General Discussion

General DiscussionPay to win officially announced

Pay to win officially announced in General Discussion

    i dont get it... what is here pay to win ?


      This is for low mmr players to help them... if they buy it that doesnt mean i will not rekt some1 anyways.

      Bosnian Blade

        not pay to win ,more like pay to help.
        good stuff 100% gonna get it


          at last
          gaben answered our calls
          lets throw money at him

          chicken spook,,,,

            nah its not

            Pale Mannie



                че сука такое почему обновы каждые 5 минут по 5 минут


                  bane 25 voice chat LMAO I want it now!


                    e što sam para gabenu dao
                    e pola grada sada bi imao


                      gaben mi te volimo (ne)


                        sve beskorisno, ak mislite da ima ista tu sto ce vam i 1 pojen mmr-a povecat onda se dzaba lazete.


                          Anyone saying this is pay to win hasn't played a pay to win lol. How funny would it be if the new dota plus screamed 'get out of the jungle' to any jungle legion? In all honesty if it makes me see less bounty hunters with battle furys ill be happy.

                          კომენტარი შეიცვალა
                          casual gamer

                            NOT AS GOOD AS COOKIE

                            Totentanz to The King: M ...

                              it doesnt matter because the servers dont fucking work

                              Solo Leveling

                                Will Dota Plus tell me to pick techies because its all I will win with


                                  ^ so relatable it hurts

                                  58% winrate as techies here


                                    Doesnt offer anything that dotabuff or dotawolf does not offer, with some more hats etc. Its fine. Im glad i can support the game i like.


                                      4 euro isnt something to argue about

                                      EDit: Monthly

                                      კომენტარი შეიცვალა

                                        Just like 3weeks ago i post here as i did gave second chance to db plus....its still far from to be worth 7usd was my result.Now its clearly joke to pay that for few more stats.Dota alive but dotabuff ded now.

                                        GRANT MACDONALD

                                          Oh boy, more people pinging from their wheel. "I need to kill 560 more ancient creeps" instead of pushing high ground.
                                          Cant wait.


                                            It’s a joke people think that it is P2W


                                              Screw this Plus crap "evolution of battle passes", I want a battle pass!
                                              I'm still gonna get it though, for sure. At $3.99 a month, ~$48 per year(before discount)... why not


                                                i want to get itttttttttttttttttttttttttt but i literally have 0 dollars

                                                Brother.Teresa ^aka^ OldS...

                                                  It will just ask you to pick a support because the rest of the team already picked carry... Nothing I don't know...

                                                  Also your teammates will remind you to get wards and courier before DotaPlus does...

                                                  SASA POPOVIC

                                                    i want to get itttttttttttttttttttttttttt but i literally have 0 dollars

                                                    Meh dont bother my friend got it, its literaly cheaper version of compendium, this is subscription based so you cant shower it with money like you had to do with compendium!


                                                      Beside the plus assistant,other perks like the quest and sets and also dont forget our beloved voice chat look very promising.

                                                      chicken spook,,,,

                                                        Out of all the things you can complain about the changes in this game, this is the worst thing anyone can complain about

                                                        Lruce Bee

                                                          Rofl. The people here who think it is not pay to win. You've been deceived sheeple