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    Therorectically since you picked bs,your just relying to clean up your enemies as fast a possible,most people that play bloodseeker think that hey their team's shit since your not being supported,but who asks you to go in solo to finish up.+there as reasons why you dont see much bs in tournaments since its totatlly situational like relying upon your enemies to have a jungler,thusforth receive a speed advantage,but still during tournaments and LAN comps if they knwo they can be countered,they almost always ban it out+bs is rarely a first pick due to its late game squishyness,only useful for pubs in the early games.The second you amp yourself and go in alone,its as good as gg.The bloodrage as most people know it as a damage amp,but they don't realise the disadvantges when activating upon yourself,i.e taking more damage.Damage amp should only be used when you know you've cleared the temfight and want a fast heal instead of a tp or for efficent farming at lower levels.At higher levels bs really loses out due to its skill capabilities,it silences and deal damage.So what? Silencer can dish out even more damage with a 100% hit rate. Distance moved=damage? What if their stunned,blinks,goes invis or just dosn't move due to its tankiness.I emphasise on this again,bs picks are highly situational he can at most only target 1 enemy at a time,destroying your lanes early game does not mean a win. if your a 1.7k i highly doubt that you would have good deceision making skills as a 6k playing bs.I.e amping a magical damage dealer since it dosn't rely on physical attacks.
    All this factors commit to a successful game with bs.late game is where mose bs's fail.I can understand your pain,your a bs for EARLY game damage and NOT to get the kills,let the hard carries get them instead,make yourself useful late game.if you know your going to go dwonward late game,farm as much as possible in the jungle to get bb's & wards.As they always say a good buyback could save the game.
    Another tactic you should learn is to use your AoE silence/dmg skill to surround youself while your tping out to prevent stuns etc or a cancel.


      This then brings us to the fact that most people under 3k usually don't carry tp's with them while out in the lanes.A good rotation could possibly save your team from a major teamfight going on at bot while your at top etc.


        On a side note that FV ad tremendous GPM. As a good void player in my perspective you should've shut down the FV first and hunt him down in the jungles rather than feeding on their supports since they do what they kinda mean. They support,no matter how many times they die,they still can support.Kill off the carries,stop the high dps from getting to your team.Even if the supports get 'fat' they still can't do shit if their carries and continuously dying to thusforth aim for their carries next time you play
        + a lil' tip,put points into thrist first and max it follow by the AoE silence then some points into stats ,ulti then max out the dmg amp
        e.g you obviously fed on their bane,but do you realise that he can disable you? Get greaves insead?
        If you fed on fv did you realise you could go hunting?
        If you fed on zeus which you probaby did, did you think of maybe slighty more burst to kill him off fast in the late game? He's gonna get his ag refresh eventually.Probably a lotus orb would've gone far,since most of their skills rely on magical dmg and targetting such as snip zeus etc.


          Interesting build on silencer, but looks like it worked, fast ez win, good job.


            Good game, nice KDA. Very weird items though - quelling blade on ranged hero? And what's with the sange and yasha? In addition, the mkb is good damage but generally you don't need it unless against PA, windrunner, maybe brew. On silencer its best to stack attack speed and make use of his high pure damage gain. Assault cuirass is perfect for this as it increases your physical and pure DPS while making up for some of your innate squishiness.

            კომენტარი შეიცვალა
            Wise One

              Good Plyer bad team. or may be needs team work . Not much sportive.

              D the Superior
                კომენტარი წაშალა მოდერატორმა
                Pale Mannie

                  Good supported...
                  Nothing else to say


                    Wau that match had to be a real martyrium, to loose 4v5 while the best player abandons. I guess you could not do much about it since there were even better feeders...


                      @Itachi wanted to go pa but the enemy took it,so i decided hey why not try pa build on a silencer


                        @flamer i picked up a hlem to make up for the squishyness.Needed a mkb since i was literally carrying my team & sny for the slow since riki barely used his diffusal charges to help us secure kills


                          Carry Silencer is always good think to see, but it can only work in normal skill since you could be controlled as shit

                          D the Superior
                            კომენტარი წაშალა მოდერატორმა

                              nc fast slark game

                              ghetto superstar

                                Nice games on a friend's normal skill account? anyways no survivability items, if you fuck up combo you die and lose the game but I guess you didn't and wonnered. :)

                                D the Superior
                                  კომენტარი წაშალა მოდერატორმა

                                    Thanks for the advice, i appreciate it a lot. I knew I should have hunted Void more but I didn't see him in the jungle all that often, which I thought was odd.

                                      კომენტარი წაიშალა

                                        Nice KDA, but actual hero and tower dmg and farm also should be way higher if you wanted to win that game.

                                        D the Superior
                                          კომენტარი წაშალა მოდერატორმა
                                          Low Expectations

                                            smurf, too small balls to play on his original account


                                              Nice kda and shit and you won, that's the most important. Is this hero viable again?


                                                4 melee vs Tiny. Craggy exterior procs for days.

                                                  კომენტარი წაიშალა

                                                    nice items on orge, got some wards it seems, you lost to picks honestly. the invoker was good
                                                    Maybe having a silencer would have helped?
                                                    your clinkz was just wat.


                                                      Your team ;-;

                                                      Player 124137522

                                                        Playing against braindead couriers is fun isn't it lol. Radiance riki lmfao, yeah what do you expect haha...

                                                        Raining in Manila

                                                          Enemy is a serious 5 core line-up, seems like the game dragged long coz ur team lack pusher (excpt ld) , but gj. Great hd ad kda


                                                            Extended magus game nc 1

                                                            ROAD TO HERALD 0

                                                              Great gpm and kda on Mortred, although AM carried even harder.

                                                              2 battle fury? Troll harder please lol.

                                                              Looks like Rubick did a lot of work.

                                                              Your opponents' lineup must have made for such a shitty laning phase (for them).

                                                              კომენტარი შეიცვალა

                                                                I think your team held you back...
                                                                But it also looks like that the other team has the better heroes.


                                                                  Early level 2 aura + Midas + stats at 6 = horrible build if you want greedy luna
                                                                  Try 1 3 1 2 2 2 2 instead. You have max glaive at 7 and max beam + lvl 2 Eclipse at 11

                                                                  Player 124137522

                                                                    Mid drow ranger annihilated you guys. Could not get off the launch pad, and just got snowballed on. As a lycan you had 0 tower damage, I'm not sure, but I think if you were to play lycan perhaps you should of tried ratting towers, unless every lane was occupied and all your lanes were just dominated. But there are opportunities to rat such as during big teamfights, better chance of destroying the tower than winning a teamfight when behind in kills/exp/farm.


                                                                      Actually SEA went full potato and my stack had 1k ping the whole game so we just afk :)


                                                                        @Extension, Sick Naga! That 10 lh/min is great too! but somehow your tower damage is so low, too busy farming maybe? anyway gr8 job ourfarming the enemy team


                                                                          nice carry on slark,relatively fats game with good kda nice work!

                                                                          Pale Mannie

                                                                            Furion fed you
                                                                            you almost threw the game with a 5 carry team
                                                                            nothing impressive happened cuz you picked PA and i hate PA
                                                                            this is SEA
                                                                            wtf is BH doing? vlads and dominator?

                                                                            typical low tier SEA pub i will say


                                                                              Looks like Phoenix fed then abandoned. You guys pretty much crushed start to finish, good job doing bristleback things.

                                                                              Why did Razor also get a vanguard?


                                                                                Nice Dk match, also, why does medusa have "-" kills in the stats? That's weird. Feels like the CM fed early game, but it all worked out!

                                                                                Raining in Manila

                                                                                  40-0 lol , nuff said , well fucking played


                                                                                    seems like you tried at least, but imo your hd its a little bit low, i mean you coult have done a little bit more but whatever not even 1 supp holy shit, 2k is hard


                                                                                      WP. Ember Spirit
                                                                                      nice to see critless ember
                                                                                      that alche had a hard time building his cores

                                                                                      Georgia Enthusiast

                                                                                        Very solid DS performance and goes for same build i do :D

                                                                                        D the Superior
                                                                                          კომენტარი წაშალა მოდერატორმა

                                                                                            7/14/14 basically explains your mirana game


                                                                                              2 Battlefuries on PA, funny, but after a close look at the game, it actually makes sense as your team had near complete map control by the 20th minute, and getting battlefury accelerates that already fast farming rate.
                                                                                              Look at dire, their GPM are abysmal lol.


                                                                                                @s4nji thx,some people just don't understand the use of it,i have extra cash to spare,this tactis works really well on heroes that rely on their illusions for their dps like ck,pl and invis heroes trying to escape like riki bh,cllinkz so when you crit a nearby creep its just funny.

                                                                                                ROAD TO HERALD 0


                                                                                                  At first glance it appears you and abbadon did a lot of work, enabling legion to then carry the day.

                                                                                                  On paper at least, your opponent' heroes' laning phase is better than your team's, so they must have played like shit. Good work not getting exposed by brood or huskar or even bane.

                                                                                                  No dagger or force staff from bane and brood fed like a dog. Good thing he was a bigger dog than your team's ember :D


                                                                                                    Nice game right there really the dk played really well but i feel like you should have bought bloodstone gg


                                                                                                      Looks like you took advantage of leaver gold with meepo, and you and lion won that game. good game i guess, but why shadowblade on meepo? seems like a strange build