General Discussion

General Discussionbend thy knee

bend thy knee in General Discussion

    normally skilled peasent mob!


      what are we looking at


        im starting coaching service based on "how i git high skill??"

        since no vhs player will ever answer your questions you have no choice

        1st class tourist



            the small minded bottom feeders dont understand their overlords it seems

            I'm sO fUcKInG BaAd

              but hao? can u tiich me hao to git high skill?!?!?! I are want be to the best player pro I are.


                have you tried to

                right click towers or creeps?

                I'm sO fUcKInG BaAd

                  I tried everything but team is holding me back what to do? I keep losing games, dunno what to do

                  Riguma Borusu

                    I don't know what's worse here
                    1) doesn't know how to take a screenshot
                    2) can't play DOTA in English like all normal people
                    3) spends a ton of money on a game he's bad at


                      1. too lazy
                      2. too lazy
                      3. i dont live in serbia any items in dota cost like 1/10 of what i earn in an hour at work...u jelly brou?
                      im smart and didnt sell some items until they had huge value (2x 80€ items) and just bought items i liked from that as well

                      im swiss dont fuck with me when it comes to money

                      კომენტარი შეიცვალა


                        Riguma Borusu

                          1) if you think it takes less time to take a screenshot than it does to take a picture you are fucking retarded
                          2) or too stupid
                          3) unless you are earning more than 12k euros a month I earn more relative to my country's standards
                          4) aren't you the guy who tried to argue we shouldn't be eating eggs because they are chicken menstruation? there's literally nothing you can say that would make me look more retarded than yourself


                            dont know if trolling or if you're just one of those typical balkan retards

                            go watch anime you weakling nerd kiddo

                            chicken spook,,,,

                              hi i smurf and got to h i g h s k i l l after 400+ games

                              chicken spook,,,,

                                Oh wait I live in 10th world country so my opinion doesn't matter


                                  thanks for appreciating my high skill dear bws

                                  yes your opinion doesnt matter especially since you're poor and from SEA and you have an anime avatar



                                  1st class tourist

                                    Woohooo i got H I G H skill after 7 smurfs !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


                                    1st class tourist

                                      The only reason why ur born is because ur mother got raped in an alley


                                        How to git 3.2k?????? I even tried smurfing but even that calibrated 4.6k helppppp

                                        კომენტარი შეიცვალა

                                          thanks for your feedback guys

                                          pls contain your fangayism i know im super skilled but tone it down a bit

                                          Pump Cultist

                                            DON'T MAKE ME.......................... BOTTOM TEXT

                                            Riguma Borusu

                                              dont know if trolling or if you're just one of those typical balkan retards
                                              go watch anime you weakling nerd kiddo

                                              The only people who talk like this are beta retards so I guess it's fitting at least.


                                                Jokes on you you're not really hs till like 3250

                                                I'm sO fUcKInG BaAd

                                                  BAAAAAAAAAAAHAHAHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHAHAHAAHA this thread got funny so fducfking fast man HAh*&yah(*p&yashdsfhahhaha