australia soon, for a month. Going to be abusing the awful Australian queues to see if I can win back some rating but if you wanted to party up I would be happy to do that.


                                                                                      @Havoc Badger well said .

                                                                                      Hatsune Miku

                                                                                        eii H-god coming to the australian server


                                                                                          Hihi Swirl must be crying out loud :-) you got him havoc :-)


                                                                                            I would honestly win in ranked once all the feeding stops. I will play at this normal skill mmr while I get 0/15 in every game and when It doesn't happen as much I will return to winning at high skill ranked. I have 56% wr unlike many of you scrubs with 50% or lower.


                                                                                              Considering GODMODE has 49% winrate and is from SE-A i don't think you have to right to talk any shit or even be in this forum

                                                                                              D the Superior
                                                                                                კომენტარი წაშალა მოდერატორმა

                                                                                                  Hihi normal skill bracket doto you couldn't even get 80% winrate :-) 49% winrate ( VHS) :-)? Its 80-90% ez winrate( Normal skill bracket) KNOW WHAT IS THE DIFFERENCE BETWEEN NORMAL SKILLS PLAYER AND A VHS PLAYER. Eat more pizza kiddo


                                                                                                    1,600 ranked and still at 3k doto :-)

                                                                                                    I am lagging

                                                                                                      I dont get it why everyone flames about their trash teammates...

                                                                                                      Just and have fun. Its a fucking game



                                                                                                        We just released an updated hero and facet statistics page featuring more data and advanced filters. Oh, and it supports Turbo!