General Discussion

General DiscussionPlease help me to not suck at dota. (200mmr)

Please help me to not suck at dota. (200mmr) in General Discussion

    This is an excellent thread on the forum. We need more discussions about destroying ancients like this. Let's add another page to it and make sure it's alive. Keep up the good work, boys!


      is that real guy below 1k exist ?


        Honestly, just learn how to lasthit creeps should be enough to win games at 200mmr.

        1. Watch a tutorial how to last hit

        2. Choose a carry hero you want to play. wraith king for example is a very simple to play hero that is forgiving due to his ult and has a stun to setup kills for himself.

        3. Train lasthitting with this hero in bot games. 50 lasthits (cs) in 10 min should be good enough to start with but the more the better.

        4. Setup the most
        popular guide for the hero as default. Normally you see recommendet items to buy for a hero, note they are pretty random and are not really follow a real build for the hero but you can exchange that with an actual build. Just search in youtube for a tutorial on that.

        5. Start normal games with that hero and last hit creeps for about 20 to 30 minutes maybe a bit less. After that go with your team as 5 and push down tower after tower. When the enemy team tries to stop you fight and kill them. As a wraith king you should be in front of the rest of your team. So the enemy team wastes their spells on you (your ult is to come back from death once per fight basically).

        You should be able to win most of your games with this right now, since you will be 1 or more items ahead of everyone else in the game. Once you are in higher mmr there is a ton of more things to consider though.

        i am danger pro

          Play a role. Not a hero. I always tell this to people.


            I just wanna learn too


              @sahdevav thank you i'll try this soon

              chicken spook,,,,

                Figure out why do you lose