General Discussion

General DiscussionSay something insightful about the previous comment's owner's perform...

Say something insightful about the previous comment's owner's performance in the last match. in General Discussion

    Alchemist pick sealed your team's fate. Can't win a 4 v 5. Lesh build was very standard, nothing to say about that.


      i usually say the hero/team with the better farm wins. With you line up, you could have won, though the AM got well farmed with over 400 lh, and you SF was a fail, so eve you did better than him. On a side note, the only way to beat an AM, is to finish the game early, and getting a midas might not be your choice here. other value items may have helped better like blink force staff for utility rather than the AC.

      great KDA


        Enemy team was too greedy with their picks and all-around dumb, they paid the price. 5 melee? check. No-one building bf to handle pl? Check. Only 1 sup so no-one rotated to help their mid = lina stomped hardcore.

        Most of their item builds make no sense for that specific game, why legion goes for vlads instead of dagger? why ricky doesnt get bkb? etc.

        Wet Old Soggy Vegetable

          Should have got veil instead of trying for an aghs, its not even that good in the game you were in, and you had a lesh on your team.Another option to stop you dying would be ghost sceptre. I think you need to try and die less, as 12 deaths on es is pretty high

          Edit, looking at your heroes , you seem to die too much every game(based on low kda's). Im sure you would win a lot more if you focused on positioning.

          კომენტარი შეიცვალა
          OpenAI (Human)

            Maybe the blink wasn't needed since you're earth spirit but overall you played fine, that aghs must have had a good role


              You need to improve your gameplay with that cancerous tarantuRAT. (Who picks damn broodmother? pls, just no.)


                Explain the ethereal blade 4Head


                  Easy PTS :D Well played on Zeus, as I see you won middle, and may that made an easy game ;)

                    კომენტარი წაშალა მოდერატორმა

                      stop playing lame normal game.

                      Gaming is Dead

                        dont play leshrac and save this community

                        Bad Intentions

                          Man, y u only have gloves ov haste :( did u give up already? dont give up till the end man, theres always a chance!


                            Quite standard Huskar build. Against that lineup though, it makes sense. Congratulations on winning against that fed as fuck Void, though not so much because damn, your team is so full of cancer.

                            Night 夜

                              ^^ I had to check and see the cancer and holy shit. You didn't lie.

                              You guys had so much more farm than the enemy team, looks like a 4v5 stomp. Which somehow still lasted 50min. Guess it's hard to push out when you're one man down, but you took the advantage when you had it and went straight for mid. GJ

                              LIL KASALANAN (REAL)

                                STOMP STOMP STOMP

                                KGBlue Lives Matter

                                  Holy stomp. Looks like you went mid and just slaughtered that SF

                                    კომენტარი წაშალა მოდერატორმა

                                      holy fuck you suffered a lot in that match but at least you tried maybe you shoulda built bkb?

                                      Bad Intentions

                                        good rubic game, got your items plus stuff that are very expensive, good positioning and staying alive, overall very nice supporting, good job man.


                                          ANOTHER huskar game. Wow, how can you stay so dedicated to spamming heroes over and over? Even though your KDA doesn't look the best. It looks like you made a lot of space early and later got those deaths. Enemy team looked so scary with all that strength.


                                            Dayum, 12 kills as Enigma and second highest KDA. Good job and very nice stats in an all red exp graph where you were Dire :)

                                              კომენტარი წაშალა მოდერატორმა
                                              Night 夜


                                                3 22 23 dagon lion
                                                0 19 magnus

                                                I think I know why you lost that.

                                                კომენტარი შეიცვალა

                                                  Solid win bro - the hard anti-armor build payed off against your tanky opponents, good pick

                                                  Bad Intentions

                                                    Very nice phx play man, lots of key plays and assists. Good job of not dying. Solid overall play.

                                                    casual gamer

                                                      they had a lot of physical damage and stuns, the solar crest was a good idea

                                                      you definitely needed a bkb and armlet, far more than lifesteal (doesnt work against illusions) and invis (not really good for snowballing if ur getting raped)

                                                      also completing an aquila is not very cost efficient for str lol, better to sell the basi or not get 1 at all

                                                      ur hero damage was decent and u won, looks like a very back and forth game

                                                        კომენტარი წაშალა მოდერატორმა
                                                        Night 夜

                                                          I see why you picked WW. Guess Lina's counterpick messed with you pretty hard.


                                                            Sorry you ended up losing that. Looks like it was specifically because Wind Ranger refused to give up on the carry dream and kept going for that aghs build rather than force staff and blink. Probably would have resulted in her not feeding as much


                                                              You died way too many times, at the same time – you had a very low cs for 40 minutes. And if you participated in a lot of fighting your hero damage should have been way higher.
                                                              Also wtf with that skillbuild going all skills at once randomly putting points into them?


                                                                great butterfly pickup vs their heroes
                                                                abysal pickup and skillbuild is on point aswell

                                                                Giff me Wingman

                                                                  At least knows that AM is not AFK jungle hero.

                                                                  Tower Damage of d00m.


                                                                    You weren't farming fast enough(creepscore is super low). Could have had better items sooner and ended the game. Not to mention 4 deaths on a hero you shouldn't die with.
                                                                    Also just noticed they aren't counting ww heal at all.


                                                                      I think you had a pretty perfect Magina game (you didn't reach the 1000 gpm, that must hurt ;).
                                                                      Free farm against a team with 1 spike stun,1 telekenisis and no more stuns, I guess that the game was fun for you.

                                                                        კომენტარი წაშალა მოდერატორმა

                                                                          ^ I guess you were more supporting because ES atleast got some items, playing as support is hard work, good luck next time


                                                                            Poor enemies, no Illlusion heroes, no natural detection, only one poor support.

                                                                            I'm really curious what the next person will say 'insightfull' about my Bounty Hunter game :)

                                                                            Bad Intentions

                                                                              Good BH game impact, won game, good gg pickup, sb pick is ok double invis, overall good impact game.


                                                                                holy shit how is that working? huskar offlane right? anyways it seems like its for creating space and things, right? welp i think good job


                                                                                  Going to take a shot in the dark about your Clock game and say that you likely made many of your kills on everyone but the Blood Seeker, and kept putting pressure on the rest of his team rather prioritize shutting him down. Your impact was HUGE, and I bet it was agonizing to lose that game.


                                                                                    Seems like your team had a really good game and you had a solid game as enchantress.
                                                                                    Looks like you farmed well but were still there when your team needed you and were involved in more then half the kills

                                                                                    casual gamer

                                                                                      looks like tb intentionally fed (mid?) and you had to play pos 5 support for ur shitcan team

                                                                                      the lion pick was good but i think u needed to gank storm in lane with lvl 2 to deny him momentum

                                                                                      idk what to say about ur teams builds, pudge is especially bad but none of them make any sense except tusk (and the drums pickup was bad this game imo)


                                                                                        Nice work with Natures Prophet, seems legit. Avoid Silver Edge against heroes like Ursa, Tiny, and Abbadon as it does not do much good. Ursa will have two ways to purge it off with ulty and (generally) BKB. Aba can manually cast ulty anyway, and you are a ranged hero, so Tiny's craggy really doesn't matter. Consider stopping at shadowblade and instead invest the other 2650 into something like a hex.

                                                                                        casual gamer

                                                                                          i must have killed abaddon 3 or 4 times with SE active. i saw that everyone in the game was brain dead and figured i could time it right and kill him, fucked it up maybe twice but well worth it imo

                                                                                          looks like you had the same experience as me. you queued 4 am us east and get put into a game well below ur skill level, then raped everyone

                                                                                          i usually dislike getting manta against lich but its nice against void visage and phx i guess

                                                                                            კომენტარი წაიშალა

                                                                                              @memecrafter your last match (Sven) you fed (0-7) and your team also had no support heroes so maybe you should try supporting. Also you had only about 75 last hits the whole game, so you should try to farm more

                                                                                              კომენტარი შეიცვალა

                                                                                                Yes because that wasn't supposed to be the match I want to be replied to lmao. That was a 5 stack where everyone fucked around with drafting including me.


                                                                                                  Oh lol


                                                                                                    Played slark into bloodseeker and promptly lost the game

                                                                                                    casual gamer

                                                                                                      picked bloodseeker and promptly won the game