General Discussion

General DiscussionDon't try this at home

Don't try this at home in General Discussion

    After seeing the changes to the XP amount of ranged creep and tomb of knowledge, I thought I should give Midas Lich a try :D

    I started picking skill3 first which led me to get a report because our team lost the rune war. I just muted my team and stuck to bot T3, waiting the wave. I ate the ranged one every single time I got it off CD.

    My second step was building midas. I knew I might get reported for this because of the colourful cross pings around me after buying the Midas recipe. I cared only to use midas active on the big creep in the strong camp.

    I also keep a quickbuy on Tomb of knowledge to grab it asap :D Roaming Pudge needed lvl6? IDC, he is just a lvl8 smurf trying hard to end up in high mmr. He deserves more, I think.

    Believe me, I had a good headstart, keeping 2/3 lvls ahead of enemy cores. But the thing unknowingly hit me was "late game". After 35mins mark, everything seems harder and exp and gold advantage from my actives become weak compared to the farming potential of the enemy cores.

    We lost. Despite the mute thing, I know there would be "carry lich, report, ty I will commend you" things out there :D

    Morale of the game : End early if you are doing like me, and build game-dominating items rather than sticking to mainstream.

    ( Yes, I got a total of 5 reports after the game, but no LP thing, TY volvo )


      i dont think that tomb of knowledge is item for hardlane heroes
      i prefer to buy it on low-level supp, roam or mid hero which has good spells on high lvl (invoker, qop, sf)


        End early if you are doing like me, and build game-dominating items rather than sticking to mainstream
        End early if you are doing like me, and build game-dominating items rather than sticking to mainstream
        End early if you are doing like me, and build game-dominating items rather than sticking to mainstream
        End early if you are doing like me, and build game-dominating items rather than sticking to mainstream
        End early if you are doing like me, and build game-dominating items rather than sticking to mainstream
        End early if you are doing like me, and build game-dominating items rather than sticking to mainstream
        End early if you are doing like me, and build game-dominating items rather than sticking to mainstream

        Professor Dog

          Worst part is that your build isn't the worst on that team

          ASSESS Product

            Am radiance octarine. Invo right click?


              ^but that AM killed sven every single time when they 1v1 :D

              SHINIGAMI HLA WAI

                ^^^ @Crystal I was always thinking we could have win if jugg went Aghanim, Refresher and 3 Mjolnir