General Discussion

General Discussionhow to deal with alch mid hes too damn strong

how to deal with alch mid hes too damn strong in General Discussion
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    every time i pick voker or anything else someone pick alch mid hes too damn strong and always win mid there is no way any hero can win mid against him acid stupid gay spray is too strong it has no cooldown 5 sec i guess :| acid spray always keep your hp low that mean u can easly get gank and die unless you try to stay out of acid spray all the time but that makes you lose so many last hit
    so basically alch mid = free farm alch
    on radiant side hes even stronger because he can stack ancient creeps with acid spray
    radiance 11 min assault bkb 20 = none carry can deal with him
    in 20 minute jugger has bf and sny at best farm without kills but he cant do shit with that items to alch with assult bkb radiance and soon he get abyssal or manta or octarine thats gg ez
    any way to kick his ass at mid ?
    any suggestion ?

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      კომენტარი წაშალა მოდერატორმა
      Riguma Borusu

        ^I have a 1k friend, she plays mid against alch as qop, says she can't do shit to him and he zones her out. Next time she plays mid alch vs qop, gets rekt, says shit like omg you can't win against qop she's ranged. If you're shit you'll lose any lane to anything in your bracket. I did spam a lot of LC mid when alch mid was popular, alch wuold drop acid all the time, but I would just hit him instead, and before he reaches lvl 6 his zero armor and small hp pool really comes into play (as in, him going to base all the time or ferrying salves and crowing the bottle).

        კომენტარი შეიცვალა
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          i dont lose mid like i die to him. to me not kicking his ass hard = losing mid (because he farm so much more than u) so if u dont stop hes farm u lost mid actually
          i kick any hero at mid but this gay hero cant be defeated

          Riguma Borusu

            The problem with alchemist is that he can always retreat to medium/hard camp if he's fuckd in lane, and he can just drop acid on mid to get some last hits. What you do however is try to deny everything and hit him a ton when he comes in for the last hits, balance between the two. The guy's really squishy, if you have a strong laner with high base damage and good sustain you'll outlast him all the time before lvl 6. Ideally though if you're high mmr, you should expect your supports not to be brain damaged and actually leave their lanes once in a while, smoked, to gank alchemist.

              კომენტარი წაშალა მოდერატორმა
              play for fan

                i always get the same farm as i have against any other hero but i wanna kill him and stop his farm but its just not possible
                i tested any possible way to defeat him as invoker but its not possible after alcarity nerf u can use forge spirit because it die so fast in acid spray you can harass him with alcarity cold snap because he will just get back and chasing him to attack him in acid spray will actually damage you more

                  კომენტარი წაშალა მოდერატორმა

                    ^ Well in theory on 2k it may work, but u surely know as a 5k+ player that mid often gets help from supports or roamers. U get punished for being overaggresive.

                    Personally i struggle against Lone Druid and his damn buffed bear on mid.

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                      კომენტარი წაშალა მოდერატორმა

                        Did i disrespect u in any way ? Tell me. Also u dont have so many games with alch anyway.

                        Edit: I see some tendency. The bigger your e-penis, the bigger asshole u become.

                        კომენტარი შეიცვალა

                          Boys, lets sign the petition to ban Alchemist and Druid from the game.

                          Mary Poppins

                            This is why dotabuff forum is dead. Full of troll/asshole.

                            Guys if you want help never post here, only trash thread in this forum. Dotabuff is so dead, not even close to become a communauty.


                              when i face alche i always get a basi helps a shit ton against acid since invoker has very poor armor buy couple of a salve get ready to contest rune and harass the shit out of him with alacrity before he gets 6. Requesting a gank if can helps alot too.

                              DJ Tidbits

                                Zeus+AA=GG Rekt Alche


                                  i think OD is very good VS alch, max Q and E .. dont sit in acid spray for too long and you should be able to kill him . if you can't kill him you should be able to deny a lot meaning his laning stage will be so bad itll take him a long time to recover or it'll force him out of lane till lvl 6 and u can still kill him when his ult is on CD easily. Esp with ur ult.

                                  Although i will say that if i pick ember spirit, the only heroes more annoying than alch in mid are like viper and qop.

                                  Alch with no support in his lane should be very easy tho if u dont have a melee hero who has some good damage..

                                  Death prophet i imagine is very good against him.. etc

                                  waku waku

                                    if you're careful enough you can literally walk to his side to hit him where there's no acid spray. remember how creep aggro works

                                    Yoichi Isagi | Blue Lock

                                      Yea Alch's no joke. Watched a few alch player in low 2k mmr. Wow after 15 minutes his GPM just skyrocket. At the end of the game 1000-1300GPM.


                                        Like Vinylz said, OD is pretty strong if you Max out Astral Imprisonment and Essence Aura. Alch wants to last hit? Put him in a bubble. Alch wants a bounty rune? Put him in a bubble. If he can't get any runes he wont be able to keep up the acid spray spam forever. And each missed last hit will hurt him.

                                        Also lots of alchs go the no stun build, so if you think they have gone that route get someone to come gank. Should be a relatively easy kill.


                                          ursa as a mid hero is the perfect counter to that cancer alchemist. Try it.! 100% efficient.


                                            To beat alchemist you have to have ways to kill him. Then be sure to attack just as his ult ends so he can't heal.

                                            I think Death Prophet is an excellent counter to Alchemist. Early vs acid spam mid you can easily push the waves back. If he starts charging a stun, you can silence him for long enough to ensure he stuns himself. Siphon is great against melee str heroes like Alchemist too. And ghost focus will kill him even through his ult's heal. If you find he is stacking, as DP you can quickly take the stack. You can kill it faster than Alch can.

                                            კომენტარი შეიცვალა
                                            D the Superior
                                              კომენტარი წაშალა მოდერატორმა
                                              Livin' Real Good

                                                Most Alchemist who think they can just spam acid and win the lane are usually bad. Ive ran into pretty acid dependent Alchemist, and I remember this one time as SF, I just shit on him with Raze, he was like " WTF, THIS SF NOT SCARED TO TAKE ACID DAMAGE, SF DUMB HERO. "


                                                  Its fun to just sit in Acid Spray, and trade hits with Alch. So squishy early game, and TOTALLY dependent on his acid spray/ganks from the other team.


                                                    you must be using a dial up modem, because it took you months to complain about last patch.

                                                    EZ MID 9k mmr

                                                      > tfw Chinese meta is slowly coming to other regions.


                                                        fighting alche mid takes a lot of finesse, SILENCER dude! lvl up glaves stats glaves stats glaves stats glaves stats! for health regen get a bottle... one advantage of silencer is his range, just hit him with glaves! those are pure damage hits! Gets Helm of dominator or just lifesteal anything to keep you healing in mid, also get alot of attack speed!!! that way you can survive those acids. alche cant do shit. remember not to focus last hitting creeps at this stage since you need to control alche in mid lane, hit him hit him hit him!!! all that matters is that you want to control the lane, as much as possible spam ur glaves at him! at lvl 4 have one of ur teammates pay you a visit in mid and harass 1-2 mins, once alche sees that a hero from top or bottom lane keeps visiting mid, he'll think twice before wasting his acid spray... and if he gives up, he goes jungling, then u win the lane. plain and simple! KEEP YOUR DISTANCE! Dont trade blows with him up close! just keep your distance, you'll be fine! And BTW enchantress also does wonders, if you're good with enchantress.

                                                        კომენტარი შეიცვალა
                                                          კომენტარი წაშალა მოდერატორმა
                                                          lm ao

                                                            kitrak is actually 6k

                                                            anyone gets fucking pissed if they post stupid stuff over and over again while keeping on insisting they have actually much more than just a point when honestly anyone who has made it past 5k will laugh at your ass for sure

                                                            lm ao

                                                              and u can actually tank acid spray the thing wont kill you if you are not an outright moron you just have to invest 125 more gold for an extra set of tangoes then your mid is feeinnnn

                                                                კომენტარი წაშალა მოდერატორმა
                                                                  კომენტარი წაშალა მოდერატორმა

                                                                    Viper mid should get him rekt.


                                                                      how do you build him as a carry? something like armlet sny ac?

                                                                        კომენტარი წაშალა მოდერატორმა

                                                                          viper is your friend


                                                                            URSA mid.Seriously,if Ursa went mid,he'll rape alche so hard with his fury swipes,alche wont be able to regen

                                                                            your dad

                                                                              agre ursa so fuckin wipe alche