General Discussion

General DiscussionHow to inprove as new competitive player?

How to inprove as new competitive player? in General Discussion

    Good day bro !

    Just want to ask something and kindly need suggestion from every player in here (especially someone who have experince in competitive). Lately i join to one of local team in my country, and we have a chance to meet pro team like rrq, zl, kmk, garuda infinity. In term of mechanic, and draft i think my team is even match with them.

    However, when it comes to decision making. We really really need learn many thingssssssss in this aspect in it, and because we still lack on it, itlead us to maaking many blunders (base race, split push, etc). Unnesecary mistake.

    So my point is, how do i improve as someone who (currently im the drafter and caller in the game) still new in competitive scene and can get better at that aspect.

    I will gladly accept any suggestion from all of you because i know that even people who dont play good at dota they can verry very good at theory craft or something like that.

    Thanks in advance bro !

    Ps : just lose to one of pro team because my bad call in base race :( (sorry if too dramatic)

    Note : sorry for bad english.

    თემა შეიცვალა

      The only way to get better at decision making is to play more and the more u play as team the more u will be able to make decisions as a whole quicker and correctly.... thats really the only way..


        "(base race, split push, etc)"

        Honestly, its hard to give advice without a specific game in particular. Losing a base race has nothing to do with it being competitive dota, it just means your estimation was wrong.

        I think the key difference from competitive and pub would be objectives; you should play to win. Don't chase those kills, don't dive for a 1-for-1, TP to defend your tower instead of grabbing that last jungle camp, supports should die to save their carry, don't push out blindly so you keep safe farm for carry, blablabla.

        Its too vast to explain everything.



            When something like a baserace may occur, pause game and say mouse bugged or something, sit down and discuss. Go for it, or tp back?

            I always pause game in middle of a teamfight to tell my team to get the fck away.

            კომენტარი შეიცვალა

              Objectives oriented mindset. You need to keep thinking of how to win at any point in the game. If the lanes are pushed and nobody is defending, enemies are most likely smoked, etc etc. Keep thinking about what they are doing, what you are doing, and what you need to do to win.

              It has to be a conscious process. Nobody does it in pubs. It's not easy to maintain that focus.


                join a league or do tmm and practice, that is the only way to learn decision making.


                  the _only_ way, hmm


                    anyway, gl my flop


                      " Like when we get a kill, they start screaming and it helps boost our morale." - MSS

                      1. go pub
                      2. scream like an idiot on every kill
                      3. win


                        watch other teams play


                          I think experience is the key. How do you know if the enemy Enchantress is smoke ganking or sweetly farming her dewarded camps? You don't. But maybe when the other mid is trying to lure for exchanges (can't really help him if you're not playing mid for this bit) or more importantly, the enemy's supports are missing, you would realise that the Enchantress is probably sitting behind your mid waiting for gank.

                          okay i just went off topic

                          More relevant to you, the question of base races. I believe this is much more mechanical experience and awareness. Maybe in teamfights they rely on magical damage more, so you surmise that they are not as good as pushing; but you need to take into account that maybe your team's Radiance Spectre isn't going to clear the creeps faster than a series of Illusory orb/Waning Rift/Burrowstrike/Sandstorm. And although maybe your carry is dealing way more damage than their Mirana, their Mirana might have a Desolator and a Doom with an AC that melts your tower's armour faster than your Daedalus Drow Ranger.

                          Similar reasoning can be applied to split pushing, I think, as it is especially important as to whether you or the enemy can sneak that tower down before support arrives to save the tower. And if the person you send back to defend is suitable for the job – a Lina is probably effective at getting rid of the creeps fast, but denying the tower or even scaring off the enemy Lycan? But if you send your Lifestealer you can definitely deny it but can he get rid of the creeps before the siege/treant/necro units hit it too low and are you going to have DPS in the fight that you might have next?

                          Sorry if I'm off topic haha I'm just a 3k scrub trying to help a professional player :(


                            Watching won't help. You can learn mechanical skills by watching, but the thought processes that underlie general movements can't be gained unless you know exactly what you need to look for.

                            Think. Keep thinking. It's easier if you have experienced players in the same team.


                              Best piece of advice i can give, because I don't play competitive, is when you are ahead, abuse it. Farm all of the lanes, and both jungles to get even more ahead, with good ward coverage to protect you. And if you know you have a good advantage on them in some aspect of the game, split pushing, team fight etc... force those opportunities, don't wait for them to happen. Also, if the hard carry gets shutdown, help them back into the game. I played a game as FV once, and was shut down super ard, but my LS helped me jungle to get baak into the game and basically spoon fed me last hits.

                              King of Low Prio

                                fight the best teams as much as you can. A loss is the best experience you can obtain


                                  You're probably one of the best players on this site...
                                  That being said PRACTICE MATCHES and draft easy to use teams, even pros fail with heroes like magnus
                                  comfortable teams perform much better
                                  Also rewatch games with your team, point out mistakes and make sure you don't make them again

                                  კომენტარი შეიცვალა

                                    First of all, sorry for late replay.sleeping -.-

                                    Thaaaaaaanks for the all of sugestion that alreadt stated in this thread, i really apreciate it :)

                                    @dd sama

                                    Lol'ed thaaat trick, my friend did it once but i think its not good if we use it again and again loooool :)))))

                                    Agreed bro, thats why my team will practice more, watch replay more and make a note especially a game when we lose.


                                    Sad :(


                                    Yeah, cureently we play like 3-4 tourney in a week bro


                                    Pretty much, we still lack of experiencee when we meet them :( still thats not an excuse and i think we can cover that with something different(hope so :D )


                                    FUCKING AGREEEEEE WITH THIS, TOTALLY BOOST MORALE ! My voice now gone though because intense match yesterday.

                                    @zenoth :3

                                    Thats right maaan, watching wont help much in term of decision making, and like the point u stated. The point is what objectivw we have with current draft on that game.


                                    Yea still so sad maaan, we have 2 advantage barracks and lose to base race. Its like god damn hell shit match.

                                    @captain americuh

                                    We will try to do it more, everytimes we ahead we try to abuse all of our advantage however sometimes one of my friends got pick off at that moment ( we also working on that)

                                    @imwhat wills
                                    Currently my team draft is more about push oriented draft, but we also looking for another draft that we can use and comfortable with it.

                                    Thanks guuuyys !

                                    კომენტარი შეიცვალა
                                    King of Low Prio

                                      Yea I lost in the quarter finals at a tournament last year by stepping out of the court, it was the most frustrating loss I have ever had but that loss made me aware of my lack of spacial awareness.


                                        Honestly though I'm not that sure what you can do other than experience if you already have very good item knowledge and awareness of enemy strength (i.e. looking at enemy items when they appear on the map). I mean, how else would you know that your team doesn't push the ancient down as fast as the enemy? :s



                                          yeaah sometimes we need loss to to remind us that we still not good enough.


                                          synergize on team maybe? or unleash the potential of the team. Because ii think every team have their own power in term on 5 v 5, in example c9 known as ee greedy farm and aui farm support that lead them to win. Or EG, with someone as arteezy who can have crazy farm in every term of situation, and current my team is very strong on 5 v 5 war (i take advantage that with strong line up in 5 v 5 ) . Nonethless say, expreciance is still indeed one of the key in competitive.

                                          anywy, lobby match didnt show in dotabuff? anyone can someone help me with this?

                                          King of Low Prio

                                            lobby matches never show up on dotabuff (or else Vrok would exploit the hell out of it)


                                              okay than, thanks samspon !


                                                well you can check lobby matches by clicking in "matches" and then selecting "all modes", it works for me


                                                  yea ofc you can check lobby matches, i just checked a cm in a tournament i played
                                                  works fine, just set to all lobbies and all modes and you'll have it


                                                    didnt work for me :(

                                                    maybe because my tournament yesterday no ticket?


                                                      Only tournament matches streamed to dotatv will appear on dotabuff. For JDL that's division 2 and above (all players receive a tournament ticket for participating as well - rei probably got one for standing in)


                                                        ^ contact me if u need standin broo, ez ticket ez life :)))


                                                          I'm confused, though, are you sad at losing base race because of your decision making or your team not being as good at base racing? Because the act of base racing at a professional level doesn't have too much skill, unless you're talking about some of their heroes delaying you from killing the towers, while your people didn't stay at home/didn't stop them?


                                                            Its the decision making which puts you in such a circumstance in the first place. Whether to defend as the team ahead, whether to split push as the team behind etc.