General Discussion

General DiscussionQuest question

Quest question in General Discussion

    For the 75sec of disables challenge, what counts as a disable? Obviously stuns count, but what about Roots, Hexs, or sleeps? Do slows and silences count?

    Just not sure about details.


      bane is ok to do this challenge. yes sleep counts. But irony is that i made it with Spirit Breaker. His bash also counts. Maybe void would also count ?


        I also need advice about this quest

        ASSESS Product

          I finish this with 3 star using bane.


            Anyone know for sure if silences count towards time?


              Try it yourself. Should be ez with silencer then, but i doubt it works. Eziest is with bane, but games rarely take so long to get 3 stars.


                play support/offlane morplhing


                  Silences do not count as a disable


                    I got it using bane. Played poorly and only got 1 star. But who cares

                    lm ao

                      morphling is the best

                      just go full str and spam everyone with adaptive strike (better than hitting arrows with mirana)
                      buy soul ring i think

                      also, good luck ^^

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