General Discussion

General DiscussionIs meteor hammer thw worst item on the game?

Is meteor hammer thw worst item on the game? in General Discussion
Vem Comigo

    ^ 3 secs cast time, there is almost no way you can combo this with a stun, as a pusshing item is just as bad, what team will let you use that shit on their tower.

    Peace and prosperity HookandRoll

    თემა შეიცვალა

      Riguma Borusu

        nah man it is really good on some heroes, like void

        you can chrono and then use meteor hammer on it!

        awesome synergy


          If you look at the heroes who are building it it’s mainly those with a way to keep a hero in place for at least 3 seconds - fairy, jakiro, disruptor, abyssal underlord. People seem to be building it on NP too but this is a mistake based on the winrate.


            Build it on treant he could channel it while invisible

            Livin' Real Good

              lol chrono is the first argument people make up for the item as if thousands of people havent thought of that, and that's assuming void chrono's all the important heroes who can stop void's teammate from channeling it.

              Ive seen it work well on Riki and Outworld Devour.

              Riguma Borusu


                Cheap Laugh Guy



                    I'd say it's good for an offlane kotl his talent bonus on cast range works on items and it has a nice synergy with his wave clear q

                    Professor Dog

                      Seems amusing on phoenix since you can channel while diving


                        I had a teammate who used it while playing pugna, he pushed very fast imo


                          TINKER SO HE CAN DESTROY TOWER

                          Bosnian Blade

                            remove hammer pls


                              I think it's the worst one, but I don't mind it - you don't want to see players rushing it in every pub game. That would be cancerous. Let's keep it as trash as it is.

                              Totentanz to The King: M ...

                                i thought it would be pretty good, i was wrong. but i think the item is still not fully discovered. its a splitpush item for heroes who are not supposed to be able to do it.

                                Potato Marshal

                                  Aeon disk is way shittier, meteor hammer is a nice way of just doing an extra 360 damage to towers, and can hit both rax at once. If you time it right, you'll even be able to nuke the enemy creep wave when it spawns.

                                  주 롄양

                                    tinker cant rearm meteor hammer