General Discussion

General DiscussionCarry as pos 4

Carry as pos 4 in General Discussion

    Does anyone have a replay for playing a usual pos1 carry as a roaming support?


      half of my solo rmm games


        Morpling pos 4 works...i guess

        1 MMR

          I meant a hero who can gank at levels 1-2 and flash farm by 20 min

          Most pos3 heroes fall behind on creep score and rely on creating space for the team


            Most would require level 2, like morphling. Even pudge really starts to become effective at 2, unless you're already good with approach points. But CK is pretty legit.

            My suggestion, don't pick position 1 if you wanna roam. If you only know how to have good impact in the early game and then fall off and start dying because of over aggressiveness in the mid game, you're playing wrong. Picking a carry to start farming after the laning stage and stealing it from your safe lane will only hurt you. Start ganking with your offlane and supports with smokes.

            კომენტარი შეიცვალა

              watch zdonfrank riki.
              u start roaming until 10+ minute and u buy midas to farm

              კომენტარი შეიცვალა

                CK works and has been picked as pos 4 (very rarely though) for quiet sometime

                its just flat 3k normal MM but still (thats actually also pos 5 CK, so pos 4 with some farm would be even better)

                naga also works, the root plus armour reduction is pretty good to gank, if your ally in the lane has some lock down as well

                was actually a pos 5 game, but pos 4 should also work i guess

                also roaming zeus, 2 of my games (both won)


                კომენტარი შეიცვალა

                  Also i remember some pro team playing a roaming sven in a match, but i dont remember which team or wat lan it was


                    Weaver works too..i guess as pos 4, i've seen pos 4 weaver on youtube


                      well its not a carry but sandking ganks at early game and flashfarms at min 20 midgame stuff


                        transitioning into a core as a pos 4 is very very very rare these days


                          I do the opposite
                          I pick riki and snatch my pos 1's farm and go abandon after going 0-2


                            But why?
                            Cores usually are the weakest part of the team in the early stages, why would you use this kind of hero to apply pressure?
                            If you are way better than your bracket, maybe works in a few games, but most of the time you'll ruin your team by staying underfarm, underlvl and with no impact


                              you're watching too much singsing matches


                                just why ?


                                  No you are being a typical low skill player without the ability the think outside the box.

                                  there are heros that usually are played as pos 1 that can be effective as pos 4.

                                  It probably never ocurred to you but under the "guide section" you can select other guides and buy different items and lvl your skills in a different order!!!!111
                                  you dont need to buy manta and heart on CK to be effective, you can also roam, max stun and rift first, buy solar crest drum rod of atos and use your ulti to push. and POOF! suddenly you have a legit pos 4 support, just by buying different items

                                  კომენტარი შეიცვალა

                                    ah you meant it the other way around
                                    usually my pos 1 sinks down to pos 4 for whatever reason

                                    Story Time

                                      position 4 for PA/Ck could be tempting but i have not seen a viable gameplay of it


                                        ck has a rng disable, you can't engage early skirmishes trust only in it. That's why Mirana isn't a reliable roammer without another support with lockdown.
                                        and before you say i can't think out of the box, look at my profile, you're right, i'm a low skill player but i allways try different heroes in different positions. That's why i'm saying that a pos 1 playing as roammer doesn't work. usually pos 4 heroes strugle to get xp, most of pos 1 heroes can't shine in this scenario

                                        mom said it's my turn to ...

                                          I used to play pos 4-5 alch a long time ago, maybe the nuke dmg talent might make him mildly viable again
                                          Or not

                                          GRANT MACDONALD

                                            Priestess of the Moon


                                              let me tell you again. CK has been played as pos 4 for a long time.
                                              im not the only one that did this

                                              oh wow
                                              this 4k player randomly decided to play CK roaming pos 4??? or maybe he got the idea to play this, because people have been playing it before

                                              კომენტარი შეიცვალა

                                                Sven. Max Q and E.


                                                  Pos 4 void I have 100% with that


                                                    Weaver, CK, venge, etc


                                                      Visage :D

                                                      Mlada i Luda

                                                        dont try to apply things you watch from sing sing stream ... pls


                                                          Empire just drafted a support sven

                                                          Riguma Borusu



                                                              @RPQ-sama playing now, overpower cup


                                                                They lost


                                                                  I've done roaming spec
                                                                  Don't try unless u want ultra cancer
                                                                  Roaming ck is legit tho
                                                                  Roaming pa used to be legit when dagger had a rlly long range lvl 1.

                                                                  주 롄양

                                                                    the hero shud at least hav some disable/slow at least

                                                                    u wont ever run clinkz as roamers


                                                                      more obsession with being the carry


                                                                        კომენტარი შეიცვალა
                                                                        Dark Hunter

                                                                          Alchemist. max stun and passive. ez ganks ez farm.


                                                                            Get me out

                                                                            lebron james jr

                                                                              Pugna can work I think


                                                                                I'd rather run clinx or huskar as a roamer than Spectre
                                                                                Oov on ranged and provide the dmg in a gank rather than the disable.


                                                                                  Lina is the only one that's decent, she is very strong early levels, and she is able to flash farm which all heroes mentioned above lacks.
                                                                                  I babysitted my Luna for 10 min, and smoke ganked for sf once or twice. Then I afk jungles while my team farms lane and enemy jungle with full vision(wards I placed). Also I joined pretty much every big fights.


                                                                                    I did this because my ck and Luna was pretty bad.

                                                                                    mom said it's my turn to ...

                                                                                      Alchemist. max stun and passive. ez ganks ez farm.

                                                                                      Max passive when you are roaming? No.

                                                                                      The proper build is max acid, next stun. The -armor from acid amplifies the damage from stun.

                                                                                      Also, no pu55i when charging stun. literally every alche player I meet is afraid of charging stun beyond .5 of a second.


                                                                                        ^i dont
                                                                                        not to mention i stun myself everytime


                                                                                          zzzzz low mmr stupidity