General Discussion

General DiscussionLearning mid

Learning mid in General Discussion

    im 3.5k pos3/4 player. my 1 and 5 is ok, my mid sucks. i wanna change that.

    is there a go-for-hero to learn mid behaviour? like ppl say pick lich when you start learning support, u know

    im aiming for 1-2 heroes added to my pool that im able to win the majority of lanes with. i like to close games around 25min and i play go-in heroes, not-stay-in-the-back heroes. looking on dk and tinker for now. dp fits my playstyle but is pretty boring imo.

    dont talk about invoker or meepo please, im not meesing with those outside of botgames before i reach at least 4.5k

    Mr. HanSolo please do not post in this topic.

    thx in advance

    one syllable anglo-saxon

      viper dk sf


        well i played old viper when i was mid 2k. new viper is pretty situational, isnt it?
        sf doesnt suit my playstyle


          Sf may not suit ur playstyle but he is very good for learning how to play midlane
          Creep agro, harass, kill potential, trading hits, etc.

          Lruce Bee

            The quintessential mid hero is SF. They even made bots play sf. It's a combination of laning, specifically last hitting, which is crucial for sf to get an early lead, farming, skill with range (razes), team fight awareness and positioning (through requiem), mana management early on, itemization (sf is really versatile) and carrying the game.

            Lruce Bee

              If you want to learn about kill potential and skill usage /skill builds, play tinker and storm.


                Invo mirana tinker

                Justin Weaver

                  Why not just go sniper mid, OD is pretty good too


                    Take your pick from the following heroes, "traditional" and "new age" midlaners:
                    Voker(ignore since you don't want)
                    Special mention to: Pudge, Brew, Magnus, AA, Necro.
                    Pick one of my "special mentions" if you're really looking for the frontline hero type(except AA). Though it's ill-advised to play them midlane this patch, with nerfed bottle, removal of PMS, and midlane predominantly ranged heroes.
                    Edit: Arc Warden, if you're up for it. He's not as hard as you think trust me.

                    კომენტარი შეიცვალა

                      Tinker isn't a go-in hero in the sense that you can man up on anyone but I think it would be a good one. DK is the opposite and i don't think it will be enough. DK will certainly teach you some mid mechanics, but you need another hero, most likely ranged to practice with as well so you can get better at leaning in the lane/abusing creep aggro and overall mid positioning.

                      I also vote OD.


                        Can u guys understand he isn't looking for "waow ez wins hero xD" he is trying to learn the lane
                        Suggesting something like alch or Zeus or ember or another either bad hero in the meta or hero who plays the lane in an unusual way u won't learn the lane properly. U want more traditional heroes.


                          Zues is solid. Q gets you last hitting potential at a safe distance. Denying is tricky due to low dmg and attack range, so not ideal against SF.


                            train with melee heroes too, it's not the patch for them but they're really strong in the right conditions : jugg, dk, tiny, troll and even sven

                            კომენტარი შეიცვალა

                              Wtf these suggestions hurt my brain

                              Cheesy Wenis

                                Dazzle is pretty good for learning mid.

                                Also Chen.


                                  The suggestions are fine.

                                  Melt, I play mostly mid and I'd recommend QoP to get started. She has a blink so it's a little more forgiving on positioning when you get ganked. OD also is not too hard to play and is easy for last-hitting assuming you go 4-1-4.

                                  Surprisingly BS is also a viable mid, depending on who their mid is. Obviously wouldn't work against something like tinker but otherwise, the built in heal makes you sustainable and thirst makes it easy to gank lanes

                                  კომენტარი შეიცვალა
                                    კომენტარი წაიშალა
                                    one syllable anglo-saxon

                                      u'll suck on qop if ure a bad mid in general


                                        I try to play the roles you do too melt. Same problem, I can’t play mid lmao. Whenever I play mid, I pick lane dominators, space makers and splitpushers, use the map awareness you got from different roles in mid. I can only win mid usually if my matchup wins.

                                        Basically, do I win my lane, how do I win the lane and how much can I win my lane. After laning though think of how eachnof you will play. Who is more aggressive. And you’ll be surprised how vigilant you are to ganks because you play 3 and 4

                                        Bring heroes you’re comfortable with. My mids are usually puck, sniper, bloodseeker sometimes, sf, or the more boring ones where you just win the lane like razor.

                                        კომენტარი შეიცვალა

                                          ya im the worst qop ever, i have made that experience already.
                                          played 3 mid games today.

                                          tinker on a smurf vs od and roaming riki. lane went even, enemy medusa went godlike at 15min and closed the game 18/0 at 34min. i was 10/6, my farm was not too good and i couldnt stop the dusa push. played too agressive in a few scenarios. my first death would have been a triple kill if i didnt lag out at that moment... ill take that as a training for muscle memory.

                                          zeus vs willow in a 5stack. again, lane went even. zeus is not the hero to learn mid imo, he just keeps his distance. at least i do that.
                                          i killed the enemy safelane twice with good runes, roamed around alot, didnt focus my farm. still easy game in the end.

                                          dp vs pa
                                          the actual laning was not very educational. i rekt the pa. she got a kill on me with dd. we kept pushing with my ult, didnt manage to close the game, at 35min it turned and we lost

                                          კომენტარი შეიცვალა

                                            sf ta

                                            ember sniper

                                            dp zeus

                                            none of these heroes are that hard, except maybe ember or ta i guess. heroes ordered by farm capabilities


                                              sf and ta dont suit me, ive tried both.
                                              i'd totally spam ember if he wasnt shit af right now. played him a few times.
                                              sniper and zeus wont teach me anything
                                              dp is an option but boring af. i dont enjoy playing her, will pick her here and there when she fits the draft.

                                              im gonna stick with timker for now probably. his playstile has some similarities to legion, at least the way i play her. and i am quick at getting hotkeys int my muscle memory. he has a huge skillcap which i can abuse

                                              thanks to all of you for the suggestions

                                              კომენტარი შეიცვალა


                                                My usual playstyle

                                                Build always
                                                Aether, kaya/eul, aghanim

                                                Congratulation u just wrecking everyone, unless ur teammate picking retard hero and doesnt even trying to get serious

                                                კომენტარი შეიცვალა

                                                  "pick a hero
                                                  build these items every game
                                                  this skillbuild every game"

                                                  yea thanks for the... no. but thanks.


                                                    Try razor and viper. Boring yeah, just find pleasure in shitting on their game. Personally in this meta. I feel like map control wins games harder than it ever did so flash farmers and split pushers do the job.


                                                      im not going to play mid in my solo ranked anytime soon. this is not about how to win games as mid the easiest way. i wanna play classic mids.

                                                      its more because i dont really know how and when to play around my mid when i offlane and when to help mid as roamer

                                                      კომენტარი შეიცვალა

                                                        Quick guide how to get mmr in 3k
                                                        Learn when to pick ta.
                                                        Pick ta.
                                                        Win your lane.
                                                        Farm jungle in between waves.
                                                        Get 70-90 cs min 10.
                                                        Get treads deso blink (14 is super good 15-16 is very good 17-18 is good)
                                                        Persuate your team to go rosh with u( u can solo with dd).
                                                        Push all outer towers.
                                                        If u win fights try hg if not aegis expire u farm and kill out of position heroes untill next rosh.
                                                        Finish game.
                                                        Repeat untill you 're 4k

                                                        კომენტარი შეიცვალა

                                                          again, thats not my point. but thx for the input.


                                                            sry i did a bad job of reading ur post

                                                            mid behavior is very dependent on ur hero. dk is going to afk slapping creeps and kill his t1 with ult then group and take towers, ta is going to make stacks and farm a deso then rosh and 5 man, qops going to kill mid and then leave lane and kill sidelanes, tinkers going to farm travels in lane or get a soul ring and stack jungle for travels, lc is going to kill mid with 6 and run around ganking with an early bilnk, alchs going to stack with acid and stick in lane with ult regen then rice armlet rad and lose the game

                                                            so u cant just learn mid behavior unless ur talking about lane mechanics in which case ur talking about shit like ta and sf sry xd


                                                              i think ill give ta a shot. need to leave my comfort zone.
                                                              how does she sustain mana in lane these days? would you still buy a bottle?
                                                              vs spell spammers i imagine aquila, raindrop and magic wand would be enough.

                                                              i like the basic idea of drums but that would delay blink and deso too much, right?

                                                              კომენტარი შეიცვალა

                                                                Get cs, deny cs
                                                                Position yourself so you dont get harassed
                                                                If enemy is in the middle of creepwave they will most likely not win the harass trade
                                                                GET REGEN


                                                                  U can't say "I want classic midlaners"
                                                                  And also say "sf and ta don't suit me"

                                                                  I'd recommend sf because ta is definitely more difficult imo


                                                                    Pick Heroes who fit your gameplay. If you like to fight a lot, play aggresively, it can be wind, qop, lina, dk... ID you like slower pace, buildy Up, go for dusa, Sf, TA...

                                                                    Generaly find Heroes who fit your play style. I am used to dmg dealers, So i dont enjoy So much Heroes like Zeus, dp, tinker... But i like sd, WD etc, who still as supports can 1v1 against anybody And with some luck win/stall.


                                                                      Fuck, just yolo it and go Lion,Lina,Shadow Shaman ez pz mid xD