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    *skip me

    Yeah, that's a radiance. Kinda wanted to cheese their team with radiance / blademail / octarine, but there was no time.

    As for the laning, BS had the highest MMR on the enemy team and insisted on mid. This put Alchemist and CK in a lane vs. Bara and me. An early headress to counter acid spray was enough to make Alchemist totally useless. His lane partner raged and went bot, which only made Alch's life worse. I made sure to ult him in the first few teamfights so he could never recover.

    As for BS Dagon, it's a cheesy build that's semi-viable. I only use it against tanks though.

    კომენტარი შეიცვალა
    fishy boi


      stupid fuck 2000

        sub 800 gpm on alch SeemsGood


          Successful AW carry, 16.6k hero damage. It being played on mmr makes it look better.

          Pablo Picasso

            Looks like your team lineup's got alots of ways how to get a meal as lifestealer.

            Be it sneak attack with silver edge, or take a wild ride on Sand King/Invoker; decisions, decisions...


              Wow, great Elder Titan plays there. You definitely involved in a lot of teamfight because 42 assist is nothing to scoff of.
              You makes me want to try him next time i play


                That is quite a comeback considering meepo went for an unnecessary and outdated mek and a medusa that never hit the right power level(seriously, why go mjolnir on medusa when you could just invest points on split arrows and go for other dps-atkspd items?). Pudge snowballing would have been avoided if there were enough wards. i'm still wondering how your team could have slipped into a throne rush in the end


                  Great play. Elusive and made a hard time to enemies. Quite a nice job for your tanker for took all of that hit.


                    Seemed like a pretty easy win . Viper against an SS and CM , poor supports . 5 cores on your team anyway , so good job

                    კომენტარი შეიცვალა

                      Nyxnyxnyxnyx. Spectre must have been playing out of his mind. You must have cause the enemy team to be so paranoid. Not sure why Medusa went two Crystalys instead of going for a Daedalus, but good game.


                        Good work there as a Lich, managed to score the second highest HD on your team. Looks like you and (suicidal) Venom did a havoc among your enemy. I wonder if you had buy Ghost Scepter in that match, but if you haven't you might want to try it especially when your enemy has a lot of physical damage like in this match.

                        stupid fuck 2000

                          The good old 5 cores strat, never fails.


                            Good game with Arc Warden. Awesome to see the hero is still used, and dominates normal skill :D
                            Looks like it took you quite a while to get some decent items though. Their Slark was TERRIBLE.

                            doc joferlyn simp

                              gr8 shiet maaaan. u liek the,, the model of supprots cuz u aint poverty supproting and shiet. gud job loking down dat timberman broseph. he was relevant at around min 0:30 back when peeps still last hit with their rite clicks mna u so gud :]. kip dat up mah man, we gon leve potato tier suun enuf

                              fishy boi


                                doc joferlyn simp

                                  ^oh you little bastard


                                    @KEK You appear to be competent with Meepo so thats something. Based on the tower damage it seems like you single handedly destroyed all of their buildings while killing them too. quite a few deaths though so apparently th other team could kill you but they didnt decide to push ever.

                                    კომენტარი შეიცვალა
                                    fishy boi


                                      Puff Puffy

                                        wow, Meepo pro???

                                        fishy boi



                                            @the.killa3 wow crazy HD from your tinker. Thought Pudge and SB will rekt you so hard with blademail, but that doesn't seem to be the case here

                                            Bad Intentions

                                              Good OM game. Sexy Lotus orb pickup. Seems youre manly enuf to not afraid of dying. Certainly a key player in your teams win.

                                              M u r d e r

                                                Well, your enemy team lacked team-wide defensive items like AC or maybe Crimson Guard... I guess you just beated them too badly and didn't give them the gold to acquire the items to stand a chance against such armor reduction from your team.

                                                stupid fuck 2000

                                                  Pudge fed and rage quit, nothing you can do, just move on.

                                                  კომენტარი შეიცვალა

                                                    Arc Warden against a Tinker who had absolutely no clue what your abilities did, and allowed you to rape him in the lane. Nice, nice. I have respect for those who are good AW players.
                                                    Only question is, why did the game last 40+ minutes?
                                                    Ew, 40 minute game and your LC had only a deso and silver edge. #Normal Skill problems.

                                                    კომენტარი შეიცვალა
                                                    fishy boi

                                                      topkek normal skill


                                                        topkek normal skill

                                                        fishy boi

                                                          normal skill topkek


                                                            Team had no tank to sustain a real team fight. Chose a farming hero even though you already had a jungler and their team had a LOT of aoe. There are carries that are tanky. Try playing some of those. Also, just because you see a meepo build on an 8k stream, doesn't mean it will work in a normal skill game.


                                                              Seems like hard and tiring game. Ew...that Slark. And why LC mid and Mirana jungle @@? She's easy target for SS and his mana battery (kek dual mid)


                                                                brewmaster NotLikeThis

                                                                did half the players in your game abandon?


                                                                  Nice jungling with SK. Your weaver did a great work as well!


                                                                    that weaver is a giant cuck who stole my safelane

                                                                    nice phoenix doe, im not sure about a forcestaff on a phoenix, i'd rather go for glimmer/euls


                                                                      Very nice TD and Last Hits. Your team didn't seem dependable save for Mirana but I'm assuming you capitalised on their deaths to push lanes and control the map which was the best decision in your scenario. Very strong 1v9 solo carrying. I'm actually gonna download the replay and check it out. SeemsGood


                                                                        Not to bad farmed. But that arc warden looked really good and seemed to cause alot of problems for your team.

                                                                        fishy boi



                                                                            Nice hero damage from a Quas Wex invoker

                                                                            Execute Order 322

                                                                              ^Bad luck


                                                                                you got nice kills with riki,idk if they are kill steals as i can see invoker got very few kills and more assists .Drowranger owned the game,it seems.radiant had one good chance for comeback but they failed to capitilaize that.overall well played fast game.not hour long farming game.

                                                                                Ai Spik Inglis

                                                                                  Lose ogre game very sad one. Is it because of comeback gold?

                                                                                  stupid fuck 2000

                                                                                    Balanced fishboi stomp, their team was shit.. I would've gone for BKB over moonshard though.

                                                                                    კომენტარი შეიცვალა
                                                                                    doc joferlyn simp

                                                                                      Nice taking advantage of potato tier's incapability of countering or at least slightly maneuvering against an Arc Warden. Know that there is no shame in kicking others down so that you may rise. huehuehue

                                                                                      On a more serious note, good job solo carrying your team. Great HD but couldn't that Midas be gotten earlier? idk if you got Boots before that but 11m is a bit late for a solo middle. Other than that good job wrecking with the hero. Arc Warden does feel strong especially when your enemies don't know how to deal with him. Worse, don't know what Arc is capable of other than cheesy ratting.

                                                                                      First four games were great, reminded me of the times I was spamming Zeus rofl lmao. Great work and continue on the road to 3k!

                                                                                      კომენტარი შეიცვალა
                                                                                      stupid fuck 2000

                                                                                        ~ skip me

                                                                                        ^ im 3.1k already but thanks anyway. About the Midas timing, it's really just me missing last hits. I'm not used to this hero's attack animation at all, it just feels weird even after having played a few games with him. Reminds me a lot of Lina without passive stacks. I just hope I get better at it over time.

                                                                                        კომენტარი შეიცვალა
                                                                                        fishy boi

                                                                                          topkek lmao


                                                                                            Ez stomp kek


                                                                                              You played rather decent . I guess the draft was just really bad , your cores never stood a chance .


                                                                                                drow makes playing dusa so much easier dont you agree. You stomped them so hard that game good job.

                                                                                                stupid fuck 2000

                                                                                                  Really well done. The other team's draft was awful, I don't see how they could ever win with those heroes. You obviously had an incredibly easy lane assuming that you were up against either Axe or LC. If I were you, I would be happy that I only had to endure playing Viper for 20 minutes. That hero is a snorefest.


                                                                                                    nice arc
                                                                                                    bad: nice arc

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