General Discussion


BROKENMATCHMAKING in General Discussion

    stop flaming like a 10 year old peruvian for starters. "GG.MID NO GANK PLS REPORT" and shit


      Don't people claim that SEA is the most competetive/tryhard server? My sides.

      Everyone gets feeders, leavers and retards. What do you not understand? However it tends to get less the higher you go obv, stop being bad and you'll eventually climb in MMR if you play alot.


        depends on ur mmr
        altot sea (maybe) is tryhard server, if your mmr is low then u will also meet stupid people.


          That kinda goes for all servers... except maybe SA/Australia which are probably the lowest ones.


            wave i want to buy your account under the condition that i will be matched with verified pros all the time... will i?

            add me on steam (i will be online in about one to two hours)

            კომენტარი შეიცვალა
            one and half gun

              its not m account but added

              Yoichi Isagi | Blue Lock

                welcome to elo hell aka the trench!


                  Anyone who thinks that mm is shit (and it is actually) feel free to proceed ->


                    OP is a pudge-picker with a KDA and Win Rate with his most picked heroes that is not exactly 4K+ ranking material. Not sure what he's moaning about.


                      ^ About broken matchmaking, are u retarded or what?


                        Am I retarded?

                        Jesus this place an absolute cesspool.


                          I know how you feel,and a lots of people feel the same way believe me,forced 50% of wins for the most players,stomp matches-either way,sometimes i feel just like i play some RPG with linear scenario.
                          In last matches i can see in 1min after picks who will win,first factors picks,second item selections,third line selections etc etc....
                          Leave stories about way of playing,chose carry and secure win for your team-bullshit(you can't farm with noobs,they will feed till 15min and lose all 1 and 2 tier towers),chose support and farm your carry-bullshit (he don't know to chose right items or abilities).
                          In the end truth i's,you will get team who will win or you get bunch of noob feeders and you will loose,that i's the case in the 90% od matches,other 10% of matches you can feel good because you will making diference in mid/late game if you are good player like you think you are.
                          Advice,when you loose 2/3 in row,leave,shut down PC,cool down,after few hours comeback and win....

                          $l@v3 2 th3 nUmb3r

                            Oh damn that KDA shit again. Stats promote selfish play. Want a high KDA? Dodge teamfights, Afk in fountain, let your teammates feed and label them as feeders.
                            High KDA can mean stomping pubs of lower levels. Does it mean that you are pro? No.

                            And supports have one of the lowest KDA in the entire game, yet they contribute the most in team fights, ranging from utility to initiation and lockdown. Yet, they don't ks kills for stats.

                            KDA is also highly dependent on your mentality. If you dodge every fight, obviously your KDA will skyrocket, but yet you will have little to no impact on the game. Opposingly, if you take risks and be a team player, sacrificing your stupid KDA shit for a rax or even clearing the enemy team, then your game impact might even help to win you the game.

                            Moreover, in the long run, if your team doesn't stomp that much, your average KDA will be equals to the heroes average KDA. So yah choose your path. Join the morons farming stats or try to improve your impact on the game.

                            Plus, we were talking about matchmaking, not stats, so that makes you retarded.

                            $l@v3 2 th3 nUmb3r

                              Oh yeah time for your so called pro KDA talk

                              Seem like the high KDA heroes are your supports or heroes with 1-2 matches played.
                              Clap, KSing supports? And fyi, 1-2 games of high kda doesn't mean shit. Try playing more and see your kda roll downhill like your carry heroes KDA

                              0.10 Doom KDA
                              0.22 Gyro KDA
                              just to name a few
                              So, does KDA matter a lot now? Please wake up your trash talk on stats. Lose= Bad KDA, Win with stomps= Good KDA

                              კომენტარი შეიცვალა

                                MMR should not be based on Win/Loss. That is not a good way to calculate personal skill levels. The current MMR is totally luck based. Whoever has the most morons on their team loses. If you're on that team u will get a loss, if you're on the opposite team you will get a win. Simple.

                                The only way to counter that trap is by 5 man stacking every game you play.

                                MMR scoring should really be based on criteria below:-

                                1. Most Kills
                                2. Least Deaths
                                3. Most Assists
                                4. Most Last Hits
                                5. Most Denies

                                All of the above take skill and give Support and Carries an equal chance to score MMR points.

                                one and half gun



                                    The MMR system would be so easily abusable if that was the case Scorpius. Your suggestion is really god awful. You would see people pick up elusive heroes with blink or invisibility and just run around kill steal whole games. What matters is whether you win or not, nothing else.


                                      basing mmr system on kda is the worst fucking suggestion ever. every good system in every game ever has been based on winning and losing games


                                        back in the halo 3 days the ranked matchmaking was kinda like this one. You played to get 50 points maximum (like the 5.5k-6k in dota) and the only way to achieve that shit was winning the games. My account was like this:
                                        Team Slayer: 50
                                        Team doubles: 47
                                        Team snipers: 47
                                        Team Swat: 50
                                        Lone wolf (solo players only, all vs all): 50
                                        and the last one MLG: 45
                                        And of course for me to get to 50 in team slayer i got to win 15 games in a row if i lost at least 1 game i would have dropped 1 point or 2. And they where ppl stuck in the 43-44 (the system was shitty for some players because it was based on winning games) I knew 1 player that was stuck in his 44 account in mlg since the very 1st day he got the 44. And of course, if you where a smurf winning all your games with only 24-34 games you got a 50 account.
                                        K/D Ratio was meaningless and average was like 1.5 or so beyon 3.0 was really good and i was at like 3.16 or so with all my friends in the stack still i needed a 15 games winning streak to get a 50. It was way harder than Lone Wolf (Solo all vs all)

                                        I know they are different games and shit but the system was basically the same, yoou win you go up and only if you are good
                                        you lose you go down.
                                        And no, there's no forced 50% winrate.

                                        one and half gun

                                          lol comparing halo to dota


                                            @Jussi -- Reminds me of this:
                                            (for those who dont know, this is a HoN video.... *hides behind desk*)


                                              not halo the system was almost the same in the meaning that you only go up if you win.


                                                dunno how one is supposed the MMR ladder if they put 1/2 bad players in your team who pick carry and just go feeding and then ur stuck as the support

                                                so I guess just pick hardcarry and fuck the team until you reached the rating you want?


                                                  zyy丶 私の愛, stop trolling idiot, ty.

                                                  And yes, there is forced 50% winrate, but u dont see it from ur 3k mmr.

                                                  კომენტარი შეიცვალა

                                                    @Concede: Hehe, that video is pretty sweet