General Discussion

General Discussion"Dota 2 is balanced because all of the heroes are overpowered"

"Dota 2 is balanced because all of the heroes are overpowered" in General Discussion
Bad Intentions

    Just read an article that this is the main reason why dotes is fun and why we love it. Is it? thoughts please.

    casual gamer

      overpowered from the perspective of a game where a 2s nuke+stun is an ultimate ability with a long cooldown

      although the games definitely becoming more "everyone is op" with 7.07 patch

      კომენტარი შეიცვალა
      Bad Intentions

        ^which makes it generally more fun? or is it subjective?


          overpowered from the perspective of a game where a 2s nuke+stun is an ultimate ability with a long cooldown

          wait what hero is this
          I'm too tired to look for it

          კომენტარი შეიცვალა

            lots of heroes have nukes with roughly 2 second stuns as ultimates.

            but i can't find any with *exactly* 2 seconds so idk


              I would not say all heroes are OP tho.


                It is definitely subjective. I mean, there were people who found 6.83 fun. I honestly don't know how, but they exist.

                Potato Marshal

                  Clock ult is exactly 2 seconds of stun


                    That tidehunter ulti ravage doesnt even look like an ulti, because that shit damage,shit stun(same as centaur hoof stomp) and long cd

                    ♏mikeeCS ツ

                      "overpowered from the perspective of a game where a 2s nuke+stun is an ultimate ability with a long cooldown"

                      ^^ I got necrophos ulti on my mind


                        All these people talking about their 2 sec stun nuke ultis while I think about my boy Enigma and his 4 sec stun ulti.

                        casual gamer

                          im talking about league of legends u fuckin goons

                          Fee Too Pee

                            But but. Huskar's ultimate is only a slow... :(

                            зачем я начал поиск

                              Most heroes get overpowered only once one finds out a way (itembuild, skillbuild, playstyle, lane) to make them overpowered.



                                зачем я начал поиск

                                  Luna isn't overpowered, unless you actually understand what to do as Luna (what's your gameplan, when you can fight, when you can't fight, when you should farm, etc.)
                                  Brood isn't overpowered, unless you actually understand what to do.
                                  Meepo isn't overpowered, unless you actually understand what to do.
                                  %heroname% isn't overpowered, unless -/-

                                  There are exceptions and these exceptions are heroes with huge average winrates.
                                  They have such winrates, because they have some sort of a very basic easy to execute mechanic, which brings disproportional impact, easy for an average player to abuse.
                                  Most heroes have some sort of the most efficient playstyle, it's up to the player to find it out.
                                  Ones, who find such a way get huge winrate with the hero.

                                  tl;dr Most Dota 2 heroes are imbalanced only when you play them in a certain specific way, which you/someone else have found out.

                                  კომენტარი შეიცვალა
                                  Dire Wolf

                                    Everything in dota has a counter, people complain op cus playing the counter isn't fun or a popular hero.

                                    Mlada i Luda

                                      Yes. for kids. this is what valve is aiming for. trying to fish new players , by making the game more attractive with some nonsense bullshit, plus some graphic changes, 2 new completely childish animation hereos, and shit like that. so the new players which are mostly kids will play dota and not other games like LOL or whatever kids play nowdays.


                                        I both agree and disagree with the statement all of dota's heroes are overpowered. But all the usable ones have one overpowered tool, and then a kit of decent ones. that is why you max one ability first on most heroes, because you have a core ability that is more powerful than the rest, so you want to make sure it is at max power. Heroes with invis happen to have a very simple obvious op mechanic, invis. But on top of that they get other bonuses, which would be op if not for their other tools being very limited and focused on the heroes mechanics. Riki has a pretty bad ult and a half decent blink as well as the softest hard disable in the game to go with him being a sneaky annoyance. Bh has a few different damage things, that all need to work in unison, and would be pretty bad if he could not enter unnanounced because his whole point is ganking people. These heroes utilize their core broken ability to make some decent to bad general stuff powerful. Some heroes the broken ability is the ult, others it is a passive. Very few heroes are dependent on even leveling of everything, because dota makes some abilities better than others. LoL fails to do that (or did when I tried it), so I got bored of it because that is literally the only thing I like about dota. Dota makes super interesting heroes for a game that is a little to long and far too intense.


                                          True that everyone got buffed but the only overpowered hero in DoTA 2 is Necrophos.