General Discussion

General DiscussionIs Visage still op midlane

Is Visage still op midlane in General Discussion
Player 153433446

    Cause of the familiars nerf


      he's pretty much trash tier now. You might as well think of him as a hero with three spell rightclicker. Use familiars to push, even using them just to stun is pretty silly, they die to a sneeze and the meta revolves around picking 3 tanky heroes (which was Visage's job to burst them down).

      Avoid for now. Play chen or whatever.


        Visage is still the highest winrate hero in 5k, and u r still retarded


          Visage is still great, not sure what zmode is talking about.
          Chen is actually a lot worse since neutrals Spawn in later


            He is a "little bit" worse on early game but he is kinda better later when you get 25 with aghs since they no longer lose their attack damge/speed and still he is really hard to kill

            კომენტარი შეიცვალა

              ^getting lvl 25 and aghs on Chen wut


                ^check the title & read the comment till you get to the end.

                კომენტარი შეიცვალა

                  chen isnt abt "woah im better late game" its almost irrelevant to the hero
                  chen is abt ass raping early

                    კომენტარი წაიშალა

                      He asked : IS VISAGE STILL OP MIDLANE
                      My answer : He is a "little bit" worse on early game but he is kinda better later when you get 25 with aghs since they no longer lose their attack damge/speed and still he is really hard to kill.
                      I dont fucking get it what does chen has to do with OP question


                        Aghs and lvl 25 talent +1 familiar seems legit


                          I got confused cuz bsj mentioned it and u didn't clarify/specify what hero u were referring to, so it leads me to assume ur continuing the conversation from the previous poster


                            Go buy meteor hammer as 1st item.Cast 1st skill to ur enemy,then use meteor hammer while ur baby stunlock him.That 690 damage and 1.7 were not a joke.
                            Finish him with 2nd skill,watch him rage quit

                            Player 153433446

                              ^^yep..thats it


                                Max Q first and they deal decent damage to towers(level 1). lvl 25 + aghs let you melt towers pretty easily. Though, if your melee enemy buys a stout shield there's not much your level 1 birds can do.