General Discussion

General Discussionquestion on 2 skill builds on MK

question on 2 skill builds on MK in General Discussion

    the first one prioritizes "w" over everything else
    and the other one maxes "q" and "e" at level 8

    my question:
    any justifications of these 2 builds?
    which is better given this "x'' situation.
    thanks in advance dotabuff

    Story Time

      E skill is so good, it is a priority with casual 1 point into q and w

      Riguma Borusu

        mid maxes strike and jingu over everything else because those skills help you win the lane and kill everyone who comes to you

        spring is maxed when you are going around and gaking people, since you are using that skill a lot you want it to be max level

        roaming mk maxes spring

        midlane mk maxes strike and jingu

        safelane/offlane can do either depending on the circumstances, the most important factor here is that there really aren't many trees around mid so spring is wasted and strike and jingu are really powerful when you max them early

        make sure you have at least one point in spring by the time you're going to rotate or have to jump the enemy midlaner from a tree

        კომენტარი შეიცვალა

          okay now i see,
          I thought that maxing tree dance was for faster farm since it scales well and has low cooldown

          Story Time

            damn i though the question was about WK :D SORRY!

            Cheap Laugh Guy

              ^^ Yes
              Maxing W/E reduces manacost and cooldown(you can spam it more), the high damage makes it a good flash farm skill. The new MK revolves around that buffed skill as pos 1.
              Maxing Q and F first is just classic MK.

              Looking at the patches, QF was nerfed while WE was buffed. I prefer the Spring build more than the Jingu.


                ^lol it's okay wonkey king