General Discussion

General Discussiontips on ember spirit?

tips on ember spirit? in General Discussion

    is veil still good? (or is bot's into maelstrom better?)

    any other gameplay tips trash like me doesnt realise?

    თემა შეიცვალა

      Well I got cucked by decent embers few times this week and they all bought veil, so yea
      The burst damage boost is too good to pass up I think


        oh if you go veil do you still buy ring of aquila and magic wand


          Magic wand yea
          Aquila I doubt it, but im not sure
          I'll let others confirm this


            I get Aquila cuz it synergizes with ur split pushing and gives decent dmg and mana regen
            wand may be better idk.


              don't do this and ull be fine
              I died in so many retarded ways and my team had so much autism that they cudnt comeback even after I went ham in the midgame.
              then I start making some mistakes and we instantly start losing again.


                For questions like this I find it's best to go to the guides that dotabuff has and see what builds the high mmr and pro players are going and in what situations, they are the ones who know their shit. Looking at the ember guides ( the vast majority of the games they are building veil as a first item (14/20 or 70% of the time).

                To me it looks like they are getting aquila mainly for the laning stage if they're up against someone who is likely to harass ember with auto attacks a lot ie Templar Assassin.


                  You can build whatever the fuck you want on ember in normal skill.


                    im more looking at advice on how to actually play ember better, not how to build it


                      from what i see both bots-maelstrom/radi and veil are viable builds, so its a non-issue.


                        Just push out lanes, take towers when you can. Always leave a remnant to escape too. Also be aggressive early. Level 3 and you can kill pretty much anyone mid 1v1.


                          Dont skip bottle, don't level W before level 4 ever, put on quick cast for ult. Learn when you have kill potential and when to flamegaurd and run at the mid.


                            is it ok to skip w until like level 11 (so u go 4-0-4-1 and spell amp talent)

                            if you dont need to disjoint anything

                            კომენტარი შეიცვალა

                              @END, thing is W isn't only used for disjointing, you can grab runes with it and fill bottle etc, you can combo it with searing chains (your Q), and synergizes it with your ultimate has you can cast quite a bit of things while in sleight of fist such as diffusal blade, pop manta style, or activate flame remnant for escape.

                              commends swapper

                                mindless following of the builds of pros never works out in pubs. there was great video made by some guy on ember lately, in which he explained how ridiculously versatile ember is as a hero. you can build any item on this hero and make it work and many times you just have to change your usual build if u want to win.
                                Same as skipping w, it is not a question wheter it is ok to skip it and much rather wheter you need w early on in the specific game that you are playing.
                                Im sure you can figure out on your own in what matchups SoF is actually pretty usefull.
                                Winning game of dota is all about adapting so if you are looking for a specific go to build or playstyle for any hero you prob wont be succesful in your research.