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General DiscussionNeed help with ET

Need help with ET in General Discussion

    how should i skill & itemize him should i play him lane support or offlane
    is it worth to get veil also how does his ulti works (50% Magical 50%physical) does aether lens add dmg to his ult ?

    თემა შეიცვალა

      yes, aether lens increases any kind of dmg dealt by spells.

      position 4 lane support.

      max stun, ignore 3rd in most cases.

      veil is ok if someone else needs it, otherwise go for euls/pipe.


        people often go tranqs soul ring eul
        both support and offlane works


          Veil and Assault cuirass both increase the damage his ult does.

          He doesnt have a stun, he has a sleep. As soon as a slept unit takes damage they wake up.


            oh i didnt know thank you very much

            Pale Mannie

              Your Wife's Boyfriend

                Is it worth it not to max 2nd to get an earler natural order? I don't play ET but I keep seeing these 4 1 4 builds for support ETs

                კომენტარი შეიცვალა

                  ye its ok too if u got enough physical dds in ur team


                    Medallion and solar crest,and behold the evaporation of the enemy carry


                      I think the best support build is 4-1-4. The spirit is fine as a value point since it scales horribly for a support. (damage goes from 60 at lvl 1 to 150 at lvl 4), the mana cost increases per level and the only other benefit of maxing it is that you get more attack damage when it returns (which isn't useful on a support)
                      The stomp is maxed first because it scales up to 320 damage (160 physical and 160 magical) and the sleep goes up to 5 seconds.
                      The aura is one of the heroes biggest strengths. It reduces the enemy's base armour and magic resistance down to 0 base armour and 0.25% magic resistance (basically they have no magic resistance). This means that unless they buy flat armour (armour from agility items will be reduced) or bonus magic resistance, every single spell or attack they take is effectively pure damage. The reduction from the aura is also applied BEFORE other reductions/amplifications. So if someone on your team has a source of minus armour the enemy's armour will first be reduced to 0 by the aura and then the minus armour will be applied meaning physical damage will really hurt. And the best part is that your spirit carries the aura so you don't even need to stand near them, just send the spirit after them while you stay safe.

                      Also fun fact, apparently you can use BOTs to tp to the spirit, so you dont need to rush the upgraded BOTS if you have an ET on your team.


                        yeah tried to play him offlane didnt work gr8 for me thanks guys ^_^


                          @TheMaverick427 wait i did not understand the stomp it says at lvl 4 it deal 160 dmg (physical) but the spirit deal 160 magical so if i had the spirit they will get damged twice ???


                            33% more magic damage from his aura is more important early IMO.


                              The stomp Deals 160 Physical Damage around ET's Location and 160 Magical Damage around the Spirit's Location. If your spirit is not summoned then both the physical and magical damage will be done around ET. So the enemy will take both damage instances if your spirit is not out/ is very close to you.

                              nekopunchhh dadadadadadada

                                What does ET stand for? Tauren chieftain?


                                  ET is Elder Titan. In Dota 1 he was called Tauren Chieftain but most people know him better by his Dota 2 name now.

                                  Totentanz to The King: M ...

                                    Some advanced tips:
                                    You can actually cancel your stun in the first 0.6 seconds without putting it on cooldown. This will also cause your spirit to do the whole animation, then cancelling it, thus fooling the enemy into believing that you actually cancelled your stun.
                                    Stomp does both magical and physical damage around your hero if you don't have a spirit out/haven't skilled spirit yet.
                                    I'm not sure about this one, but spirit damage doesn't wake people up from your sleep.


                                      try ET ulti with aether lens and veil it is OP just imagine if u can catch 5 man earth spliter and every one is less the 1/4 HP


                                        et build varies fromg ame to game. if u start boots get q, otherwise its kinda hard to land it most of the time lv1, q is a lot better in situations where u can output tons of damage with ur supports in zoning/killing. else go w, cast it on the neutral hard camp or the neutral easy camp, pull it over to the hard camp, then let it run back to you through heroes/creeps in lane or flip the order in that, itll give u ~150 right click damage which makes et one of the stupidest dual offlane heroes in the game (zai did this to us in open quals and we couldnt do anything to him because he bought a stout, its insane).

                                        imo veil first is always best if u have some kind of setup, if u dont get a euls or something, crimson/pipe are possible items if ur team needs it but i dont like them much. aether sucks compared to veil in pretty much every case, veil makes ur ult do ~2/3 of most heroes hp, so if u have a void or something or just stuns in general (Tide etc) veils a lot better.

                                        build is always q/w, w/q, q, e, q, r, q, max e, max r, max w.

                                        კომენტარი შეიცვალა

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