General Discussion

General DiscussionYou pick Anti-mage then someone instantly picks bloodseeker.............

You pick Anti-mage then someone instantly picks bloodseeker................ in General Discussion

    In this situation is it still easy enough to outcarry bloodseeker? or best not to pick anti-mage?.


      Uhm if you already picked it, I'm pretty sure not picking it is not an option anymore.

      Livin' Real Good

        ^ Lmao, that's what I was thinking.

        Maybe you just expressed yourself wrong. lol If you're asking if Anti Mage is a good pick or not, then yes, he's an amazing pick in this meta, and really hard to deal with if you don't got the right disables, and can win games by himself if the enemy team is uncoordinated or bad enough. (split pushing) He's very popular for a reason.

        But now the only question is, is he getting nerfs in 6.85. o_o

        კომენტარი შეიცვალა

          Don't think he will be nerfed anytime soon. Is bloodseeker such a worry not pick AM? I know some good players that could make it work such as black or Miracle. Maybe get a linken's vs bloodseeker?.

          Giff me Wingman

            just blink and tp.... it's not hard lol


              as anti mage vs blood , you will want to save ur tp rather than wasting it.
              if you are able to escape from bs gank , he wont outcarry you that hard early game.

                კომენტარი წაშალა მოდერატორმა

                  Don't feed the BS early and in mid/lategame he will be really underfarmed compared to you. He just dies. Question is...what do you do as an AM vs a Tusk + Techies lane..

                  Riguma Borusu

                    BS has no hard lockdown. Blink TP = gg. The only way BS can easily kill AM is if he's overextending with low HP, which if you do as AM, you're retarded.


                      the point of BS vs AM. BS win in mid game when the game going to late game AM win.

                      so as BS you need to fucking end the game ASAP. start snowball end the game when still on 20 min-30min. after that AM just rekt you.