General Discussion

General DiscussionAntimage vs Spectre

Antimage vs Spectre in General Discussion

    AM had a 58% win rate when 7.07 came out. Then they balanced a few things like moving his blink illusion talent to lvl 20 instead of 15, and now AM has 52% win rate.

    Spectre has a 57% win rate, both pre and post 7.07. The win rate drops to 51% for 5K+ games (which makes sense because Spec is usually ganked more and faces more pressure in the laning phase, and is a reason why she's not picked as often in competitive games).

    Two questions.

    1. Is AM in your opinion balanced now, or needs nerfs/buffs?
    2. If you're a hc player, and you're picking 4th or last on your team, when would you pick AM or Spectre (or something situational like Slark)?

    თემა შეიცვალა
    Road to 1K

      It depends on too many factors like
      what is their cores?
      Do you have strong supports to stay with you early game like first 5 -10 mins?
      Do your midlane need a lot of farm or not?
      but for real late game ill go for spectre


        1. still a strong carry. still at least A-tier. (previously he was like SS tier)
        2. when antimage is good vs. everyone except spectre (antimage isn't good vs. spectre). silver edge, satanic, and AC are all good items vs. spectre.

        კომენტარი შეიცვალა
        Fee Too Pee

          Antimage is not good vs spectre??? what the fuck.

          How the fuck AM is not good vs spectre


            am just rolls spectre over at 35 min imo


              AM is extremely strong vs spectre imo, second best matchup on dotabuff as well.


                yea when i first picked spectre, and someone on the other team picks anti-mage my heart rate goes up because i know im gonna have a bad game


                  it works both ways, coz spectre outputs a lot pure damage when am is high armor high magic res low hp hero.

                  also spectre can probably rape ams team early

                  კომენტარი შეიცვალა

                    In most games I’d say am has an advantage but it’s not really a matchup Im too worried about if I am playing Spectre. If Spectre can make it to late game she has an advantage on am .


                      AM has an upper hand in mid game, Spectre has an upper hand in late game


                        Spec is too tanky when she achieved late game against AM late game. Dispersion and rad burn will just pop AM illusions and then receives pure damage from desolate while am will just blink away after all that efforts that he did


                          spec is comeback hero, you need to make sure, that your team holds until you farm :) Above 5k your team doesnt push so hard so he is viable, in high skilled games it is really situational


                            i think lategame AM still wins.


                              Spec doesn't deal dmg in the lategame, am doesn't care abt rad burn, can lock spec down, break her if necessary and kill her, all while remaining durable but having slots for dmg


                                ^ "Spec doesn't do Damage late game"

                                Fee Too Pee

                                  to AM, yes. Spectre does not do any damage damage to AM. even more after lvl 25 talent in magic shield.

                                  And AM can farm silver edge fast if necessary tbh

                                  Fee Too Pee

                                    AM at a little below 50 winrate is the perfect position where he is btw.

                                    That hero is situational and must have skill (Yes, you need actual skill to farm fast)
                                    AM kinda strong right now. but still not cancer

                                    And i will pick huskar as 4th or 5th pick. Its a forgotten hero in ranked and no one know how to deal with actual huskar player with brain in my mmr (See my recent games)

                                    კომენტარი შეიცვალა

                                      Lol what does magic shield have to do with Specs Physical and pure damage??
                                      Am with Silver edge epic lols

                                      Fee Too Pee

                                        Its situational item build bro.

                                        And AM do not care about desolate and radiance damage (manta and magic shield)

                                        Fuka suginai o nīchan

                                          'Spec doesn't deal dmg in the lategame' WTF? AH okay he is a 2k player ^^

                                          კომენტარი შეიცვალა
                                          Bosnian Blade

                                            if u paly against spec late game, radi burn is last of your problems.


                                              Hahahahahahah Spec owns most heroes late game

                                              chicken spook,,,,

                                                AM is very good against spectre even in the lategame as long as you build him properly you shitheads don't even play both hero don't talk out of your arse. Lategame scenario isn't just about shitting out dps

                                                chicken spook,,,,

                                                  Try playing fucking spectre with 0 mana in the lategame against a hero with high mobility dumbass

                                                  Oh nevermind you're that 300 gpm retard SF in inhouse that tilted the shit out of everyone in your team


                                                    I actually do play Spectre and i would own ur AM ass any day


                                                      its not just about the 1 v 1 matchup. spectre can output more dps, but AM can control lategames quite well with his mobility and waveclear. he can usually end the game before spec is fully slotted too.


                                                        in honor of this thread i shall first pick spectre for my next game

                                                        Fuka suginai o nīchan

                                                          B Goat you have 1,6k mmr.. troll...

                                                          Gazz   ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

                                                            Antimage is not good vs spectre??? what the fuck.
                                                            How the fuck AM is not good vs spectre

                                                            Spec have no chance fighting 1v1 against an AM, since Spec needed those valuable mana for every battle.

                                                            What Mr.Marlans saying that AM is not good vs Spec is on team battle.


                                                              Why does Spec need mana FOR wtf lol


                                                                You mean the SF that owned ur ass on 290 ping u 1k dumb fuck

                                                                I can’t believe its not h...

                                                                  The comment about spectre not doing damage kinda made me die a little inside. And there is not much to kill anymore


                                                                    i just won a spec vs am game. but then again that am didnt know how to play his hero and got shut down hard. still AM > spec


                                                                      B Goat you have 1,6k mmr.. troll...



                                                                        I actually do play Spectre and i would own ur AM ass any day

                                                                        WHOA MISTER LASTPICKEDSPECTRELASTFUCKINGYEAR KNOWS HOW THE HERO WORK BOYS


                                                                          Totally different heroes.
                                                                          Spectre is a great tank with dispersion. She deals a ton of damage if you are forced to scatter. She can join early fights, even turn them, or just fish for kills while not losing anything. She likes a team that can handle prolonged fights which can be turned if she decides to join, or salvaged without her joining in. You should take extreme caution not to push against her team if you can hardly take on 5v4 vs high ground.
                                                                          AM is a flash farmer with just enough power to overwhelm virtually anyone if he has the farm advantage. He has to choose VERY carefully when to join in a fight and when to back away from it. When AM is shown splitpushing, his enemy can find a window to counterpush him 5-man.
                                                                          Spectre can be very difficult to kill when 2-3 ganked. AM can be very difficult to stop from getting away when ganked.

                                                                          Totally different heroes and playstyles.


                                                                            b-god who's using your vhs acct and feeding on it?


                                                                              I'll get it back to 3.8k if u want me to

                                                                              კომენტარი შეიცვალა





                                                                                    5 bucks says you'll never get back to 3.8


                                                                                      I have tried manfighting even a pa in the lategame and it's hard cuz spec deals little dmg in the lategame
                                                                                      Fuck r u talking abt, she is just strong because dispersion and her being so hard to kill.

                                                                                      submissive & breedable fe...

                                                                                        @washed up
                                                                                        build damage talent, not the tank ones (?)

                                                                                        Riguma Borusu

                                                                                          build damage talent, not the tank ones (?)

                                                                                          that's still shit damage for a carry

                                                                                          Spec deals a lot of AoE damage to everyone, if you have a core that is hard to kill she's fucking terrible

                                                                                          antimage with skadi AC will destroy her and there's nothing she can do about it, if she builds too tanky for AM to kill her without taking a lot of damage himself lategame, guess what, AM can now buy satanic or silver edge and you're rekt

                                                                                          კომენტარი შეიცვალა
                                                                                          Fuka suginai o nīchan

                                                                                            "antimage with skadi AC will destroy her and there's nothing she can do about it, if she builds too tanky for AM to kill her without taking a lot of damage himself lategame, guess what, AM can now buy satanic or silver edge and you're rekt"

                                                                                            But any Antimage will buy those Items :D


                                                                                              dont think the point of comparing the 2 heroes has anything to do with them man fighting each other.

                                                                                              주 롄양

                                                                                                *grabs tree*

                                                                                                კომენტარი შეიცვალა
                                                                                                Riguma Borusu

                                                                                                  @Jacked: true, antimage will outfarm and outsplit push spectre most of the time so he wins in a different way, but even if the game goes late enough, it is not lost, it depends on how fights pan out and on other 8 heroes, but even in that scenario, AM still usually wins out

                                                                                                  კომენტარი შეიცვალა
                                                                                                  死の恐怖 Haseo

                                                                                                    SPEC WIN ANTI-MAGE :monkaMEGA: :gun:


                                                                                                      Actually anti mage is one of very few heroes I would worry to play against as a late game specter. That and anti mage shines a lot faster than specter. E

                                                                                                      Everything else held the same, in a 1vs1 situation whether mid or late game, anti mage would win.

                                                                                                      However a late game specter is better than a late game anti mage against most lineups

                                                                                                      Player 153433446

                                                                                                        Am got a window...past the 45-50 min mark, his wr starts to plummet...i mean a quantum the stock market in wallstreet
                                                                                                        His wr dives like a kamikaze on american ships.
                                                                                                        I am talking about a 90^degrees graph decent

                                                                                                        Am sucks dick lategame cause of low damage.
                                                                                                        Mana burn and escape remain high 《 all u's got lategMe with am.
                                                                                                        52% winrate