General Discussion

General Discussionam i the only leech in the dota 2 community?

am i the only leech in the dota 2 community? in General Discussion

    like i enjoy the game for the game itself. and not the hats. not the items and quests which i assume are to get more hats/items. um. am i the only one? my characters have no items and i couldnt give a fuck. like i enjoy the game. i never ever pay to subscribe to watch some shit tier competition. TI is free to watch, thats great. i would never pay 10 bucks for some battle pass/compedium,i have no idea how it adds to the satisfaction of playing dota. no idea really what is the point of it, why people buy it. just to have diferent skins and shit? what does it actually do? why do so many ppl buy it? i get it if its like tickets to watch the international. but its free to watch.

    especially strange is that all highly skilled players who have spent a lot of time playing it, would buy something like the compedium. its almost like a must buy? i don't see any pro players who don't give a shit about hats?

    like do u guys really like the hats? or u guys are such a supportive community and want to contribute to the scene? explain pls.



      D the Superior
        კომენტარი წაშალა მოდერატორმა
        Moon Moon

          i actually started buying my first hats to contribute something. Now I love the hats. Its like so many different dresses for my Barbie doll and I especially enjoy stuff that adds new animations.


            I have fun playing 3-5 games a week just to play and win. I have fun play 7-14 games a week when there is a long term goal such as compendium quests/ progress.

            I would never straight up buy a set to have. But I like the compendium.

            Just my thoughts. What do I know.


              Well considering dota is best game and it's free you shouldn't feel bad spending a little money on it .


                i figure if u spend a lot of time on it u might end up buying compendium becuz its part of the culture around big events. but isnt the whole point of that to get more hats? haha. i'm not trying to shit on ur preferences guys. i just wanna know like how many people actually think the hats are important.

                sorry for hurting ur feelings triple & magnus. rofl


                  boring self expressing threads cant rly hurt ones feelings


                    lol. im guessing i hurt ur feelings because u probably like getting hats. and there isn't a real justification for getting hats. but okay. i ain't judging. u probably play a lot of dota and fall into the category of players i was describing. so in fact, there is actually a lot u can do to contribute to this topic.

                    i don't get what u mean by self-expressing threads? i want a discussion on why people do it. perhaps u have an opinion on such stuff? or did ur feelings get too hurt? sorry


                      haters gonna hate, huh? i dont like hats.

                      80% of ur post is complaint about why ppl are so bad and so wrong. this is boring self explanatory thread ppl mae seeking attention, as far as i see it.

                      YOLO MA

                        Players can often overlook the psychological factor of a hero's appearance on his or her opponents. It takes time for humans to adapt to something new. If you have items that stand out and surprise your opponents, it takes them time to adjust to the effects, and this can sometimes give you a slight advantage. Other times, if an item set looks extremely scary, and you play very aggressively, you can give your opponents the illusion that you are invincible. These factors should play less of a role in higher MMR brackets. Even if you are not affected by these elements, you can still enjoy the eye candy.


                          If we didn't care about the hats, compendium and all the other stuffs like couriers,etc. We would have stuck to DOTA 1. But we decided to play DOTA 2 because it had so much more to offer.


                            lol. are u counting or some shit? i don't post that much. i honestly dont know if my posts come across as why people are bad or wrong. thats certainly not how i view the world. im interested on how different people view things, what their preferences & thoughts are. such as why ppl actually buy hats. how hat buying fits into game of dota.

                            of course like any person, i will express my opinion on things, and perhaps in a way that is judgmental. but u certainly dont have to agree. in fact, i'd prefer it if u disagree and we can have a discussion.

                            i usually post on topics that i'm genuinely curious about. i mean if ur perception is that its just a monologue attention seeking post, alright. im really not getting how u read into that. i'm sure sitting on the forums all day and reading about ppl whine is tough, takes a toll on ur personality, that u feel like u gotta show up and piss on everything u don't feel is right for this forum. in a way ur caught up in your little mindset of what is right and how things should be, you don't even realise it.

                            all your posts are in other people's topic are usually negative, some kind of self-righteous, acting like you don't give a fuck, but still bothering to shitpost all day, instead of contributing to a topic that someone cares about. i mean talk about hypocritical if u think that my thread is just a "Self-explanatory" rant.

                            SHINIGAMI HLA WAI

                              I wish db forums had vote option so we can downvote your thread to bottomless abyss :D Sick of shit posts popping up after one new comment :D

                              YOLO MA

                                The fact that an OP replies to posts that flame him and not to posts that actually answer his question says something about him.


                                  there are so many other benefits that dota 2 has over dota 1 that makes the game so enjoyable. u don't need hats. and are u serious when u say that hats have a psychological effect on ppl's playing? i find that hard to believe. aren't that any long time players that play the game seriously without buying hats/compendiums?

                                  კომენტარი შეიცვალა

                                    You wouldn't know unless you played DOTA 1 yourself.

                                    Eternal Meow

                                      You don't need a lot of things that people like to buy. It has more to do with how people view money and desire for self adornment. Why do some people want to buy $300 jeans when cheap ones serve the same purpose? Why do people spend lots of money on things they can get for free? Why do people buy expensive versions of things they can get cheaply? There are a lot of reasons for these things. It's not a dota specific issue.


                                        80% of this post, i didnt pay attention to whetehr uposed smthng b4 or nah

                                        Mr. Furryhentai

                                          @OP stop thinking that you are a special snowflake
                                          this isnt tumblr


                                            i only get hats for female heroes so they look pretty in the hero portraits


                                              Only get hats for heroes you often play because that is the way it is haha


                                                gahahaha at all the haters. so u guys are basically trivial fucks with ur trivial reasons. and u all have bought hats. that to me is a surprise. i didnt know it was such a thing. my sincere apologise to the dota2 community. i honestly thought thered be ppl who play the game without buying compendiums and items.


                                                  more complaints plz,v ery interesting


                                                    @OP so you expected everyone to love your post? Kinda brain dead Ain't ya? Just cuz their opinions differ from yours,doesn't mean that their reasons are trivial, talk about hypocrisy. But what can we expect from someone like you. xD

                                                    Tommy Shelby

                                                      Some people like hats, some people dont. Its not like your game is ruined cause of people buying hats. Now keep your facebook post to yourself.


                                                        its like ur saying that buying hats are for retards since it doesnt afffect the game.. just leave them be and dony complain on comments that doesnt support ur opinion since people have different views on things :)


                                                          WTF IS HAT


                                                            i never bought anything but i like anti-mage and Invoker sets


                                                              costum items/accesory.. dunno which game they refer about probably fortress?


                                                                "all your posts are in other people's topic are usually negative, some kind of self-righteous, acting like you don't give a fuck, but still bothering to shitpost all day, instead of contributing to a topic that someone cares about."
                                                                damn it's so true



                                                                  Â INV MENYA LP PARTY

                                                                    ? what is this shit thread


                                                                      My friends gave me some hats for the only 3 heroes i play so i never spend a buck in this game :P


                                                                        i think that was enough :) should the Ks start?

                                                                        Budak Korporat

                                                                          Well, it's for fun thoo



                                                                            Johnny Rico




                                                                                We just released an updated hero and facet statistics page featuring more data and advanced filters. Oh, and it supports Turbo!