#CommentFlag //
//start script, press f1, go ingame, open the obliterate tab and press f1 again, now wait
Send q //run macro(/run for bag=0,4,1 do for slot=1,GetContainerNumSlots(bag),1 do local name=GetContainerItemLink(bag,slot) if name and string.find(name,"Ancient Healing Potion") then UseContainerItem(bag,slot) end end end) to put item in slot
Random,rand, 500, 1000 //random generator, randomizing time between putting item in, and obliterating it
Sleep rand
click left
Random,rand1, 1500, 2000 //time between starting obliterating, and looting
Sleep rand1
click left
i noticed in the last game that once when i rocketed the neutrals they aggroed even though usually they don't
i thought that its because i was under ward but theyre neutrals
what may be the case?
[12:23] 16 auctions created for [Obliterum] 1799g 00s 00c
[12:23] Auction created.
[12:29] A buyer has been found for your auction of Obliterum.
[12:29] A buyer has been found for your auction of Obliterum.
[12:29] A buyer has been found for your auction of Obliterum.
[12:29] A buyer has been found for your auction of Obliterum.
[12:29] A buyer has been found for your auction of Obliterum.
[12:29] A buyer has been found for your auction of Obliterum.
[12:29] A buyer has been found for your auction of Obliterum.
[12:29] A buyer has been found for your auction of Obliterum.
[12:29] A buyer has been found for your auction of Obliterum.
[12:29] A buyer has been found for your auction of Obliterum.
[12:29] [3] : Nightwatcher's Perch is under attack!
[12:32] A buyer has been found for your auction of Obliterum.
[12:32] A buyer has been found for your auction of Obliterum.
[12:32] A buyer has been found for your auction of Obliterum.
[12:32] A buyer has been found for your auction of Obliterum.
[12:32] A buyer has been found for your auction of Obliterum.
[12:32] A buyer has been found for your auction of Obliterum.
i just experienced the situation, i wouldnt come up with it otherwise
and yes, but generally i feel really shy and anxious when someone asks me what do i listen to
like saying loud some band names or anime names or foreign names overall fills me with terror because im afraid that they will not know it (high chance when its anime or videogame) and i'll look like a complete moron
Damn arin u gotta calm ur tities. I went to a seminar once last yesr. It was about psychology and the guy was saying stuff i already knew. So i just tried to lay my head on next chair's back and close my eyes. The guy on the stage called me out and told me with a bad manner why im insulting him by doing this and why im here and not listening. I told him i already know what u sayin and i even think u just skipping some parts. So this mean dialogue went on for like 30 secs on a seminar and everyone was looking at me. I didnt feel anything. I know it's me but man u actually getting anxious about 1 person asking u a general chitchat question, ??
last time i saw his guides i was considering stabbing my eyes out after reading his explanations on "why to buy item x" or "why do max y first and what does the skill do"
No but mostly his guides are the ones u should choose cuz theyre pro meta updated builds. Mostly. I mean unless u wanna find choose every item from main shop list
I'm on holiday and for whateve reason I just started typing down all of my thoughts on Broodmother. So far I've clocked in at about 4,5k words (all done on my phone) where I talk about builds, items, playstyle and more things.
What merits me to talk about Brood? Well not a lot to be honest, I have about 300 games on her with a 60% winrate while being a 5k player. A large portion of things I say draws heavy inspiration from Brood players such as BipDonGoe and WiredGuitars. It's not like I say shit just because, I have observed and discussed with both of them regarding the hero, while also obviously testing it out myself.
It seems like a large portion of players seem to wish for Brood buffs or just can't seem to win games with her, here I am just to provide another resource for those interested in the hero, and I will answer any question you have to the best of my ability.
It's not formatted well so it might hurt your eyes, like I said, I typed this out on my phone in the notepad.
A hero loved by those who play her, and hated by those that do not. She's also probably the most missunderstood hero in the game for several reasons. Sitting at an abyssmal 40% winrate according to dotabuff and almost at the bottom in terms of popularity, she's extremely missjudged in terms of viability. It seems like the vast majority have trouble winning games as Broodmother, and there has been a lot of discussion on whether she needs a rework, buffs or other things that makes her playable. I'm here to say that Broodmother in her current state, does not need anything AT ALL to be playable. We who dedicate a lot of time and effort into the hero, have no problems winning games as Brood (even in games where 99% of players would say she's a bad pick) and we can also see that Brood is way more busted than people seem to believe, akin to pre-nerf Earth Spirit.
>Brood as a hero, pros, cons what does she do?
I will start off by talking about Brood as a hero, what she accomplishes, why she is a better hero than most people think and other misconceptions people generally have on her.
So, what are Brood's strengths? She has the ability to walk into a tri-lane, and flatout dominate it on her own. She is probably the best 1v1er in the game in the sense that she shouldn't lose any matchup thrown at her. Heroes she can't kill, she can outfarm, being able to compete with Alchemists in terms of early game farm as well as being one of few if not the only hero (except Meepo) being able to outlevel the minute clock as early as level 4-5. Her pushing game is toptier, and she's able to mow down rax as early as 10 minutes into the game if she spirals out of control. All without the need of buying push enhancing items.
Her downsides? Well, she is kind of reliant on her webs to do most of what she does, which any competent player will buy dust for. She is for the most part, a lane dominator and a snowballer and she always wants to stay ahead in order to secure a win. She can feel like a static hero that hogs one lane and doesn't leave it. When playing Brood, you're not playing traditional DotA, you're playing a whole different game, similar to Techies where the things that those two heroes do, can't be replicated by any hero, for the better or for the worse. She does summon a rather hefty amount of units which against certain lineups or through careless playing can turn into a goldmine for her enemies. Also because she has the tendency to speed away in levels and farm, one death can be detrimental and feed back a lot of the advantage she accumulated.
I think most people can agree that her space creation game is unmatched by any other hero. Being able to force 3-4 heroes to come and gank her, while making them use gold on resources such as dust, sentries and smoke and still being able to dodge these ganks by simply running, she can waste her enemies time letting her other two cores enjoy all the freefarm in the world or even get objectives on their own. Enemies of Broodmother love to spend a vast amount if time to shut her down and will try their absolute hardest to kill her, reason being is the most people knows that if Brood gets out of control, she wins the game by herself in 20 minutes.
A big misconception that is still running rampant in the community is that for one "Brood is a useless hero past 30 minutes", which I've personally found to not be true in the slightest. With the addition of talent trees, and hers being one of the most broken ones I've seen, she can be relevant for a large portion of the game. However this misconception stems from, in my opinion, a poor item build and a bad playstyle. Some years ago, she was built and played like the ultimate rat hero, with items like Vlad's, Necro 3 and AC. While the build CAN work in some niche scenarios, it is from what I've found severely underpowered due to changes of the general game and players becoming increasingly better at dealing with it. Not to mention that it only improves her in an area where she already doing good for herself and doesn't level out her weaknessess or enables her to do other things besides just that.
>Laning Brood
Let's talk a bit about laning. Where do you lane her? Well, most commonly as we all know, is the offlane, solo against a tri-lane but she is extremely strong in the midlane as well. Why would you lane her mid you ask? Well, two major reasons, one, most if not all midlaners get absolutely dumpstered by Brood in a 1v1 scenario, two, with the addition of one extra ancient camp on each side, she can get an absurd amount of farm and levels in no time. With perfect rotation, you are very much able to farm all four ancient camps under a minute, and you can start farming these camps as early as level 4-5 with a Medallion. She is the fastest early gamer farmer hands down and if left unchecked, expect her to hit 10-11 minute Radiance timings with Soul Ring and Medallion. She's also able to control runes by simply sending one spider to each rune before it spawns and either deny it or save it for herself. The pressure she puts out is immense, and it's in your best interest to not let her get out of control.
A common thing people in pubs seem to do when they see a Brood picked early, is that they attempt to put up an agressive tri-lane in order to send a hero to solo against her. Most common heroes are; Axe, LC, Bristle, Dark Seer, Tidehunter, Timbersaw, Sand King. Two of these heroes get destroyed by her (Axe and LC) and the rest of them do effectively nothing even though Brood can't kill them, she will keep them in the lane for a rather significant amount of time while sprinting ahead in levels and farm. You may be asking "how?! Those are the typical counters!" Well you see, if you think outside the box for just a second, you'll quickly realize that Axe and LC do nothing against her, if she doesn't spawn spiders. Why wouldn't you spawn spiders? Because you obviously can't kill neither of those heroes with them. Axe herp derp spins them down and LC presses Q and gets free gold. So what do you do? Against these two specifically, you skip spawn spiders, and you go for points in Incap Bite and you get ult at 6. Now every time your ult is up, you have a free kill on both these heroes. How come? Incap Bite slows them by a large amount everytime you rightclick them and also applies a misschance. Coupled with her ultimate which gives her 60 damage and 60% lifesteal. How is an Axe or LC going to do ANYTHING in order to either kill her or escape? They can't. Particularly against LC, it's laughable how many of them try to manup and even Duel you, essentially giving you a free Duel win. This is the no-spider build, we will talk more about that later, this was just a quick overview. As for the rest of the heroes I mentioned, as early as level 3-4 you can just cut the wave behind their tower, farm 1-2 jungle camps as well as every creepwave that spawns, while your lane opponent has no choice but to sit by the tower and farm under it. He may be getting free farm, but so are you and even moreso because you can farm the jungle at the same time, while also getting every bounty rune.
"But, what are you supposed to do then? it seems like everything you try to throw at Brood doesn't work" may be your question. What I've experienced myself is that survival and holding the lane stagnant is the best way of dealing with her. Well if you can get her to be 0-5 in the first 10 minutes that's obviously great, but generally speaking, a good Brood won't let that happen, she will find her way. I'm not saying she's the most broken hero out there, but in the right hands she can seem like it, regardless of enemy lineup.
Let's go into some items. I find Brood to be an extremely versatile hero in terms of itemization, where she can build anything from rightclick items like MKB, Butterfly, SnY, to being a utility hero with Solar Crest, Pipe, Lotus etc.
Let's start off with boots. You usually skip boots in the early game to get your first big item ASAP, due to webs, she doesn't even need brown boots. Usually it's either Phase or Treads. BoTs allow you to be at max MS even though you get hit while under webs, so that's also an option.
>which boots?
As for Phase VS Treads, some argue that Phase is the go to, others say Treads. I say it's personal preference and that I don't find neither to be stronger than the other. Phase gives more utility with phasing, while Treads come with ATKSPD. Personally I favor Treads in the majority of my games because of the ATKSPD, which coupled with her ult is devastating. Phase lets you stick onto targets easier and gives you phasing through your own spiders if you both get hit by AoE such that free pathing is disabled, it also gives a nice MS boost if you're being chased because you lose a lot of MS when you get hit (50%). The way I play Brood is just better with Treads IMO, neither boot is wrong, pick whatever you like.
Midas is an item that is also discussed a lot on Brood. With the EXP talent that you should be getting at 10, it makes Midas really strong, but when do you buy it? Again, I find it to be personal preference with just a tad bit of game dependence. We've already established that Brood is a fast farmer, so a quick Midas is very easy to get. Personally I only buy Midas if I'm doing no spider build. Because without spiders, she doesn't farm nearly as fast. It serves as a "catch up and get ahead" item in this case, where you want to increase the speed at which you're getting levels because you want spiders to farm with. The ATKSPD is also very welcome because you're doing the rightclick build to begin with. I've had item timings such as Treads, Medallion, Midas and Radiance by minute 15 when doing no spider build against an Axe or LC.
Now for one of the most debated items to get on her, Radiance. Why and when should you get it? I REALLY like the Radiance build moreso than the Orchid one. The core of it is Medallion > Radiance > Solar Crest > BKB. Why do I get it? Well, misschance stacks additively, and while Solar Crest got nerfed recently to not give opponents misschance anymore, you were able to apply a total of 102% misschance with Radiance, Incap Bite and Solar Crest. Any rightclicking core of your choice is NEVER landing any hits on anyone until they have BKB or MKB, items you will rarely see on cores as early as 20 minutes, at which time you are very capable of having both Radiance and Solar Crest. It's still a very powerful combo, and Medallion/Solar Crest is pretty good to have on Brood in the first place. With an early Medallion, you and your spider army shreds whichever enemy you choose down so hard it just looks unfair. The armor you get yourself is also very welcome should you not choose to use it. Radiance, is a very good farm accelerator, we all know how powerful an early Radiance is, and Brood is no exception to the abuse she puts put with it. With your webs, you have no problems running to the enemy backline to cancel daggers of heroes like Axe or Magnus, and the free pathing gives you the ability to abuse the item to the fullest. Radiance as I've found, provides a lot of lategame security in that it could be 1 hour into the game and you're still the most relevant hero on your team.
I've divided the way I play Brood into two styles for the most part, Orchid and Radiance, now for some words on Orchid.
Orchid has been a core item on Brood for a long time, gives much needed mana reg, damage and ATKSPD, the silence just warrants that pretty much any lone hero you find has no way of escaping you or retaliating. Standard route is Soul Ring > Orchid > Treads > BKB. I choose this route when I feel that I can either get it early enough, or that they have heroes on the enemy side that are extremely weak to it. On mid Brood I've actually gone Orchid into Radiance, being able to have both items by 20 minutes, with boots and Medallion. The major problem with Orchid is that sooner or later people will buy items to purge it off such as Euls, Lotus, Manta or BKB, decreasing your solo kill potential by a lot, and is also a big reason for why you need Orchid as fast as possible. Past 18 minutes I generally do not deem Orchid to be a good pickup if that's all you have, whereas Radiance is valid up until as late as 25-27 minutes provided you have Medallion or Solar to go along with it. Simply put, if I'm against a shitty trilane with something like a Drow, CM and Shadow Shaman, Orchid is a very good pickup because you should be able to steamroll the lane and have it by the 10 minute mark, furthermore increasing their fear of stepping into your lane without a significant amount of heroes to aid.
>Echo Deso
There is another build that has been seeing some play, which is Phase, Echo and Deso. This build is great for basically twoshotting supports, and boosts your pushing power by a lot. I personally am not a fan of it, nor have I really ever tried it, so I won't speak too much on it. It's a nice alternative though.
The bottomline is this, Orchid is for more "solo" playing, taking over their safelane and jungle and farming non-stop while snatching any kills you can, while Radiance is more oriented towards grouping as five, teamfighting and taking objectives. A playstyle very rarely seen on Brood because most people are stuck in 2012 with non-stop ratting which just leads to falling off.
As far as pushing goes, you should at the very least take down T1 and T2 on their safelane, T3 and rax is favorable and obviously something you should attempt to do, but don't overcommit for it, if you simply can't breach, abandon the lane and focus on other things.
Items like I've mentioned previously are very versatile on Broodmother, BKB should be bought in pretty much every scenario because Brood's biggest weakness isn't in people being able to deal with her spiders, past 20-30 minutes they only serve as pushing tools or scouts, not as damage. Brood's biggest weakness in my opinion is when she's not able to rightclick. You want to enable that as much as you can because Insatiable Hunger is an incredible ability, and as long as you're able to rightclick someone, you're next to impossible to kill, that's where BKB comes into play.
>Good items
I'll list all items I find to be viable on the hero, some more situational than others, and some of them come down to personal preference:
Mask of Madness, Octarine Core (coupled with CDR talent, the uptime on your ult is insane), Dagon.
These are in my opinion overkill and a waste of slots:
Drums, Helm of the Dominator, Necrobook (not a waste of slot, but overkill).
As you can see, her item choices are quite versatile, my personal favorite 6 slot Brood is something like, Treads, Solar, Radiance, Shiva, BKB, Bloodthorn. Since the Radiance build is my absolute favorite, I always aim to have at least Radiance, Treads, Solar and BKB, with the last two items being flexible. Maybe a Halberd for someone like Sven, Lotus if we need the dispell, Pipe VS Tinker, Diffusal for Ghost Scepters, Abyssal/Hex for lockdown, Skadi to tank up and manfight like a god, Mjollnir to clear waves/illusions, really build whatever you deem you need.
Usually I always check with my other two cores to decide my own items. Do we have an OD? Maybe he'll want the Shiva so I'll get AC instead. If we have a Sven, I'll grab the Shiva, generally I favor Shiva.
One thing I frequently do though, is to tell my Spectre if I have one on my team, to skip Radiance and go for a more fighting build in Vanguard, Diffusal and Manta. You might think I'm crazy for suggesting that but for one, Radiance Spectre isn't AS strong as it used to be (due to Radiance illusion nerf) and two, I'm confident that I will get it way faster and in a more safe manner than a Spectre. Usually they agree to it and it works out really well in our favor. A Spectre at 25 minutes will only have like, Phase, Vanguard/Urn, Radiance and maybe a Wand, while me as Brood at 25 minutes can have, Solar, Radiance, Treads and BKB if the game is good. My ability to frontline with Radiance is stronger than a Spectre's.
>Starting items
What about starting items? What do you buy? It's always the same for the most part with slight variatons depending on matchup. If you're offlane, Tango, Mango and two sentries are standard, save the rest. There's a rather clever thing you can do if you either buy an obs or get one from your support, and that is TPing to the lane ASAP, put a web down on their bounty rune, ward small camp with obs, try to snatch bounty, and ward big camp with a sentry, I'll talk more about that later. If you're against a solo Timber for example, just start Tango, Mango an Quelling Blade because this lane is now just an AFK farm lane, you don't need sentries for that and QB will help you kill creeps faster, you'll be cutting his wave behind the tower. If you're against an Axe or LC, start Tango, two slippers and QB, get PMS ASAP. This is the no spider build, in which you skip spiders, grab points in passive and get ult at 6 for a free kill. Flying out a Blight Stone ASAP is recommended as well. You then finish Treads by getting gloves first, because the ATKSPD will help you far more than boots in terms of getting a kill. If you're unsure whether it's a solo Axe/LC/Timber or a trilane, start just tangos and run ASAP to their bounty rune to confirm your lane opponent, once you know, buy appropriate items and send them out on courier. If you're doing the TP trick, you definitely do not want to ward camps if you're against a Timber or any other hero you skip waves against, you want that camp to farm it.
For mid, you start QB, sentry (1 is enough), if you can get pooled tangos, OoV or Clarity + Sage's mask are good options, if not, just get tangos yourself.
As far as QB goes, against a trilane in the offlane you don't want to spend 200 gold on something that will usually only help you for about 2-4 minutes because by the time you have a decent amount of spiders, you will be getting easy lasthits anyway, and you want Soul Ring ASAP, don't delay it too much. In mid you're 1v1 so it pays off more to have it there.
OoV can be extremely good to pick up early, the slow is very welcome to keep them in your webs for as long as possible, and the DoT damage it does really does add up over time. 12 damage per auto attack (full duration), do it 5 times and that's a free 60 damage. You can be really abusive on the lane just by doing hit and runs, abusing your MS, free pathing and invisibility.
>Note about sentries and wards
Don't be afraid to ferry out extra sentries if you need to. You really don't want them to be able to see you. You can afford spending 100 gold to keep the pressure up, whereas their supports usually cannot. Wards are also something you can get. Having the cliff behind T2 warded and their highground for when you're trying to take T3 are really good places to have vision of.
>Early TP trick
I talked about TPing and warding camps before, now I will go into why it can be a good thing, even though Brood likes to contest pulls and farm those camps on her own. At level 1, Brood is garbage, she doesn't do anything worth mentioning and in a trilane, supports are generally starved for farm and EXP. By warding the small camp with an obs, you're keeping that camp blocked for at least five minutes, at which point you should have enough levels to contest it if they do pull it, it also puts their supports in an awkward position in that they have to deward the camp if they want to pull it, effectively wasting a sentry while having to ferry out another one on the courier for the lane, it just takes a lot of time and resources. It's also a bit too far away for you to contest early, you need at least 4 webs to do it. A sentry in the hard camp keeps it blocked for at least 2-3 minutes, by which time you should have enough levels to contest it because it's pretty close to you. And again, it puts their supports in an awkward position where they have to spend even more gold if they want to unblock it, or waste the sentry they have, giving you a lot of freedom on lane. Blocking these two camps just chokes them so hard that you will be able to dominate the lane with ease, they have no farm, no levels, and their detection is very limited.
Skillbuild is very straight forward. You always start webs, second point in spawn spiders (unless no spider build). Third point is dependant on what you chose to do, did you block camps? Go for spiders, two webs are enough for you as long as you know how to control lane equilibrium. If you didn't block camps, you probably will need the second point in webs to be able to cover a bigger area and soak EXP from the pulls. 4-4-0-0 should be your build by 8 with the spider build.
If you're doing no spider build, it should be 0-3-2-1 by 6. You have the option to either all out and go 0-4-4-1, or leave Incap Bite at 2 and start skiling spiders.
Talents are also pretty straight forward. Brood becomes really strong with levels, with key levels being 12, 15, 18, and 25, do naturally it makes sense to grab EXP at 10. The extra nuke damage in my opinion is irrelevant, you'll be a lot stronger if you get to your key levels faster than if you nuke for 60 extra damage. At 15, you have the choice between 350 HP and 20% CDR. Now, I personally favor the CDR talent over the HP in pretty much any case, 20% is alot, and decreases the CD of webs, ult, BKB and any active item you might have. My logic is that, HP you can always get by other means, whereas CDR only exists in Octa Core or Arcane Rune, and Octa Core isn't something you generally want to buy just for the CDR, if anything, you will want the CDR talent with Octa. 350 HP is a lot and if you feel it's better, take it. The level 20 and 25 talents are no contest, 70 ATKSPD or +14 spider damage. It's really a no brainer, get the ATKSPD. By the time you're 20 you don't need spiders for damage, and they still push rather well on their own, with 70 ATKSPD, Insatiable Hunger and BKB, you're a force to be reckoned with. At 25 you have the option between +225 spider health or +8 extra webs, I shouldn't have to explain why webs are the obvious choice here.
>the three phases
With Brood you can always follow a certain pattern in terms of what you do in the game. I like to split it up in three phases Phase one is the laning stage, where you're aiming to shut down the enemy carry and his supports, and take the T1 tower down. Phase two begins when T1 is down, this is where you start covering their jungle with webs and choke them of their own farm. Aim to get that T2 down as soon as you can and kill anyone that dares to step into your territory, if you can that is. Phase three starts when T2 is down, and this is when you aim to take objectives such as roshan, other outer towers or if you're able to, rax them on your own. Feel free to start grouping with your team at this point to close the game out.
>When to pick or not pick
So when do you pick Brood? When do you not? Well, I'm the type to pick her into any lineup, even when my team tells me not to (you can call that toxic behaviour but whatever), mainly because I'm confident enough to do it and I'm not afraid to even first pick her. The general metric is usually to pick her when they don't have any significant means of dealing with your spiders, heroes that are able to survive your onslaught, on top of last picking her. Even though I CAN first pick her, I try to get the last pick. I mean, if I can make my opponents as unprepared as possible, all the better. It doesn't tilt my teammates too hard and it doesn't force my team to fight a trilane they don't want to fight. I can most likely win my lane, but I can't trust my team to win theirs. It's just better to make it easier for both me and my team.
#CommentFlag //
//start script, press f1, go ingame, open the obliterate tab and press f1 again, now wait
Send q //run macro(/run for bag=0,4,1 do for slot=1,GetContainerNumSlots(bag),1 do local name=GetContainerItemLink(bag,slot) if name and string.find(name,"Ancient Healing Potion") then UseContainerItem(bag,slot) end end end) to put item in slot
Random,rand, 500, 1000 //random generator, randomizing time between putting item in, and obliterating it
Sleep rand
click left
Random,rand1, 1500, 2000 //time between starting obliterating, and looting
Sleep rand1
click left
does it click @ random intervals
wtf is this shit
i noticed in the last game that once when i rocketed the neutrals they aggroed even though usually they don't
i thought that its because i was under ward but theyre neutrals
what may be the case?
ok wait im stupid they were just in aggro range
yes, it waits between 0.5 and 1s before destroying the item, and between 1.5-2s before it loots the ash (should be like 1.3s for obliterating? idk)
[12:23] 16 auctions created for [Obliterum] 1799g 00s 00c
[12:23] Auction created.
[12:29] A buyer has been found for your auction of Obliterum.
[12:29] A buyer has been found for your auction of Obliterum.
[12:29] A buyer has been found for your auction of Obliterum.
[12:29] A buyer has been found for your auction of Obliterum.
[12:29] A buyer has been found for your auction of Obliterum.
[12:29] A buyer has been found for your auction of Obliterum.
[12:29] A buyer has been found for your auction of Obliterum.
[12:29] A buyer has been found for your auction of Obliterum.
[12:29] A buyer has been found for your auction of Obliterum.
[12:29] A buyer has been found for your auction of Obliterum.
[12:29] [3] : Nightwatcher's Perch is under attack!
[12:32] A buyer has been found for your auction of Obliterum.
[12:32] A buyer has been found for your auction of Obliterum.
[12:32] A buyer has been found for your auction of Obliterum.
[12:32] A buyer has been found for your auction of Obliterum.
[12:32] A buyer has been found for your auction of Obliterum.
[12:32] A buyer has been found for your auction of Obliterum.
wtf am i supposed to answer if someone asks me what am i listening to when i have some anime or game ost playing
usually i just answer with "it's from some series" which is followed by very awkward silence
do they actually ask or do u think ure a tard for listening to this
"some soundtrack"
i just experienced the situation, i wouldnt come up with it otherwise
and yes, but generally i feel really shy and anxious when someone asks me what do i listen to
like saying loud some band names or anime names or foreign names overall fills me with terror because im afraid that they will not know it (high chance when its anime or videogame) and i'll look like a complete moron
idk even if someone tells me to say something aloud i feel incredibly anxious about it
post results
when did tinker become a sure nomination for ban in every single game
Damn arin u gotta calm ur tities. I went to a seminar once last yesr. It was about psychology and the guy was saying stuff i already knew. So i just tried to lay my head on next chair's back and close my eyes. The guy on the stage called me out and told me with a bad manner why im insulting him by doing this and why im here and not listening. I told him i already know what u sayin and i even think u just skipping some parts. So this mean dialogue went on for like 30 secs on a seminar and everyone was looking at me. I didnt feel anything. I know it's me but man u actually getting anxious about 1 person asking u a general chitchat question, ??
wait what?
that torte guy whos making the 3k mmr guides is going on ti analyst panel??
what the f u c k
lmao he knows what build pros use why not invite him to analyse the item builds on ti.
Inb4 "torte delini what do u think about this item build?" "Well it's not in the suggested items as i put it so fuck this guy"
last time i saw his guides i was considering stabbing my eyes out after reading his explanations on "why to buy item x" or "why do max y first and what does the skill do"
No but mostly his guides are the ones u should choose cuz theyre pro meta updated builds. Mostly. I mean unless u wanna find choose every item from main shop list
mekansm lion
This is why u fucking time aegis lmao
I just say i listen to underground soundcloud (t)rappers
Lil pump is the best rapper alive
Just piss on the ppl who ask you these kind of things, you know, to show dominance
can confirm I like the pump, the pump is good
i remember when rap used to be used to protest against social problems
I'll fuck your sister
nut on her lip and then you'll kiss her
the living span of new memes exponentially decreases over time except some old classics like harold
fakin weeaboos
By the time i see them here it's already on ifunny
did anybody else get to like slacks after almost hating him last year
he went from "le reddit emEMS xD" guy to an actually entertaining eprson for me
yeah that international short film did it for me
"does it work for you?"
"doesnt work for me"
10 points in decterity.
But don't tell anyone you lvled taht up you fa g.
you only live once. UNLESS YOU'RE THE LEGEND BIHH
I'm on holiday and for whateve reason I just started typing down all of my thoughts on Broodmother. So far I've clocked in at about 4,5k words (all done on my phone) where I talk about builds, items, playstyle and more things.
What merits me to talk about Brood? Well not a lot to be honest, I have about 300 games on her with a 60% winrate while being a 5k player. A large portion of things I say draws heavy inspiration from Brood players such as BipDonGoe and WiredGuitars. It's not like I say shit just because, I have observed and discussed with both of them regarding the hero, while also obviously testing it out myself.
It seems like a large portion of players seem to wish for Brood buffs or just can't seem to win games with her, here I am just to provide another resource for those interested in the hero, and I will answer any question you have to the best of my ability.
It's not formatted well so it might hurt your eyes, like I said, I typed this out on my phone in the notepad.
A hero loved by those who play her, and hated by those that do not. She's also probably the most missunderstood hero in the game for several reasons. Sitting at an abyssmal 40% winrate according to dotabuff and almost at the bottom in terms of popularity, she's extremely missjudged in terms of viability. It seems like the vast majority have trouble winning games as Broodmother, and there has been a lot of discussion on whether she needs a rework, buffs or other things that makes her playable. I'm here to say that Broodmother in her current state, does not need anything AT ALL to be playable. We who dedicate a lot of time and effort into the hero, have no problems winning games as Brood (even in games where 99% of players would say she's a bad pick) and we can also see that Brood is way more busted than people seem to believe, akin to pre-nerf Earth Spirit.
>Brood as a hero, pros, cons what does she do?
I will start off by talking about Brood as a hero, what she accomplishes, why she is a better hero than most people think and other misconceptions people generally have on her.
So, what are Brood's strengths? She has the ability to walk into a tri-lane, and flatout dominate it on her own. She is probably the best 1v1er in the game in the sense that she shouldn't lose any matchup thrown at her. Heroes she can't kill, she can outfarm, being able to compete with Alchemists in terms of early game farm as well as being one of few if not the only hero (except Meepo) being able to outlevel the minute clock as early as level 4-5. Her pushing game is toptier, and she's able to mow down rax as early as 10 minutes into the game if she spirals out of control. All without the need of buying push enhancing items.
Her downsides? Well, she is kind of reliant on her webs to do most of what she does, which any competent player will buy dust for. She is for the most part, a lane dominator and a snowballer and she always wants to stay ahead in order to secure a win. She can feel like a static hero that hogs one lane and doesn't leave it. When playing Brood, you're not playing traditional DotA, you're playing a whole different game, similar to Techies where the things that those two heroes do, can't be replicated by any hero, for the better or for the worse. She does summon a rather hefty amount of units which against certain lineups or through careless playing can turn into a goldmine for her enemies. Also because she has the tendency to speed away in levels and farm, one death can be detrimental and feed back a lot of the advantage she accumulated.
I think most people can agree that her space creation game is unmatched by any other hero. Being able to force 3-4 heroes to come and gank her, while making them use gold on resources such as dust, sentries and smoke and still being able to dodge these ganks by simply running, she can waste her enemies time letting her other two cores enjoy all the freefarm in the world or even get objectives on their own. Enemies of Broodmother love to spend a vast amount if time to shut her down and will try their absolute hardest to kill her, reason being is the most people knows that if Brood gets out of control, she wins the game by herself in 20 minutes.
A big misconception that is still running rampant in the community is that for one "Brood is a useless hero past 30 minutes", which I've personally found to not be true in the slightest. With the addition of talent trees, and hers being one of the most broken ones I've seen, she can be relevant for a large portion of the game. However this misconception stems from, in my opinion, a poor item build and a bad playstyle. Some years ago, she was built and played like the ultimate rat hero, with items like Vlad's, Necro 3 and AC. While the build CAN work in some niche scenarios, it is from what I've found severely underpowered due to changes of the general game and players becoming increasingly better at dealing with it. Not to mention that it only improves her in an area where she already doing good for herself and doesn't level out her weaknessess or enables her to do other things besides just that.
>Laning Brood
Let's talk a bit about laning. Where do you lane her? Well, most commonly as we all know, is the offlane, solo against a tri-lane but she is extremely strong in the midlane as well. Why would you lane her mid you ask? Well, two major reasons, one, most if not all midlaners get absolutely dumpstered by Brood in a 1v1 scenario, two, with the addition of one extra ancient camp on each side, she can get an absurd amount of farm and levels in no time. With perfect rotation, you are very much able to farm all four ancient camps under a minute, and you can start farming these camps as early as level 4-5 with a Medallion. She is the fastest early gamer farmer hands down and if left unchecked, expect her to hit 10-11 minute Radiance timings with Soul Ring and Medallion. She's also able to control runes by simply sending one spider to each rune before it spawns and either deny it or save it for herself. The pressure she puts out is immense, and it's in your best interest to not let her get out of control.
A common thing people in pubs seem to do when they see a Brood picked early, is that they attempt to put up an agressive tri-lane in order to send a hero to solo against her. Most common heroes are; Axe, LC, Bristle, Dark Seer, Tidehunter, Timbersaw, Sand King. Two of these heroes get destroyed by her (Axe and LC) and the rest of them do effectively nothing even though Brood can't kill them, she will keep them in the lane for a rather significant amount of time while sprinting ahead in levels and farm. You may be asking "how?! Those are the typical counters!" Well you see, if you think outside the box for just a second, you'll quickly realize that Axe and LC do nothing against her, if she doesn't spawn spiders. Why wouldn't you spawn spiders? Because you obviously can't kill neither of those heroes with them. Axe herp derp spins them down and LC presses Q and gets free gold. So what do you do? Against these two specifically, you skip spawn spiders, and you go for points in Incap Bite and you get ult at 6. Now every time your ult is up, you have a free kill on both these heroes. How come? Incap Bite slows them by a large amount everytime you rightclick them and also applies a misschance. Coupled with her ultimate which gives her 60 damage and 60% lifesteal. How is an Axe or LC going to do ANYTHING in order to either kill her or escape? They can't. Particularly against LC, it's laughable how many of them try to manup and even Duel you, essentially giving you a free Duel win. This is the no-spider build, we will talk more about that later, this was just a quick overview. As for the rest of the heroes I mentioned, as early as level 3-4 you can just cut the wave behind their tower, farm 1-2 jungle camps as well as every creepwave that spawns, while your lane opponent has no choice but to sit by the tower and farm under it. He may be getting free farm, but so are you and even moreso because you can farm the jungle at the same time, while also getting every bounty rune.
"But, what are you supposed to do then? it seems like everything you try to throw at Brood doesn't work" may be your question. What I've experienced myself is that survival and holding the lane stagnant is the best way of dealing with her. Well if you can get her to be 0-5 in the first 10 minutes that's obviously great, but generally speaking, a good Brood won't let that happen, she will find her way. I'm not saying she's the most broken hero out there, but in the right hands she can seem like it, regardless of enemy lineup.
Let's go into some items. I find Brood to be an extremely versatile hero in terms of itemization, where she can build anything from rightclick items like MKB, Butterfly, SnY, to being a utility hero with Solar Crest, Pipe, Lotus etc.
Let's start off with boots. You usually skip boots in the early game to get your first big item ASAP, due to webs, she doesn't even need brown boots. Usually it's either Phase or Treads. BoTs allow you to be at max MS even though you get hit while under webs, so that's also an option.
>which boots?
As for Phase VS Treads, some argue that Phase is the go to, others say Treads. I say it's personal preference and that I don't find neither to be stronger than the other. Phase gives more utility with phasing, while Treads come with ATKSPD. Personally I favor Treads in the majority of my games because of the ATKSPD, which coupled with her ult is devastating. Phase lets you stick onto targets easier and gives you phasing through your own spiders if you both get hit by AoE such that free pathing is disabled, it also gives a nice MS boost if you're being chased because you lose a lot of MS when you get hit (50%). The way I play Brood is just better with Treads IMO, neither boot is wrong, pick whatever you like.
Midas is an item that is also discussed a lot on Brood. With the EXP talent that you should be getting at 10, it makes Midas really strong, but when do you buy it? Again, I find it to be personal preference with just a tad bit of game dependence. We've already established that Brood is a fast farmer, so a quick Midas is very easy to get. Personally I only buy Midas if I'm doing no spider build. Because without spiders, she doesn't farm nearly as fast. It serves as a "catch up and get ahead" item in this case, where you want to increase the speed at which you're getting levels because you want spiders to farm with. The ATKSPD is also very welcome because you're doing the rightclick build to begin with. I've had item timings such as Treads, Medallion, Midas and Radiance by minute 15 when doing no spider build against an Axe or LC.
Now for one of the most debated items to get on her, Radiance. Why and when should you get it? I REALLY like the Radiance build moreso than the Orchid one. The core of it is Medallion > Radiance > Solar Crest > BKB. Why do I get it? Well, misschance stacks additively, and while Solar Crest got nerfed recently to not give opponents misschance anymore, you were able to apply a total of 102% misschance with Radiance, Incap Bite and Solar Crest. Any rightclicking core of your choice is NEVER landing any hits on anyone until they have BKB or MKB, items you will rarely see on cores as early as 20 minutes, at which time you are very capable of having both Radiance and Solar Crest. It's still a very powerful combo, and Medallion/Solar Crest is pretty good to have on Brood in the first place. With an early Medallion, you and your spider army shreds whichever enemy you choose down so hard it just looks unfair. The armor you get yourself is also very welcome should you not choose to use it. Radiance, is a very good farm accelerator, we all know how powerful an early Radiance is, and Brood is no exception to the abuse she puts put with it. With your webs, you have no problems running to the enemy backline to cancel daggers of heroes like Axe or Magnus, and the free pathing gives you the ability to abuse the item to the fullest. Radiance as I've found, provides a lot of lategame security in that it could be 1 hour into the game and you're still the most relevant hero on your team.
I've divided the way I play Brood into two styles for the most part, Orchid and Radiance, now for some words on Orchid.
Orchid has been a core item on Brood for a long time, gives much needed mana reg, damage and ATKSPD, the silence just warrants that pretty much any lone hero you find has no way of escaping you or retaliating. Standard route is Soul Ring > Orchid > Treads > BKB. I choose this route when I feel that I can either get it early enough, or that they have heroes on the enemy side that are extremely weak to it. On mid Brood I've actually gone Orchid into Radiance, being able to have both items by 20 minutes, with boots and Medallion. The major problem with Orchid is that sooner or later people will buy items to purge it off such as Euls, Lotus, Manta or BKB, decreasing your solo kill potential by a lot, and is also a big reason for why you need Orchid as fast as possible. Past 18 minutes I generally do not deem Orchid to be a good pickup if that's all you have, whereas Radiance is valid up until as late as 25-27 minutes provided you have Medallion or Solar to go along with it. Simply put, if I'm against a shitty trilane with something like a Drow, CM and Shadow Shaman, Orchid is a very good pickup because you should be able to steamroll the lane and have it by the 10 minute mark, furthermore increasing their fear of stepping into your lane without a significant amount of heroes to aid.
>Echo Deso
There is another build that has been seeing some play, which is Phase, Echo and Deso. This build is great for basically twoshotting supports, and boosts your pushing power by a lot. I personally am not a fan of it, nor have I really ever tried it, so I won't speak too much on it. It's a nice alternative though.
The bottomline is this, Orchid is for more "solo" playing, taking over their safelane and jungle and farming non-stop while snatching any kills you can, while Radiance is more oriented towards grouping as five, teamfighting and taking objectives. A playstyle very rarely seen on Brood because most people are stuck in 2012 with non-stop ratting which just leads to falling off.
As far as pushing goes, you should at the very least take down T1 and T2 on their safelane, T3 and rax is favorable and obviously something you should attempt to do, but don't overcommit for it, if you simply can't breach, abandon the lane and focus on other things.
Items like I've mentioned previously are very versatile on Broodmother, BKB should be bought in pretty much every scenario because Brood's biggest weakness isn't in people being able to deal with her spiders, past 20-30 minutes they only serve as pushing tools or scouts, not as damage. Brood's biggest weakness in my opinion is when she's not able to rightclick. You want to enable that as much as you can because Insatiable Hunger is an incredible ability, and as long as you're able to rightclick someone, you're next to impossible to kill, that's where BKB comes into play.
>Good items
I'll list all items I find to be viable on the hero, some more situational than others, and some of them come down to personal preference:
Phase Boots, Treads, BoTs, Vlad's, Orchid (Bloodthorn), MKB, Manta, SnY, Halberd, Lotus Orb, Solar Crest, Pipe, Shiva, Assault Cuirass, Schyte of Vyse, Diffusal Blade, Desolator, Echo Sabre, Basher (Abyssal Blade), Blink Dagger, Midas, Skadi, Mjollnir, Linken's, Heart, Radiance, Rapier.
These items are a bit more "lulmemes":
Mask of Madness, Octarine Core (coupled with CDR talent, the uptime on your ult is insane), Dagon.
These are in my opinion overkill and a waste of slots:
Drums, Helm of the Dominator, Necrobook (not a waste of slot, but overkill).
As you can see, her item choices are quite versatile, my personal favorite 6 slot Brood is something like, Treads, Solar, Radiance, Shiva, BKB, Bloodthorn. Since the Radiance build is my absolute favorite, I always aim to have at least Radiance, Treads, Solar and BKB, with the last two items being flexible. Maybe a Halberd for someone like Sven, Lotus if we need the dispell, Pipe VS Tinker, Diffusal for Ghost Scepters, Abyssal/Hex for lockdown, Skadi to tank up and manfight like a god, Mjollnir to clear waves/illusions, really build whatever you deem you need.
Usually I always check with my other two cores to decide my own items. Do we have an OD? Maybe he'll want the Shiva so I'll get AC instead. If we have a Sven, I'll grab the Shiva, generally I favor Shiva.
One thing I frequently do though, is to tell my Spectre if I have one on my team, to skip Radiance and go for a more fighting build in Vanguard, Diffusal and Manta. You might think I'm crazy for suggesting that but for one, Radiance Spectre isn't AS strong as it used to be (due to Radiance illusion nerf) and two, I'm confident that I will get it way faster and in a more safe manner than a Spectre. Usually they agree to it and it works out really well in our favor. A Spectre at 25 minutes will only have like, Phase, Vanguard/Urn, Radiance and maybe a Wand, while me as Brood at 25 minutes can have, Solar, Radiance, Treads and BKB if the game is good. My ability to frontline with Radiance is stronger than a Spectre's.
>Starting items
What about starting items? What do you buy? It's always the same for the most part with slight variatons depending on matchup. If you're offlane, Tango, Mango and two sentries are standard, save the rest. There's a rather clever thing you can do if you either buy an obs or get one from your support, and that is TPing to the lane ASAP, put a web down on their bounty rune, ward small camp with obs, try to snatch bounty, and ward big camp with a sentry, I'll talk more about that later. If you're against a solo Timber for example, just start Tango, Mango an Quelling Blade because this lane is now just an AFK farm lane, you don't need sentries for that and QB will help you kill creeps faster, you'll be cutting his wave behind the tower. If you're against an Axe or LC, start Tango, two slippers and QB, get PMS ASAP. This is the no spider build, in which you skip spiders, grab points in passive and get ult at 6 for a free kill. Flying out a Blight Stone ASAP is recommended as well. You then finish Treads by getting gloves first, because the ATKSPD will help you far more than boots in terms of getting a kill. If you're unsure whether it's a solo Axe/LC/Timber or a trilane, start just tangos and run ASAP to their bounty rune to confirm your lane opponent, once you know, buy appropriate items and send them out on courier. If you're doing the TP trick, you definitely do not want to ward camps if you're against a Timber or any other hero you skip waves against, you want that camp to farm it.
For mid, you start QB, sentry (1 is enough), if you can get pooled tangos, OoV or Clarity + Sage's mask are good options, if not, just get tangos yourself.
As far as QB goes, against a trilane in the offlane you don't want to spend 200 gold on something that will usually only help you for about 2-4 minutes because by the time you have a decent amount of spiders, you will be getting easy lasthits anyway, and you want Soul Ring ASAP, don't delay it too much. In mid you're 1v1 so it pays off more to have it there.
OoV can be extremely good to pick up early, the slow is very welcome to keep them in your webs for as long as possible, and the DoT damage it does really does add up over time. 12 damage per auto attack (full duration), do it 5 times and that's a free 60 damage. You can be really abusive on the lane just by doing hit and runs, abusing your MS, free pathing and invisibility.
>Note about sentries and wards
Don't be afraid to ferry out extra sentries if you need to. You really don't want them to be able to see you. You can afford spending 100 gold to keep the pressure up, whereas their supports usually cannot. Wards are also something you can get. Having the cliff behind T2 warded and their highground for when you're trying to take T3 are really good places to have vision of.
>Early TP trick
I talked about TPing and warding camps before, now I will go into why it can be a good thing, even though Brood likes to contest pulls and farm those camps on her own. At level 1, Brood is garbage, she doesn't do anything worth mentioning and in a trilane, supports are generally starved for farm and EXP. By warding the small camp with an obs, you're keeping that camp blocked for at least five minutes, at which point you should have enough levels to contest it if they do pull it, it also puts their supports in an awkward position in that they have to deward the camp if they want to pull it, effectively wasting a sentry while having to ferry out another one on the courier for the lane, it just takes a lot of time and resources. It's also a bit too far away for you to contest early, you need at least 4 webs to do it. A sentry in the hard camp keeps it blocked for at least 2-3 minutes, by which time you should have enough levels to contest it because it's pretty close to you. And again, it puts their supports in an awkward position where they have to spend even more gold if they want to unblock it, or waste the sentry they have, giving you a lot of freedom on lane. Blocking these two camps just chokes them so hard that you will be able to dominate the lane with ease, they have no farm, no levels, and their detection is very limited.
Skillbuild is very straight forward. You always start webs, second point in spawn spiders (unless no spider build). Third point is dependant on what you chose to do, did you block camps? Go for spiders, two webs are enough for you as long as you know how to control lane equilibrium. If you didn't block camps, you probably will need the second point in webs to be able to cover a bigger area and soak EXP from the pulls. 4-4-0-0 should be your build by 8 with the spider build.
If you're doing no spider build, it should be 0-3-2-1 by 6. You have the option to either all out and go 0-4-4-1, or leave Incap Bite at 2 and start skiling spiders.
Talents are also pretty straight forward. Brood becomes really strong with levels, with key levels being 12, 15, 18, and 25, do naturally it makes sense to grab EXP at 10. The extra nuke damage in my opinion is irrelevant, you'll be a lot stronger if you get to your key levels faster than if you nuke for 60 extra damage. At 15, you have the choice between 350 HP and 20% CDR. Now, I personally favor the CDR talent over the HP in pretty much any case, 20% is alot, and decreases the CD of webs, ult, BKB and any active item you might have. My logic is that, HP you can always get by other means, whereas CDR only exists in Octa Core or Arcane Rune, and Octa Core isn't something you generally want to buy just for the CDR, if anything, you will want the CDR talent with Octa. 350 HP is a lot and if you feel it's better, take it. The level 20 and 25 talents are no contest, 70 ATKSPD or +14 spider damage. It's really a no brainer, get the ATKSPD. By the time you're 20 you don't need spiders for damage, and they still push rather well on their own, with 70 ATKSPD, Insatiable Hunger and BKB, you're a force to be reckoned with. At 25 you have the option between +225 spider health or +8 extra webs, I shouldn't have to explain why webs are the obvious choice here.
>the three phases
With Brood you can always follow a certain pattern in terms of what you do in the game. I like to split it up in three phases Phase one is the laning stage, where you're aiming to shut down the enemy carry and his supports, and take the T1 tower down. Phase two begins when T1 is down, this is where you start covering their jungle with webs and choke them of their own farm. Aim to get that T2 down as soon as you can and kill anyone that dares to step into your territory, if you can that is. Phase three starts when T2 is down, and this is when you aim to take objectives such as roshan, other outer towers or if you're able to, rax them on your own. Feel free to start grouping with your team at this point to close the game out.
>When to pick or not pick
So when do you pick Brood? When do you not? Well, I'm the type to pick her into any lineup, even when my team tells me not to (you can call that toxic behaviour but whatever), mainly because I'm confident enough to do it and I'm not afraid to even first pick her. The general metric is usually to pick her when they don't have any significant means of dealing with your spiders, heroes that are able to survive your onslaught, on top of last picking her. Even though I CAN first pick her, I try to get the last pick. I mean, if I can make my opponents as unprepared as possible, all the better. It doesn't tilt my teammates too hard and it doesn't force my team to fight a trilane they don't want to fight. I can most likely win my lane, but I can't trust my team to win theirs. It's just better to make it easier for both me and my team.