General Discussion

General DiscussionI give my sets to u

I give my sets to u in General Discussion
Swap Commends

    I will give my whole inventory to whoever can tell me what this morph is trying to do :

      კომენტარი წაშალა მოდერატორმა
      Pale Mannie

        He tried to improvise with Silver Edge to break their passives and the Hurricane Pike is for outranging everyone before Venge swaps him.


          "When game is going full retard, you can only go with it.
          If you start going against it, if you start going half retard, you´re fucking done for."
          -n0tail 2014


            Plssss gift me something :(


              He's trolling or trying new item to morp


                dota 2 psychologist boosting your gameplay


                  He got ddosed by this fucking dogshit pudge and there's just not much you can do about that you guys.

                  Swap Commends

                    I was looking to ask ppl here that am I the only person think hes brain dead or i didn't get the sarcasm.

                    Krazy Kat

                      Offer him your sets for some of the drugs he's on.


                        "Trying to be meta so hard"
                        - Chaoshype 2k16

                        lm ao

                          gibb girl cosmetik ples

                          Dune, the Desert Planet

                            Your itemization wasn't any better.

                            Pale Mannie

                              giff set ༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ

                              Dune, the Desert Planet

                                I'll offer you some help OP, if you find it useful pass me some Naga or TB hats:

                                1. Why did you pick WK for offlane? That makes no sense, WK is a hero who needs gold and XP, you won't find that in the offlane. You had 23 CS in 10 mins and 49 CS in 20 mins. Carry should go to safelane.

                                2. QB as a starting item is super bad. Especially if you are going into lane where you won't find any farm. Pick up QB at side shop when you need it. It doesn't have to be early, QB scales really good. I'd suggest Mango, Shield, Tango and 3x Branches unless you think a Salve will be more useful.

                                3. Medallion first item versus that line up so bad. Only Pudge is vulnerable to negative armor there, 4 other heroes are high armored ones, just open Dota Gamepedia and look starting armor and armor gain for Venge, PA and Bara. Won't even talk about DK. And on top of that, your team has no physical damage in the early to early-mid game.

                                4. Vanguard. Seriously? WK is slow and prone to kiting, being durable is useless unless you deal actual damage, they will just kill you last - twice. I guess you wanted Abyssal but that's shitty item as well here. You have no attack speed to benefit from bash, and you have no damage to utilize the active. How are you gonna kill PA or DK?

                                5. Skill build. Why wouldn't you max stun on WK? 4-1-4-2 is the norm, and for a good reason.

                                I'm sure there is more, but think about for this for a while maybe.


                                  I guess that Morph saw What ur Doing with that WK and decided the game isn't worth playing xD


                                    Just 2 Words :
                                    Normal Skill


                                      Totally wrong items on WK how is that even possible how bad can you be?


                                        All his item giving stats..that the point for morphling


                                          He actually tried it against unfair bots and win very easy. Now he fail in real match.

                                          Swap Commends

                                            Morph min 0 after I choose safelane : I want to carry,go f**k off,I carry this game without u.
                                            And he carried the enemy team.


                                              So are u gona live up to ur Topic name and give us ur Sets? Will we be dividing them or how do u plan it ?

                                              Swap Commends

                                                ^ Yes.I give my dick set to smurfs


                                                  Chill. i think u should change ur alias from 4 retards everygame to 1 Retard in a 5 man game

                                                  We just released an updated hero and facet statistics page featuring more data and advanced filters. Oh, and it supports Turbo!