General Discussion

General DiscussionHelp! How Can You Escape 2k MMR in SEA server

Help! How Can You Escape 2k MMR in SEA server in General Discussion

    i mean man i need help because i was eager to win in mmr then suddenly they go throw because of not going support they just insta pick invoker and lose the lane and we get gg, Can You Guys Give me tips Like What Time to queue or what should i do to improve?

    зачем я начал поиск

      Feed and go down to 1k.


        git gut, thats how i got out from 2k

        4Ld3N R3ch4rg3

          Stop being a try hard carry and be a support. Your average gpm and xpm is way below the average of a decent carry. You don't have any talent or skills to be a carry, but most of your games you used a core hero, maybe that's why you have that 2k mmr. I just use this smurf account when i just want to play carry, but if i want to try to win, i use my main.


            on topic
            spam 1-2 heroes you're most comfortable with. thats how you increase mmr

            Palmen aus Plastik

              just spam and first pick 1-2 heroes like he said. Guaranteed to get you out of that bracket fastest. But you'll only be good at those, and the moment you try another hero you will find yourself out of your league. So it's a toss up between gaining mmr fast, and not being a one-trick pony.


                Just pick np. Learn to micro treant Go offlane and bully enemy carry and if u think your mid is not garbage go gank enemy. If your mid lose 2 Times against enemy mid just tp fountain to end the game fast
                10/10 absolute way to 3k without using autism cookie Challenge


                  wtf I got blamed being a supp in 1k

                  2k is better than 1k dude, just mute them and play ur game