General Discussion

General DiscussionDo you still remember?

Do you still remember? in General Discussion

    Do you still remember why you start playing dota? And when?


      Back when Ursa was fucking busted and was picked literally every game :)


        Wanted to feel y retard kids pressing right click randomly and loudly. I started in 2015


          Long time ago when it was actually fun! In the time where people were buying 2 boots, 1 for each leg, when shadow blade was called lothars edge and when evryone was bad at the game, now Twitch ruined everything, everyone know more or less what they are doing, even if someone is obviously bad he can get six sloted because of those long farming breaks when evryone decides to randomly start farming for 20 minutes and stop fighting, so winning games is based on what team is more coordinated and have better picks! That fucking sucks in lower brackets!

          This game was way more fun 5-6 years ago, now its frustrating like a job, you need to give your best to win, to think about your teammates decisions, your opponents decision answer their draft, their item build their abilities, it feels like you need a fucking PHD of dota to win the game, even if you tryhard you can lose and thats so fucking discouraging and frustrating!

          Story Time

            gf broke up with me, so i found dota :D


              @Story Time I was introduce to dota when the girl i want rejects me and i am so sad and frustated that time too. I dont know what to do so i text my friend to play some dota(Warcraft) then he said its not the thing anymore and introduce me to dota 2. Then those days are fun but now i dont know hahahaha. I dont know why i am so try hard.

                კომენტარი წაიშალა

                  @Tide isnt that just us trying to win instead of fucking around having fun like before?

                  SASA POPOVIC

                    Yeah man, thats it! Before it was fun, you mess around with various builds and having fun doing it! If you win it was cool, if you lose you had a good laugh at least!

                    Now its all about that mmr and investing all amount of effort to get that sweet +25, watching twitch reading strats, geting flamed and reported if your item build is not acording to meta and pro players, there is no fun anymore, i really understand why this game is losing players it became scripted like starcraft and it will die like starcraft did. And dont get me wrong meta is important, i mean chances thqt ill discover some build that some pro 6k mmr player who wrote the guide missed are 0, but at the same time that makes dota boring as fuck now.

                    Story Time

                      dota = grill substitute :D is it?


                        Nah, Dota = Pain Reliever


                          @Project Tide Just jerk it off a little bit. You will be fine.


                            Lmao @Project Tide thats the realest shit ive read today

                            Lruce Bee

                              What the fuck tide are you joking how is our bracket hard at all. It's a big joke and everyone's messing around. I mean what you just quoted is an example of how you're supposed to play the game. But even so, you don't even have to try very hard and can just be Creative. Build whatever you want. Everyone is still learning in this bracket. It's the least tryhard.

                              SASA POPOVIC

                                I dont think so, i tried playing brood mother and eat their towers since i got tilted by the lack of push my team does, literaly everyone from oposing team ganged up on me, picked axe, earthshaker, lina, circling around me 24/7 , and my team didnt care, same when i played beastmaster and lycan, so that goes your theory HanYolo.

                                I cant win and have fun in the same time, every time i feel exhausted and tilted, so fuck it.

                                კომენტარი შეიცვალა
                                Lruce Bee

                                  Oh right. Forgot to mention that you should stay away from heroes that you and your friends in 1k hell completely do not understand. Like don't pick wisp and complain about Dota being so hard thx.

                                  Lruce Bee

                                    You have heroes with literally no buttons to press and can win games without having to tryhard with free 2 lives. And you're complaining about broodmother. What the fuck.

                                    jeremy meeks' personality

                                      Project Tide is so right.
                                      I remember when I could win and lose against real new players and learning from my mistakes.
                                      Now unranked is so much filled with smurf and retarded stacks who tryhard in normal, I literally need a sec. account to not screw up my winrate when I play solo.
                                      + I feel that it's more a team game than before, which is more logical but there's many downsides (forget 7.00-7.07)

                                      კომენტარი შეიცვალა
                                      1-IceTea 🌟

                                        1)My friends invited me to play,and it was the time when terrorblade was called soul keeper and one of his ability is similar to pugna ulti now.

                                        Lycan's summoned can bash + Basher can stack

                                        SASA POPOVIC

                                          You have heroes with literally no buttons to press and can win games without having to tryhard with free 2 lives. And you're complaining about broodmother. What the fuck.

                                          And how is that fun? Even if i win, i won because i played some boring shit and made same items, even if i gain tons of mmr by doing this, am i really a better player than i was before or i just got carried by opponent team incompetence to stop me?

                                          Yung Beethoven

                                            i started playing dota when i was 11 years old. Which means i play dota 12 years already. I remember when kunkka and windrunner were "new" heroes. When undying could spawn zombies, just like np. When Underlord got his abilities changed so often, jesus. When Nyx assassin could spawn little bugs which could silence and bury to give vision over the runes.

                                            I remember when disruptor, phoenix, io, slark etc. came out. Jesus what a long time


                                              Yes i was just 3rd year High school student at that time,most of my classmates were playing it so i tried it.My first hero was TerrorBlade back when his first skill was soul steal or life drain at that time Grand Magus/rubick was released a month later.Good times xD

                                              Totentanz to The King: M ...

                                                started playing with my brother and my cousins. always liked rts games and especially wc3, then started checking out custom games. came across dota one day. wasnt super interesting at first but it grew on me over time. the oldest version i played was 5.84 but the most recent version when i actually started playing was 6.49. this was like in 2008 i think. good times. i wasnt even in highschool then.

                                                კომენტარი შეიცვალა

                                                  i started playing when i was 5,used whosyourdaddy all the time vs ai
                                                  after a bit like two years of not playing it try playing it normally vs ais
                                                  then after that quit for a long time since didnt touch wc3
                                                  entered wc3,played minigames and stuff
                                                  friend invite to play doto,joined read guides etc
                                                  wat a fun time


                                                    my MOBA game didnt get any more online support on PS3 (Guardians of Middle-Earth)

                                                    I wanted to find a new moba.

                                                    I was top 200 in that game (player base of like 800 lmao) and i thought i would be ultra good when i changed to dota.

                                                    then i went timber on my first game because i remembered him from the warcraft strategy game.

                                                    I bought yellow items because i thought they give me attack speed (like in the other moba)

                                                    then someone started screaming at me to buy a bloodstone. i didnt care

                                                    my calibration matches i played mostly dazzle/shadow demon.
                                                    I pushed the waves witz nukes/poison non stop because i thought "the sooner we take the tower the better" carries screamed at me every match.
                                                    i was like "idc, im top 200 in another Moba, dont listen to these noobs"

                                                    600 mmr rofl

                                                    after that i played only ogre magi (again because i remember hil from warcraft 3) and treant (with MoM and drums) and grinded to 1.3k in about 200 matches.

                                                    yes i had 180 ogre games with 60% winarte.

                                                    კომენტარი შეიცვალა

                                                      When i was in 2nd grade, I started playing dota


                                                        @good pos 4 (VERY GOOD) Your story is so nice, I love it


                                                          I was looking for World of Warcraft. November of 2016.


                                                            I member updating 6gb for a reborn patch , yep good old times

                                                            Justin Weaver

                                                              I started playing back in 2016, I think it was during patch 6.87. Dota is my first and only moba experience (haven't played any other moba or games in general after I got hooked up with it) Reason was break-up xD. I still remember my very first game with lion just using abilities to kill creeps and such retarded stuff xD, I just picked the hero because that name sounded interesting. There were games I played with disruptor and people would yell at me that you are support and you are supposed to ward, I tell them that look at the number of kills I've(I would hit level six and Wait for one more people to push together hide behind the tower and ult plus thunder strike which assured at least one kill) , I'm better than you at the game. Didn't know shit about roles back then 😂 it's really funny when I think about that time


                                                                I started in ~2008. Some HS friends introduced me to the WC3 DotA1. I was more of a SC player than a WC3 player, so I picked Lanaya (the dark templar) every game, but I did not understand why last hits was necessary. I don't recall even getting 1 LH in mid because I auto-attacked the creeps, but only if the enemy hero was not there. Otherwise, I attacked the enemy hero, took creep harass, and died. After one too many deaths, I just used meld in mid-lane stayed there until the enemy left lane. I recall dying to tower too, because I didn't know it had truesight on me while melded.

                                                                Oh right, and since I didn't know what the spells did, I would only max meld and stats on Lanaya since stats = HP = not dying. Since I didn't know how recipes worked nor did I buy any consumables (because only retards buy items that they'll end up losing later), I just bought boots (to run away from enemies) and ogre clubs (because STR = HP = not dying and ogre club added the most STR out of any item that didn't require a recipe to combine and I didn't know where the secret shop was). Needless to say, the team I was on lost every game and I didn't really want to play again until DotA2 came out.

                                                                I played DotA2 at the insistence of a friend from LOL who played DotA1. He played all the flashy heroes in DotA1 (Invoker being his favorite) and wanted another game to play with me since I was awful at League. I played Sniper and got wrecked by the enemy Ursa. I didn't play the game for another year but one day started to play when I was bored of my other games. I played WR vs. bots and recalled being so bad initially even getting 1 kill was a miracle, even vs. easy bots. I've come a long way since.

                                                                კომენტარი შეიცვალა
                                                                chicken spook,,,,

                                                                  because everyone else did

                                                                  I still kinda regret tryharding this game at some point despite getting result