General Discussion

General Discussionpa's blur

pa's blur in General Discussion
\\  VintageR  \\

    I think everything with pa is alright except blur, is a fking stupid skill, like, PA is like HARD CARRY dude, and u cant carry hard against any1 who has a fking Mkb, god, ANY hero with MKB pwns'her HARD, like, how do u counter the item? U CANT, once they've got MKB is pretty much over, and im not a very good player TBH, but, somethings wrong with pa, really is underpowered as shit and i LOVE this hero so much, why every patch still the same? why volvo hates pa so much?, they could change blur to another thing i dont know, maybe just give u stats like 5/10/15/20 agility and 15/20/25/30 % evasion i dont know, bcz is pretty useless to pick her in any moment


      Shes not hardcarry tbh


        she isnt hardcarry

        Totentanz to The King: M ...

          Then end the game before they get MKB.


            She was one of the hardest carries back in the day now not so much


              U counter Mkb with abyssal blade


                Yeah, you can also max blur first to tilt your auto attacking opponents in the early game ganks

                კომენტარი შეიცვალა
                saving private RTZ

                  I think the hero concept is just very hard to balance. Her skillset screams lategame yet she is very underwhelming.

                  I mean, 50% evasion and 450% crit sounds OP on paper yet evasion is easily countered by MKB while crit, is, quite underwhelming. Sure when it hits it does hurt, but it hits rarely.

                  Not Supp-ort

                    Noob confirmed

                    \\  VintageR  \\

                      i won a game the other day against 3 MKB carries, i dont feel like anoob, nor pro, but there is really something bad with pa, honestly


                        his problem is on his HP pool. buff his strength and early HP and he will very viable


                          PA's evasion should be replaced with something, like what happened to Void. Very boring skill atm


                            having someway to counter an mkb at least slightly, like something that would disable mkb for five seconds would be really nice for pa. but blur also gives something else which is that unless a hero is in the area, pa wont show on the minimap. The enemy has to be really close for pa to show on the minimap which can make pa an extremely good split push hero. It also can allow pa to avoid ganks and tell if the enemy is in roshan. So yes pa needs a way to disable mkb before she can truly be a strong hero, but I think blur is fine how it is.

                            oke lol

                              i think the only thing which needs to be changed on pa is the cooldown of phantom strike maybe 8/7/6/5 instead of 14 on lvl1 so you can get the 1 point in it and focus maxing blur earlier

                              Livin' Real Good

                                She's not a hard carry, she doesn't deserve that title, that hero is brain dead easy to play, thank god she's not THAT good late game.

                                I mean, the enemy team has to build a fucking item just to hit the hero, that in itself is pretty strong. Gotta take advantage of what she currently has.

                                კომენტარი შეიცვალა

                                  She is only not good late game because there is no way to deal with mkb. If the enemy team doesn't have true strike she can be really strong late game because your enemy will only hit you half the time and you'll be criting for 1500 damage. This is why pa has a much better winrate in lower tiers because often those players won't know how to deal with pa. Once you get to like 2k it becomes much harder to carry with pa because the enemy is often smart enough to build true strike. So yes as of now pa is much better as a mid game fighter that transitions into a split pusher.


                                    And that's why pa is a really situational pick. She is best picked along with something that is stronger in late game and against a lineup that either won't build true strike or really doesn't want to build true strike

                                    Hatsune Miku

                                      get blademail :D they will run away and you have 4 seconds to hit them freely


                                        PA has tons of potential to kill other heroes..

                                        Because of this there has to be a way to stop her..

                                        She has a time window in matches where she dominates..

                                        then once game gets super late.. some heroes can outcarry her like slark am sven life stealer wk spectre morphling ..

                                        Pa can win a game you just need to take towers as a team while pa is good at killing heroes.

                                        კომენტარი შეიცვალა

                                          her dagger is OP

                                          pepito dotero

                                            Pa is shit carry now.. u have to end fast or get a satanic before they get mkb


                                              I agree with you yolo pa has amazing potential to kill heroes and yes there needs to be a way to stop her and that's why there is mkb. But pa's skills are designed in a more late game hard carry oriented role, she was designed more as a hard carry. The problem now is that mkb makes her almost useless especially in this meta where the cores all have 3k+ hp because the cores just turn around and kill her before pa's crits can burst them down. Pa is okay in a squishier meta because she can kill her opponents in four or five hits with a crit. So what I think would make pa relevent again is an item that would allow her to disable an mkb for like five seconds. this would give her a chance to maybe kill these tanky core heroes like sven or lifestealer

                                              analytical analizer

                                                shes fine

                                                feeding weaboo

                                                  she isn't a hard carry,let's say her best timing window is like luna,mid to late game
                                                  the hero needs some kind of a rework
                                                  passive chance based ult isn't exactly something to rely on and benefits a player from their skill and not to mention all of her other skills are pretty passive except of her dagger
                                                  I just hope they won't buff her until she is relevant,it's already annoying to see PA on nearly every single game and only 1/20 of them knows how to use it


                                                    Right now no she isn't good as a hard carry, because of the meta and the fact that there are so many ways to counter her by filling one item slot, and there is no good way to directly buff her into relevance without making her op. Some way of making mkb not be such a complete counter would be a good way to make her stronger without making her op. And I'm talking like a 6k gold item that would do something like disable items passive effects in say like a 450 radius for five seconds and maybe with like a 100 mana cost and a 30 sec cd.


                                                      While this may be irrelevant i high skill games, blur also disqppears her from minimqp so you don't get immediately alarmed when she starts pushing your lane.

                                                      Alzo superior gqnking cause wards don't give away position as well.

                                                      კომენტარი შეიცვალა

                                                        Just think about early solar crest on pa (while they dont have mkb), 25% miss chance combined with 63% evasion sounds like total hell for physical hitting lineups (not to mention that when PA reducas your armor by 13, her attacks really hurt) and she can freely tower dive too

                                                        But caster supports still destroy her so it's useless to build solar crest as the mkbs are coming.

                                                        კომენტარი შეიცვალა
                                                        Your Wife's Boyfriend

                                                          yea, like mkb is a quelling blade tier item, I often lose with her even when the enemy team doesnt have mkbs so she may be underpowered compared to other heroes and will probably receive some sort of buff in the next patch unless someone finds a way to abuse her at ti. But blur is a good passive also hiding u from the minimap while farming/pushing is so annoying for your enemies.

                                                          I like solar pa btw, like super early phase + medalion literally destroys some heroes in the laning phase and combined with other early items makes her very strong in the early/mid game, but you have higher winrate and more games so its up to you to find the best way to play her.

                                                          nekopunchhh dadadadadadada

                                                            Nah pa now is good i think
                                                            Even her first and second skill got buffs, u can now make a support lose half of their hp or even 1hit kill with dagger
                                                            I think blur just the uniqueness of this hero and it suits her name
                                                            Just end the game before enemy get mkb or buy abyssal and jump stun, pa is not designed to play in late game unless ur team have good picks

                                                            Here,i used to build this after dagger buffs
                                                            Glasscanon suits her in this patch, all u need just a friend to play with

                                                            კომენტარი შეიცვალა

                                                              I think pa is perfectly balanced now, since basher into abyssal is very commonly seen as a core item for pa, that is a good counter to mkb carriers. Your team could also buy a halberd if enemy team has a heavy right clicker with mkb to aid you


                                                                Listen to Sam & Triple


                                                                  2ks gonna 2k


                                                                    sheep stick counters mkb

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