General Discussion

General DiscussionComment on the Dotabuff above you

Comment on the Dotabuff above you in General Discussion

    Good: kda overall
    bad: Tinker =/


      good: tb winrate
      bad: tb picker


        Bloodseeker 100% Kill Participation record, I think that's the first time I have seen a win in that category on someone.
        CM on the picture for losing streak e_e


          Support player
          Nice veno winrate

          John Matrix

            G: awesome tb and tinker
            B: y u never support :(

            NextStep ®

              G: Experienced player and play support ( dazzle )

              B: Lack of ranking matches.

              [RR53] RR

                G: near 59% ranked wr

                B: top 3 heroes are picked just to fuck with peoples laning; bad TA wr and kda

                Horsing around

                  Good: always carrying a tp scroll.
                  Bad: most last hit/min= 8cs.


                    Good: Most played are mid heroes, Invoker has a nice everything, WR and KDA.

                    B: Hasn't built many rapiers :>D

                    [RR53] RR

                      Good: Overall WR and WR in ranked

                      Bad: no VHS games, in fact I see some normal skill games


                        g`nasty templar assassin
                        b`warlock press r to win doesnt work for you lol D:

                        John Matrix

                          G: warlock press r to win works for you, + likes supporting :D
                          B: why are you in the high skill bracket

                          + dat 2 hr match O.O


                            G : pretty good k/d with abaddon
                            B : Longest losing streak 9

                            კომენტარი შეიცვალა

                              Good: living up to the steam alias, swag kd on most of top heroes
                              Bad: one of these days you'll play support, ;D


                                good: nice winrate with most heroes
                                bad: 49% overall + you are not PGG (enigma cries)

                                Free Bird

                                  Good : nice 53% win rate :D

                                  Bad : winrate as antimage

                                  haru yo koi

                                    Good: 28 KDA as riki :O
                                    Bad: U smurfing


                                      Nix, Pl
                                      So bad Naix.. :O high skil


                                        Good: Increasing mmr in last few days
                                        Bad: Sf :D


                                          Good: you lost longest match with Zeus YEAAAAAAASSSS!!!!
                                          Bad: higher longest losing streak than winning



                                            bad:that's about it


                                              good : weaver wr
                                              bad : why u rat!?


                                                Good : meepo pro
                                                Bad: riki sniper picker!!!


                                                  good: kunkka wr
                                                  bad: high skill

                                                  Quick maffs

                                                    Good: really good player

                                                    Bad: ヽ(◉◡◔)ノ I am a RTZ fan boy and I have downsyndrome ヽ(◉◡◔)ノ

                                                    rei do bulking

                                                      Good : general wr, kda top heroes

                                                      Bad: timber wr

                                                      კომენტარი შეიცვალა
                                                        კომენტარი წაშალა მოდერატორმა

                                                          Pro support plays, win rate over 50 for most top heroes. Looks like you didn't use the metagame abuse heroes a lot (from last patch as well)
                                                          Terrorblade is the only hero you need to play, then you've played all the heroes. lol idk I'm a fan of your support plays ;o


                                                            pro: warlock

                                                            bad: most kills record 28, thats a bit low


                                                              Pro: Commends for playing invoker.

                                                              Bad: Below 50% winrate is never good.


                                                                G: nice winrate

                                                                B: Slark


                                                                  good:played 5000++ games, only made divine 24 times.

                                                                  bad:y u play spirit breaker?


                                                                    good: nice ranked winrate
                                                                    bad : kind of average kda for weaver with such winrate. Kunkka avatar and no kunkka in top list ;_;


                                                                      pro: Kunkka (i like kunkka)

                                                                      bad: supports good KDA but bad winrate = taking too much farm from carries?

                                                                      rei do bulking

                                                                        good: ezalor wr

                                                                        Bad : Normal skill bracket, invoker arcane boots, 27% wr as furion :O

                                                                        [RR53] RR

                                                                          + very good Zeus, TA and Clock

                                                                          - Still not in VHS completely


                                                                            Good; Zeus
                                                                            Bad: lost longest match


                                                                              good :kda , win rate as invoker

                                                                              bad : Normal skill bracket and pudge win rate


                                                                                @CaDu you do see my pudge k/d/a 4.51 that technically means whenever I played pudge my team always sucked.... So it's not my fault getting that win rate even though I tried best

                                                                                Anyways G: good win rates overall
                                                                                B: at nature prophet rat doto

                                                                                Horsing around

                                                                                  Good: on a winning streak
                                                                                  bad: most last hits 321 in a 1 hour game


                                                                                    Good: Your invoker is pretty sweet man. Nice kda, nice wr and over 350 games
                                                                                    Bad: Most of your most played hero are under 50%.


                                                                                      G: Earth, Wind, Disruptor

                                                                                      B: Mirana, only 33 kills on record.


                                                                                        G: Sf, enjoying the new look? :D

                                                                                        B: Pudge as well, ok dondo maybe next time :(


                                                                                          g: 37/6 the last game, lol, and tinker of course x-x

                                                                                          b: not picking tinker anymore? D: , void timber :(


                                                                                            Sry for the offtopic!

                                                                                            Mat, Hell, yeah.. Altrough the new razes is not that good(I'd prefer old-ones over new.)

                                                                                            On topic:

                                                                                            Invoker/Furion(Low kda means you feed with him a lot=not good way to play Fura.)


                                                                                              G: dat sf games
                                                                                              B: below 50% winrate


                                                                                                good: nice shaker winrate
                                                                                                bad: high skill only :sad:

                                                                                                Airi ♥

                                                                                                  wow 5 months incative and this thread is still alive!

                                                                                                  ^ Allison

                                                                                                  G: Alot of games, i mean alot. and excellent KDA. Nice.

                                                                                                  B: No love for supporting i guess?

                                                                                                  კომენტარი შეიცვალა

                                                                                                    pro: awesoem medusa (there are few)

                                                                                                    bad: nothing?

                                                                                                    Bad Intentions

                                                                                                      good: experienced invo
                                                                                                      bad: still not graduating from 49% wr