General Discussion

General DiscussionAny strong offlane heroes this patch?

Any strong offlane heroes this patch? in General Discussion

    ^tittle XD

    Cheap Laugh Guy

      Centaur, Tide, Phoenix, Brood, Underlord
      Pangolier no Kappa


        big big no to phoenix in 3k

        add brew and beastmaster

        Mid and Safelane Only!



            brood legit


              Brew Pango Brood Underlord NP Ench are all annoying


                Depends on the situation.I think brewmaster, axe, tidehunter, underlord really strong right now.

                👉👉P O S I T I V I T Y :D

                  Np, brew, beastmaster and Centaur are probably the main candidates

                  Also should give some attention to pangolier, underlord, tide and maybe even briod can prove herself effective

                  meteor hammer

                    Brewmaster and enchantress = free mmr city


                      Underlord hast 54% in all skill brackets


                        thanks xD




                            Brew + ench are t1. Everything else is Bad compared to Them.


                              Depends on your mmr. The lower you are just pick the tanky brain dead ones like axe under lord. Brew and enchantress are for the 6ks lul




                                  lul i have 80% winrate with brew, the hero is actually OP in lower brackets


                                    clockwerk , strong early and mid game ... but cant scale to late game 52.49% winrate for the hero as dotabuff statistics

                                    зачем я начал поиск

                                      Brood, Ench, Beast, Brew
                                      Brew is actually some uber cheap shit: you just spam W non-stop on enemy core and he can't farm at all, nor attack you back.

                                      კომენტარი შეიცვალა

                                        bristle is good.


                                          Shhhh... if you complain about drunken haze too much its gonna get nerfed... and Im a brew player lel


                                            Centaur was very good. A bit less good now because of the agility/armour nerf.

                                            Phoenix has an obvious talent tree now (gold->extra damage->extra stun duration). Extra egg hits is the obvious choice except if you are finding that you haven’t had any problem getting the egg off already such as if you’re up against all melee or your team has lots of stuns in which case a bit of extra damage from sunray could be better. Personally I think the extra xp into high gold was more useful, but being able to get the extra fire spirit damage which you always had to give up to get the gold is a sort of constellation. Any extra exp talents at level 15 would legit have to be something like plus 100% xp for it to be worthwhile taking it. Otherwise you’re already half way to level 25 already and the other talent is far more useful in every stage of the game. Extra exp is only worth it if you are getting it at 10 where it is early enough to have an effect to get your other more useful levels (and ability levels) earlier.


                                              thanks guys ;D



                                                კომენტარი შეიცვალა

                                                  Is shaker still good? Cause I ply him roaming and acheive same impact tbh

                                                  Bill Cutting

                                                    Lc must be good with popularity of am and spec?

                                                    Friendly player



                                                        @kara shaker offlane was so popular cause of the pms which now is removed. I would rather play him as roamer now too.


                                                          Pheonix offlane is pretty shit
                                                          0 armor
                                                          Garbage attack
                                                          Literal dogshit hero lvl 1

                                                          Just go underlord brew beast/ench (if u can micro decent) tide