General Discussion

General DiscussionTheorycraft Spectre

Theorycraft Spectre in General Discussion
Miku Plays

    Pro Specs and alike!!

    I present you my firstever no one have done it build on spec

    Skill build


    Early game item:

    Treads(1400)/qb(225)/buckler (800)

    thoughts on buckler and stats spec?


      somewhere a kitten just died :)

      < blank >

        Check my (I think it was) 2nd game with Spectre, this build was soooo stronk


          Well it comes from a guy in normal skill so maybe it works there who knows.


            PS an extra 2 points in dispersion give about 40 less EHP than 2pts in stats at level 6

            2 gg branches = 1pt in stats.

            კომენტარი შეიცვალა

              I might be dead now

              Miku Plays

                well, theres the vanguard spec, urn spec or watever

                maybe a buckler on spec might be a good variation, and +2 stats and u decide wat u max first on what the game needs

                  კომენტარი წაიშალა

                    aight im mentally ill


                      vang+urn both give sustain - you don't get that from buckler.


                        Desolate > Stats. Period


                          do ppl actually max desolate over dispersion? in miost cases i find myself forced to get 4 pointo into dispertion by lvl7.


                            Your EHP increase from leveling Dispersion scales from 11.11% at L1 to 28.21% at L4, so it's not that good to keep putting more points early, since each additional level only gives 5.7% improvement on average. Stats can also keep you alive while giving more damage+mana.

                            But of course, if you are not under laning pressure then maxing Desolate first is the way.

                            კომენტარი შეიცვალა

                              Despite i think that your build is bad, i agree in the fact that you need to build cheap early game items on her and focus on fights early on cause you cant rush a naked radiance and expect to win because thats the greediest shit ever.
                              So this is how i build her, cheap early items in early game, expensive late items in late game. I focus on tankiness at the begining and damage in mid/late and thats the key, you dont want to be like those kids that focus on tanky items like heart, halberd, crimson, bkb dont be a fa.ggy real men build radiance manta refresher diffusal and rape everybody

                              კომენტარი შეიცვალა

                                pms, pt, urn, wand, aquila u're good to go

                                Duc D - CatOnTheMoon

                                  what basket is this?
                                  @Hatsune Miku

                                  Duc D - CatOnTheMoon

                                    "I present you my firstever no one have done it build on spec"

                                    In dota 1, stats build was kinda common


                                      Why everybody like to theorycraft about this hero anyways?


                                        ^ 57% winrate and I think she's the only hero whose most bought item has a 70% winrate. Numbers dude!

                                        plz do

                                          no, buckler. urn/aquila instead. max desolate to rape poor people when haunted. desolate over stats, cuz the dmg gain is just sick. mb one point in dispersion if needed.

                                          plz do

                                            oh wait, was that a "pa headress" kind of bait?

                                            Miku Plays

                                              Thanks for the feedback and no this isnt a bait, I can maxed out desolate or dispersion at lvl8 anyway so I think its ok and spec can have +7 armor around 3mins in the game. Of course the problem will be specs hp she wont survive the laning stage without regen, changing the starting items to tangox8,salve,stout and remaining gold to branches.

                                              Riguma Borusu

                                                For the price of buckler, you could get a bracer and stout shield instead. Now, it won't give you as much EHP but considering it's more hp-based than armor-based it's gonna give you better chances against nukes, which are obviously going to hurt more than right clicks early game plus it also builds into drums, and buckler builds into.... mek and crimson guard? Would you complete mek on spectre? I think you're more likely to complete drums, though they might do similar things for you by the time you build them. Still, mek certainly gives more practical EHP to spectre than the drums, because of the active, but don't give attack/move speed and too many stats.

                                                I think buckler would be much better if it included stout shield instead of recipe, but that'd be kinda OP I guess.

                                                კომენტარი შეიცვალა
                                                  კომენტარი წაშალა მოდერატორმა
                                                  Riguma Borusu

                                                    MoM + Heart + Blademail

                                                    AKA "Stop Hitting Yourself While I Am Slowly Chipping Your Life Away" build.

                                                    კომენტარი შეიცვალა
                                                      კომენტარი წაშალა მოდერატორმა
                                                      Riguma Borusu

                                                        Maybe, but not for building spec like that. I never built that, I just saw it.


                                                          "the classic 1 1 1 stats mask of madness build"
                                                          those times when every hero wanted to be 6.83 jug


                                                            if you really want to get build spec like that (and get reported) just an early chainmail instead of buckler would be better seeing as it can become a blade mail.

                                                            seriously though, i don't know why we are having this discussion :) spec's abilities are all much better than stats...


                                                              NORMAL SKILL THEORYCRAFTING FTW


                                                                high 3k/low 4k players flaming normal skill players for being in normal skill

                                                                კომენტარი შეიცვალა
                                                                lm ao

                                                                  ^FUCK YOU



                                                                    lm ao

                                                                      ayy lol my love didnt mean to flame your comment

                                                                      კომენტარი შეიცვალა

                                                                        its okay, im used to it


                                                                        Miku Plays

                                                                          i <3 u 2 kitrak

                                                                          lm ao

                                                                            Me n hatchune


                                                                              u cant be serious

                                                                              Miku Plays

                                                                                Ill give out autographs soon, calm down guys :)


                                                                                  i think it might work.


                                                                                    that is because, like me, you are normal skill :)

                                                                                    it is suboptimal to say the least