General Discussion

General DiscussionSome questions to Chen players

Some questions to Chen players in General Discussion

    1. What is your overall strategy to win a game ?

    2. When to pick Chen ? And when not ?

    3. Mek or Rush agha ? Is it really worth rushing scepter since that creeps are slow as f**k ?

    4. What to do if you are gathering creeps in the jungle while a teamfight occurs on top ? U tp without your creeps or just keep on farming and try to heal with Hand of God ?

    5. What creeps u use for early ganking mid ? Troll + Centaur on lvl 3 Chen is ok (+smoke ofc) ?

    6. When is it worth to put 1 early point in penitence ?

    I appreciate any feedback.


      i dont play chen but i know something that might help..

      1. you need a good teamwork or atleast communication, because you have to decide when to push or when to fight

      2. dont pick chen when enemy has clinkz,enigma or any hero that can shutdown ur creeps easily

      3. depends

      4. its always better to tp even if you dont have creeps with you because its your job to help teamfights

      5. all big creep except wolf

      maybe it will help but idk im only 2k hehehehhee


        Well im talking about 5-5.5 k avg range. My last question is that when should i put pressure on enemies ? Since minute 1 ? Or first farm arcanes + mek ?


          mmr is just a number bro hehehe

          pressure should be apllied whenever you have a chance.. dont wait for item bcs the point of playing chen is to end the game asap


            Dont be dellusional. Its not just a number, and is pretty accurate.

            კომენტარი შეიცვალა

              5. Creeps that have high hp and deals nice damage on early(the purple one)

              2k here, but i see kuroky play, and he play like that, guess what? Kuroky got killing spree as chen on early game


                yeah that would be nice but u still need disable. I will try Satyr with Troll's net on lvl 3. Should work. Thx.

                But its a lottery. When i see puppey he seek for Bird and start stacking camps. Then farm it with cyclone. Well the strategies are so different on this hero, thats why i ask how people play him.


                  because you cant master something in just 1 night.. puppey have been playing chen since dota era
                  If you're good at macro then you can play chen+1/2 creep at lane while 1 creep stacking jungle, it all depends on you tbh..



                    Optimus Drip

                      Push like you've never pushed before


                        I feel like a virgin having his first sex again. Thx for feedback. Still no chen player responded.


                          First job as a chen player either pressure the offlaner or gank the mid. Early on that satyr which shoots the purple thingy is the best. Gives a lot of damage with fast cooldown. Just get your levels up til you can control atleast 3 creeps. depending on your game plan you choose the creeps. If you need to push trolls are better cuz u can create the skeleton army and chomp down on towers, and easy to pick off a hero with the net. Wolf is good if there is a lycan or an NP in a team to improve the damage aura. Get a mek first unless there is another mek carrier in a team like Necro or razor. Pick Chen when you need to go agreesive and push out lanes early. But be wary of those heroes that can clear waves easily.
                          Once we finished a game in 17 mins by just pushing.
                          Had a Dp in mid, lycan safe lane,NP off lane and a lesh as a supp along with my chen. The opponents couldnt stop our pushes. xD
                          ofcourse that was in 4k bracket...

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