General Discussion

General DiscussionI'm speechless.

I'm speechless. in General Discussion

    Who celebrated lmao, are you done spreading bullshits and lies about people trying to ruin their "reputation" and "humiliate" them? Like when you stalked my profile and posted a screen of my feeds HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH
    What do you think you're achieveing by doing this, hurting me? LUL psycho kid and his ridiculous mental games.

    Btw I don't understand why I didn't get any star assigned, I played 10 calibration games and didn't get them, now I played another ranked game hoping to get them but nothing.

    კომენტარი შეიცვალა

      What have I learned is "don't seek salvation on Dotabuff, go pornhub better. I don't know reasons are mostly they have high skill or I'm just bad but they seems never met with bad players in their game. Well, it's SEA server for me anyways haHAA.


        You're ancient. You bitch.


          Of course I am, I think they even "tried" to make me calibrate higher 'cause the avg mmr of my games was high 4k from beginning to end and even tho my calibration was trash I lost only a little mmr and got Ancient. I'm reading about people that were 4.4k (I was 4325) getting legend 4, how is that possible. They can't have had stats and calibration games worse than mine.


            Nice K. thread



              Keep going guys. Page 3 soon.




                  YOLO dude,
                  I understand completely what you are talking about. I'm officially 2,5k player with initial calibration to 2,8k. I improved a lot. I play mostly mid/safelane but somehow I got stuck in 2k. Maybe because im toxic cause I go ballistic on idiots and lose my shit fast.
                  Anyway I stopped doing that or turn it to the minimum.
                  New calibration games: first 2 or 3 were great with great people, rly good team play although we lost one game nvm. Games were good. I try to play mid most of the time so next game I take mid again with Puck vs Invoker
                  I have no words to describe that game, like 1k or below players. Jugger afk jungle feeding and farming Radiance and Ghost Scepter, MK feeding, Bloodseeker farming Radiance and Lich who feed and didn't buy wards till like 25 mins. They are feeding or afk farming their shit items... Wtf can I do solo all game as Puck?
                  Next game similar shit but then I was feeding cause I have again 4 afk junglers....
                  Also one game we had a leaver...
                  Other games I played my best with one mid vs 5k player and won, and one Rubick game where I shined. I was rly satisfied.
                  Bottom line I got same MMR as I had before, roughly 2.9-3k. I think this calibration shit is just a gimmick, and you get same rank as before.
                  Im 5star Crusader now which is my guess 2.9k.


                    Oh I see you got spared by the russian Earth Spirit that jumped into 2 people when you were a lvl 3 Alche with no stun, died and then wrote "gg end afk alche" (???). And of course from that point on he starts kicking you into the enemies, ending up afking near the shrine with a shadow amulet while cursing in russian, along with the russian Puck from the same game that spent the entire game trying to steal my camps while I was farming them. Why? They were mad at each other and I have no idea why lmao. Mirana and all my team fucked up in the first game, then she abandoned. In the following game, if I'm not mistaken, the MK going 0-5 in 8 minutes, feeding all game long and then walking into the enemy fountain in courier shape to just drop his items and destoy them. Then the Ursa who at first seemed pretty ok and then started diving into 4 people like 5-6 times in a row, going afk and writing to the enemy team "gg end". After we lost 2 sets of racks he wrote "ok I'll play we can do it" and went back to feeding lmao. This is what I remember but there's more for sure, in 2-3 games I actually had nice teammates but at that point it was too late, I couldn't focus anymore and went afk to write this thread. Fuck this calibration, and fuck the current ranked games, even after the calibration. It feels like being back to D behavior score when in reality it's just a bunch of idiots trolling or ruining each other lanes 'cause they all wanna have high gpm/exp. I think it's time to leave ranked aside again. Sorry about your games btw and gl on your next games dude.




                        K, go quit. Why bother arguing with people here?


                          Who's even arguing


                            Git Gud


                              dude said he never lose mid to a 4k, yet lost to a mid 4k troll playing as ember. lmfao