General Discussion

General Discussion500 MMR Scrub In NEED!

500 MMR Scrub In NEED! in General Discussion

    So i've been under 1k for about a year. I almost always play offlane, and I usually am one of the most farmed heroes. I usually have a decent KDA so with a good KDA and good farm I'm not understanding while I am still losing to scrubs at this mmr. Any tips on heros to play or anything in general at all. I'd appreciate it! :)


      Don't see any am in your recents

      Say Hi To The Eye

        Go carry heroes mid = ez mid = ez win .. if you have skills .. And yea right buy ur own cour and ward for mid ..

        კომენტარი შეიცვალა
        Palmen aus Plastik

          buy your own wards, courier. learn one hero and first pick him every game, counters be damned. give it 50 games and you'll see noticeable climb in mmr.

          DEY MACHA

            just stay 1k


              stop dying 10+ times every match?

              Story Time

                Go carry heroes mid = ez mid = ez win .. if you have skills .. And yea right buy ur own cour and ward for mid ..

                How can you assume that he has skills? Why such idiots, like you, suggest so silly solutions like "Go carry heroes mid = ez mid = ez win"=? please delete dota, scrub

                Fuka suginai o nīchan

                  You wont climb the cancerladder anyway, they only tip i can give is GT GUD.
                  Stay at 500-1k and complain about how bad your mates are till you dead.


                    Learn pa and spam pa...that's what i do...the point is learn 1 hero at a time dont play almost all hero in dota if u dont really master it..


                      winning against unfair bot?


                        I can tell you have a few additional chromosomes from your item build this game:



                          Try a different role, since offlane clearly is not working out for yourself. I was 300 mmr a year ago. I suggest playing support. It is the easiest in terms of mechanics. And if you actually want to improve, the most important skill is learned as a support (In my humble opinion), gamesens. Most notably when and where to ward. And when to show or not show in lane.

                          + you seem to die a lot. And that is not as important when you are a support compared to being a core.

                          Also, pick meta offlaners for your bracket. In the sub 1k bracket those heroes are: Necrophos, Spirit Breaker, Axe. They are quite tanky offlane heroes with kill potential at certain levels.


                            If you want to climb MMR at that skill bracket i suggest you to play supp. 1K MMR players usually suck so hard at supporting and a good support can be a huge advantage for the team. Play as a supp, pull the lane, buy wards, sentries, dust etc and it’s gonna be a easy game.
                            Just remmber that playing carry is a thing that everyone (almost) can and will do it on 1K MMR. Every game in the dota only needs 3 cores to win not 5 so someone should voluntarily play as support.


                              Wow, I've been looking at my recent games and yeah I have been dying a lot. I thought i was okay lol. Thanks for the help I'll be trying it out today.

                              I'm sO fUcKInG BaAd

                                google is here since 1998 and I'm sure thousands of ppl asked the same question and got it answered. U sure u put 0.00001% effort into trying to do something urself?


                                  learn what roles in the game exist
                                  play each role for like 10-20 games
                                  do the all hero challenge to get to know each hero and see what their abilities do

                                  this will take you till 2.5k minimal
                                  then ask the question again if you don't know what to do next


                                    here is a tip
                                    GIT GUD
                                    no seriously all this "spam hero" bs shudnt even be needed in 1k, the fucking bracket is retardedly easy