General Discussion

General DiscussionPlayers above 6K feeding.

Players above 6K feeding. in General Discussion

    These guys claim to be 7k or 8k but are in my bracket. They feed after a death or someone "steals" their lane. Why are they doing this and can't we doing something about this behaviour? I can only show two matches because these are recent, but I know that this is not the first couple times and has happened multiple times in the past. I think it would be good to display history of their reports or something just from last 10 games

    2384223412 - Lone druid feeding.
    2386809742 - Nature's Prophet.


      Here's the thing, if they truely are 7k to 8k, then that community knows them , cause there isn't an assload of them. Most of people who say that are lieing. 8k's don't talk when they are below there level , they see the team as too stupid to understand which is true


        I just want toxic players to be more punished severely and I think if there are enough people that agree, valve may help. That NP literally, during the picking phase started raging about his previous games and as soon as game started, bought courier wards and TP'd to their base and gave wards and fed.


          u r not correct, the share of ppl who are likely to feed at above 7k is the same as below.

          why is there anything specific to be done against high mmr toxic players? whats their difference to some random 4k guy feeding couriers when someone steals mid from him?



              tbh i like to see those throwing when stream like rtz jungle spec and envy siren 24/7 farm. they rage tho, toxic but funny


                @triplesteal i was not just targetting high mmr players, i just question why they do it when one thing doesnt go their way. I did say that toxic players should be punished more severely in general

                Eternal Meow

                  They are doing it for the same reasons any mmr person does it. They feel the need to feed.


                    low priority is more than enough. dont forget its just a game.

                    i just got 2 intentional feeders in a 6.1k av mmr game lul.

                    A waifu a day keeps socie...

                      You act like high MMR makes people less toxic or something


                        Hidden pool or something

                        We just released an updated hero and facet statistics page featuring more data and advanced filters. Oh, and it supports Turbo!