General Discussion

General DiscussionHow does mmr work?

How does mmr work? in General Discussion

    I have seen people with 50%+ winrate with less than 1k mmr and I have 43% winrate and have 2k mmr. How exactly does this work?


      Lol? Pretty sure this is common sense
      Winrate = shows how much you've improved ever since you started
      Also ranked winrate > overall winrate
      Chill out you're fine


        Im talking with respect to people with around 700 games out of which I guess a lot is required to just reach the benchmark level to start ranked. So not that much scope of improvement no?


          I feel that unranked winrate can also be considered as a way to keep track of improvement IF it's your first account
          You see, people like Cookie had like 70% pub winrate simply because he's a 5.5k smurf


            I feel that ranked winrate is much more reliable due to the "something is at stake lets tryhard" mentality from everyone while in pubs you can still find people who pick 5 man core and just laugh together because nothing is at stake


              people with 51% win rate at 1k will win and lose 25 mmr forever if there is no actual improvement. For every 50 losses they will have 51 wins resulting in +25 mmr or 1025 total mmr over the course of their 100 games. At that rate it would take 400 games to even net 100 mmr. Apply that logic to the opposite and the over course of hundred or even thousands of games and you'll begin to understand why people can have positive win rates or even slightly negative and hover around the same MMR regardless of what it is.

              კომენტარი შეიცვალა

                It means u became worse rofl. Assuming they are all solo ranked


                  Last summer i calibrated a smurf 4.6k with 34% winrate


                    No I am pretty sure I had the same winrate when I callibrated. In fact I have had a much higher winrate in the last couple of months .


                      I am crying when see lepo math