General Discussion

General DiscussionSo, badges are a bit rubbish. Discuss

So, badges are a bit rubbish. Discuss in General Discussion

    I can see why badges were added to give people a target other than a larger number for their MMR but really they are a bit rubbish and pretty sure Valve need to go back to giving the number more prominence. Most of us like the instant hit of winning/losing 25 rather than an upgrade/downgrade at a random point every 20 games or so (if ever)

    I know you can still check MMR but still its a bit painful.

    Also, what are you supposed to take away from the badge display at the picking screen? Highest badge means player on a losing streak or that they are the highest skill present?

    Totentanz to The King: M ...

      well with the latest change you can see people's ranking which is pretty much the same as knowing their mmr (this is only for divine 5+ games) so there is no real difference for me anymore.

      Muhammad Sumbul

        I calibrated 1800 mmr in 2013 and left it untouched.When I calibrated again it gave me crusader 2.But when i play ranked its full of shit people who can't even play properly,but when i play unranked i find games in high skill bracket with legends and ancients.The same happened before the medal system came "2.3k max in ranked" and 3.5k-5k in unranked so i quit ranked.Can someone explain how unranked matchmaking and ranked matchmaking works ucz this shit is really messed up.3584420103 just a unrakend game against a ancient 5 star medusa and legends and archons.If u want to get out of low skill bracket then just spam pub matches till u reach higher skill bracket .If you try to play ranked then you are gonna get stuck in the trenches


          Below Ancient, badges are not directly proportional to Solo MMR. There are people I know with Solo mmr 2.1k and Party 3.8k, so their Badge shows Archon irrespective of whether they are playing Solo or Party. So it doesn't really say much about true skill.

          Besides, anyone below Ancient plays Dota casually.

          Badges just show the PEAK reached by a player and is a trophy of sorts below Ancient. Above that, it is directly proportionate to Solo MMR, so it still works like it is supposed to.

          კომენტარი შეიცვალა
          Muhammad Sumbul

            My problem is just that my ranked games are full of shit players and my mmr also calibrated shit,while in unranked i am always in high skill matches with legends and ancients


              So play unranked. Why do you care about your badge if you like playing in high skill matches ? If you at all care, try to grind in ranked matches, why do you care about players ?

              You can't have both unless you create a new account.

              chicken spook,,,,

                It doesn't affect matchmaking in any way so whatever
                Although I do actually find these badges more gimmicky


                  ty for ranks valve tyty


                    basically what you're saying is that I need to grind to divine 5 then ;)

                    Chao Vritra

                      I calibrated 1800 mmr in 2013 and left it untouched.When I calibrated again it gave me crusader 2.But when i play ranked its full of shit people who can't even play properly,but when i play unranked i find games in high skill bracket with legends and ancients.The same happened before the medal system came "2.3k max in ranked" and 3.5k-5k in unranked so i quit ranked.Can someone explain how unranked matchmaking and ranked matchmaking works ucz this shit is really messed up.3584420103 just a unrakend game against a ancient 5 star medusa and legends and archons.If u want to get out of low skill bracket then just spam pub matches till u reach higher skill bracket .If you try to play ranked then you are gonna get stuck in the trenches

                      unranked has MMR too you jyust dont see it. one is higher than the other


                        Unranked mmr moves up and down faster than ranked and, seeing as most people are less tryhard, it’s reasonable to understand why someone can easily have a higher unranked than ranked mmr. The two mmrs aren’t really comparable.