General Discussion

General DiscussionIf you could ban 5 heroes every patch, which ones would it be for the...

If you could ban 5 heroes every patch, which ones would it be for the current patch? in General Discussion
Riguma Borusu

    Imagine you're forced to decide here and now, which heroes you'd have to ban every game. You have 5 bans, as in captain mode, but they are absolute - those heroes are banned right at the start of the game. Every time you load up a game, those heroes are banned, no questions asked, and those are the 5 bans of your team, the other team can ban some other heroes. You can never choose to ban any other hero until the new patch comes.

    1) Techies - Makes games unnecessarily long, passive, hard to push high ground against, etc
    2) Necro - I don't play the hero and I find ghost shroud incredibly annoying to deal with playing heroes I like, also 120+ second death timers are bullshit
    3) Shaman - Solo offlaner's nightmare, this hero can be a feeding machine in wrong hands, but can also solo win a game if he knows when to press R and how to zone (does killing count as zoning?) a solo offlaner
    4) Tinker - I just hate his playstyle, and it's really cancerous to deal with, whether he wins or loses the game
    5) Ursa - Nothing much here, it's just that I play melee heroes predominantly

    Your choices should reflect your playstyle as well as what heroes are OP - you can argue that some of the OP heroes should not be banned, because you are using them to grind MMR (like necro or shaker), and you can argue that you want heroes banned just because they counter your strategy for winning the game.


      Techies - I don't want to play Minesweeper
      Puck - Gay design, gay gameplay, gay to deal with, gay voice.
      Tinker - I play mostly in the night, I don't need those games to last an extra 20 minutes, also he's simply gay.
      Arc Warden - Fuck Arc Warden
      Necro - Ok, he's here only because of the current patch, the rest I'd ban 24/7 no matter the patch.


        1. necroshit
        2. zeus (half hp with 1spell, other half with second)
        3. tinker -||-
        4. tide (cant rly kill you, but can annoy shit out of you in lane)
        5. spirit breaker ( i hate math... so i hate his charging angles too)

        Vacmaster Model #VWMB508

          Techies: stupid hero
          Tinker: pushing into this hero makes me cry
          Veno: blink ALWAYS on cd and annoying slows and dps
          LC: free kills on supports all game is BS
          Axe: I play hard carry

          Gazz   ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

            1. Antimage: Whethers its on my team or not, I hate this hero game style.
            2. LC: A countered LC player is a joke. A fat LC player is a nightmare.
            3. Natures Prophet: Hard to catch and also a strong pusher.
            4. Riki: Annoying as fuck
            5. Troll Warlord: One lucky bash and your dead. No lucky bash spells trouble.


              techies, shaman, ursa, bloodseeker, viper

              Player 57312074

                all green heroes

                Riguma Borusu

                  all green heroes

                  holy shit, you're right, all green heroes are annoying pieces of shit

                  chicken spook,,,,

                    Techies and greens


                      Necro Riki axe. I never left 1k. My winrate against those heroes abysmal

                      კომენტარი შეიცვალა

                        Roaming Pudge, Mirana for sure. Either they're useless when in your team or when in enemy team they destroy mid...Techies because he is antifun to play against. Those 3 for sure. Tbh I think 5 heroes is not enough. I would like to see around 15 heroes to get perma banned. There are just so many broken/antifun heroes.


                          For this patch, I'd say
                          1)Invo-way too many of these no matter the patch, but hopefully he gets nerfed to oblivion and nobody would touch him that patch
                          2)Viper-lanes win games, and this jackass wins lanes
                          3)LC-go big (200 duel dmg), or go home (50 dmg fed to enemy). Too high risk high reward. Also, stop jungling this patch you shit, offlane LC is where its at, sadly few people get this, so gtfo
                          4)Io-this guy is good... if you're a pro player with a coordinated team. There's a reason he's bottom of pub winrate. Randoms a support, wants to play core, rerandoms into Io, -25. No thanks

                          Perpetual ban Techies. No explanation needed

                          Friendly player

                            Mirana's all abilities are fucking annoying.
                            Axe blinks in with his blademail and takes out 50min farmed hc... ffs.
                            Bloodseeker if no one has a counter to him.
                            Tinker if no one has a counter to him.
                            Fully farmed PA is fkin annoying too... Why is that dagger is flying into me :( ? 1k crit. Balanced.


                              Basically every stunner(earthshaker,shaman,SB,earthspirit) and techies


                                • Techies, OP, and even if they fail, they can still drag the game over 2 hours.

                                • Nyx, Can we play, or have you to stun us for 3 fucking years with 10 sec cooldown spell (and seriously, who thougt a 40% mana burn on a 4 sec cd was a good idea ?) If at least he couldn't solo kill anyone...
                                I don't know which is the worst part, that this hero is totally ridiculous, or the fact it has an agahs even more ridiculously stronger than the whole hero ?

                                • Io, a hero that make an ally immortal, and give him global presence was a good addition, but who the fuck did think it was a good idea to allow io not to be useless out of that ?

                                No more hero ban, just a ban on kotl's agah, arguably the most op one with nyx's
                                If i had to really add a fith one, i guess i would remove shaker's lvl 20 echo talent

                                კომენტარი შეიცვალა
                                Pump Cultist

                                  viper, tinker, techies, necroshit, a good kunkka

                                  Дима Смирнов

                                    This is why i like playing techies


                                      necro bara - braindead heroes. Anyone can just pick that hero and do whatever the hero does while having your eyes closed.
                                      thats all
                                      E: and techies
                                      What's with all the tinker hate? That hero is such an easy kill if you play properly around him. Having good vision against Tinker makes your game a lot easier too.

                                      კომენტარი შეიცვალა
                                      [ Crisis- ]

                                        PA, viper, riki, CK, AM