General Discussion

General DiscussionWhy are so many update recently.

Why are so many update recently. in General Discussion

    some of us have limited internet connection and valve just pops update after another.
    when are we gonna have atleast a week time to play?


      ^get a computer that isn't a potato
      valve cant play around ur limited internet connection they have a game to make and regular customers to supply.


        Just once think about how fuckin complex is dota.They just have to updated 24/7


          so high end pc dont get update and low end get? lol


            most of these updates aer after they launched bp. which would be better if they put in a big chunk update rather than 100-150 mb its irritating.


              patch glitches to prevent noobs from abusing them. do you want that to happen on your next match>

              valve needs $$$$$ for the server so they update their $$$$$ maker.

              ILC - Lethal Ninja

                the update took less than a min. what's the need to whine


                  All u need is internet. In 2017 u shd have high speed internet


                    I'm traveling a lot. I had high speed unlimited net a month ago.
                    But it's a problem when you have to use portable net connection. They are costly and limited.


                      And there's a huge population who rely on limited connection


                        @diox what do you mean patch glitches? Like the sven one?


                          He means bugs that can be abuse I think. But diox is a noob anyway


                            Still he gave a sensible answer. XD

                            კომენტარი შეიცვალა

                              And there's a huge population who rely on limited connection

                              no there isn't

                              its 2017 most people have enough of a connection to download these mega tiny updates that take 1 min.
                              if ur traveling a lot then ure in an unfortunate circumstance that forces u to not be able to play dota properly.
                              if anything, these fast updates are better, cuz it means bugs and problems with crashing and shit are fixed very quickly, I'm actually happy theyre patching it so regularly.