General Discussion

General DiscussionWhat it takes to reach top 500 ?

What it takes to reach top 500 ? in General Discussion

    I've been playing daily since april 2017 and the most i've been is 6,1k.Main role carry.How do i breakthrough and become top player ? What makes those at top 200/500 good ? Any advices/tips from high mmr players? Serious thread.

    თემა შეიცვალა

      i dont think theres anything in particular lol

      i've watched some 9k streams and they honestly dont do anything fancy. they just do all the basic stuff really efficiently. and these tiny things give them that small edge that lets them slowly grind up in mmr, its not as if they climbed really fast, they slowly grind it up with a 55~60% win rate.

      Totentanz to The King: M ...

        1) play a lot. playing a lot helps you climb faster even if you dont have a high winrate. a guy with 1000 games played but 52% winrate will have more mmr than a guy with 400 games but 54% winrate.
        2) actually try to learn the game and improve rather than only going for the +25. acknowledge that you make mistakes and try to understand what you do wrong to fix them.
        3) choose a role and stick to it. although it is helpful to be flexable in what you can play in low mmr games, doing only one thing and doing it really well is much more important for winning in high mmr games, no matter what role it is.


          well like in any sport, the top level is differentiated by consistency and talent (natural 'feel' for the game)


            6.1k and you've only been playing since april? sounds like you're really fucking talented

            Story Time

              only been playing since april

              Jacked, he writes "I've been playing daily since april 2017". He does not write "only been playing since april". Lost your ability to read already?


                Mate just quit dota and ur life will get better trust me


                  dont make mistakes, dont pick bad heroes


                    watch anime?


                      Focus on learning most of the heros/roles First and then go Grind.
                      I started this Game a Month ago, and Chances u are going to see me Rank 1 in ladder and winning TI2019 are pretty high, because i completely dominate every online Game i take somewhat seriously

                      კომენტარი შეიცვალა

                        Keep farming and wait for a bkb before you join you team in team fights

                        casual gamer

                          Make sure you have the time to play enough

                          If you’re employed or in school you’re going to need good time management skills.

                          An excessive lack of sleep hurts me in ranked too, not just irl


                            I’m full time employed and I’m holding my rank just fine. Just gotta play a few heroes you are good at and try not to tilt.

                            Lruce Bee

                              Nice joke YYY you're not even TOP 1000