General Discussion

General Discussionhow do these people even exist?

how do these people even exist? in General Discussion
Dire Wolf

    Guy builds necronomicon on spectre. Jungles spectre from minute 5 even when we zoned out and killed the offlane repeatedly for him.

    Then dota gods hate me, match me with him again, I tried to dodge but fml dota loads too quick now. I should've taken my monthly abandon. He goes solo offlane veno, doesn't build boots, rushes dagon. 1-11-1, though I think those kills came at very end when PA dove our fountain, I think he was 0-11-0 prior.

    Guy was clearly trolling us, whole game he kept saying he's not he's just bad and just to team push and we'd be fine. Check his profile, hasn't played in like 18 months, then pops up and loses a shit ton of ranked games, abandons twice, ends up playing like 30 lpq games, then ends up in mine.

    Account buyer? I literally cannot think of any other reason why this guy would even sniff 3k, he's so fucking terrible and trolls. Why does valve even allow this? They need stiffer lpq penalties. Normal people who are just aholes end up in there for weeks, yet legit game ruiners get back into ranked.


      Hahahahaha xD bro I feel your pain if I were you I would have literally pulled my hairs off

      >tfw no gamer girl peeing gf

        We have all been there. Idk if int ranked (I have not touched normal ranked, especially party mmr) but HOLY FUCKING SHIT. lmao


          Int ranked community is fucking dogshit this year

          Dire Wolf

            normally this stuff doesn't trigger me too much but I've been losing a lot of games lately so it just piles on


              +1 to that


                I played solo support Nyx for a random carry Naix (was not intending on solo support btw).
                Got early PMS + Tangos + Mango, and completely harassed the Kotl + Necro out of the lane. I got low and had to shrine once. While I was gone, the Naix died to the KotL and Necro (both sitting at less than 50% mana+HP). Not once... TWICE. Them blamed me (who wasn't even in the lane for the 15 seconds he was feeding) for playing too aggressive.

                Moral of the story... International ranked sucks. And, don't support anything under 4k - unless you enjoy your strictly 50% winrate. Pick a carry and win 60-75% of the games instead.


                  Normal Skill
                  Skill Bracket



                    Normal skill


                      Hope you reported that guy at least. But he could just be that bad. A lot of 3ks are just terrible. Somehow they still manage to hang around 3k even after 4000 games. But your free wins come in the same form of some idiot doing something incredibly stupid.


                        Normal skill 30x

                        High skill 10 times

                        Very high skill 5 times

                        back to normal skill 10 times

                        then high skill 19 times

                        vhs 20 times with 40% winrate

                        back to high 10 times with 30% winrate

                        normal skill 50 times


                        9 hours ago
                        Last Match

                        Solo MMR

                        Party MMR


                        Win Rate

                        you deserve 1k mmr good for you. :) at least people with higher mmr doesn't have to play with you or else I'll feel bad for them unless they can carry the game themselves.


                          Diox talking shit about my "Normal Skill" while being an asshat smurf with 3 VHS games, all losses.

                          Me on the other hand, being a man, and working my way up:

                          კომენტარი შეიცვალა

                            Normal skill dioxgamingnoob shouldn't talk when he is noob himself.

                            Eat Soup With A Fork


                              Dire Wolf

                                The super long break between games is fishy. Might be account buyer.


                                  who buys 3k acounts. might be like a younger broter playing the acct. that happens sometimes


                                    16 hours ago

                                    Diox talking shit about my "Normal Skill" while being an asshat smurf with 3 VHS games, all losses.

                                    Me on the other hand, being a man, and working my way up:

                                    I'm talking to Jacked not you. Are some sort of attention seeker also?


                                      why u guys think vhs mean pro players let me tell u something vhs is shiiiiiiiit 2k or 4k doesnt diffrent alot maybe a 4.5k player can win 1v1 againts a 2k like 90% of the time but in teamfight and farming they are all almost the same so stop talk shit about skill bracket.