General Discussion

General Discussionplease help me out of 3k :(

please help me out of 3k :( in General Discussion

    My heroes pool is quite small since i mostly always spam invoker or storm, i used to get mad if i dont get mid but i learned that it wont help in game so i switch to other lane instead of dual mid which i usually do before.
    But i just dont understand where i have like a winning streak of 8-9 and than a losing streak of 8-9, wtf?
    And there are games where if i player dont get a solo offlane, they ll feed ?
    Please help me get out of this

      კომენტარი წაშალა მოდერატორმა

        I actually "know" all the heroes but i just don't play them.

          კომენტარი წაშალა მოდერატორმა

            Base on my profile, can you tell me why im not good at them? Item or skill build?


              But also, by spamming these two heroes got me out of high 2k games...?


                you probably are decent with those two heroes compared to everyone else in your bracket, but unless you actually play all the other heroes you won't really know how to play against them.


                  shut up filthy storm picker big daddy cool, FML


                    Play team fight heroes and snowball all day long.


                      ^and get rekt when your teammates are donkeys


                        soul eater obviously knows something about getting out of 3k

                        anyway OP, one way to improve is to have a larger hero pool so that you can at least play one hero in each position in case you don't get the lane that you want. if you leave your team to play 4v5 because of your limited hero pool that's your own fault.

                        having two heroes in each position would be better and is easily doable, that's still only a hero pool of ten. so have 2 carries, 2 mid heroes, 2 offlaners, and 4 supports (2 position 4s and 2 position 5s) that you know how to play. maybe also learn some junglers if you can get away with a greedy pick, because 3kers probably never roam into the enemy jungle early on, which is potentially 12 heroes, or around 10% of the total hero pool, which isn't a lot.

                        your item build should also be more varied. even though I don't play invoker, I still know that there's no possibility that orchid is going to be the best item to get in every single invoker game that you play, on a hero that has such a versatile item + skill build. orchid is not mandatory on invoker in the same way that travels are on tinker or manta on AM for example. not just on invoker though, all heroes have varied item builds, no hero wants to build the same 6 items every game in the exact same order.

                        if you're going QE invoker, midas + necronomicon is a pretty good item build for pushing, especially now that necro 1 + 2 are better than in previous patches (more damage + HP). plus in lower skill brackets people have a harder time dealing with split push, you don't need to go for the flash combo plays, just hit towers.

                        also there are general things that will make you play better on any hero that you play, like having good map awareness, moving around the map efficiently and finding farm whenever you can, rather than just sitting by the tower when there's no creeps or the lane is dangerous. if you have time, watch your replays. just skip to your deaths and see what you could have done to avoid them, not what your teammates could have done - none of your deaths are going to be entirely due to your teammates, and you'll probably find something in common, like not having a certain item because you chose something else, not having a certain skill levelled, or just being slightly off in gold to finish the item that would have saved you.

                        კომენტარი შეიცვალა

                          thanks for your reply androgynous, i ll work on more of item varieties and learn more heroes, hopefully can get out if this 3k

                          King of Low Prio

                            just play party MMR when you feel the tilt coming and you will get higher


                              what is the tilt?


                                Ya realizing when a tilt is coming is crucial to not losing a lot of mmr then having to gain it back later . I had a 600 mmr loss tilt before so I watch out for that shit like crazy, now i rise in mmr in spurts then maintain and if I see tilt going on I'll play non ranked a few days then continue on and then I'll burst up another 200 mmr again and so forth .


                                  Hit random button, look at dotabuff for your hero that you randomed, hit top rankings, click top player, look his item build, copy = get 4K (that's what I did xd)


                                    Tell you what, in the short run i guess spam your invoker storm but in the long run (involves you losing mmr prob) you should learn other heroes to get a better understanding. In the long run, when you know how to play all the heroes, you'll really get a better perspective of the game.


                                      i actually know stifflers mom but i havent banged her
