General Discussion

General DiscussionPaying for an MMR Boost...

Paying for an MMR Boost... in General Discussion

    Who the fucking fuck in the name of fuckity fuck would ever fucking do this?

    You are in your bracket because you belong there.
    Once your acc is boosted you will ruin other people's games.
    Once your acc is boosted you will play like shit in the higher bracket and just shit the shitty shititty shit play like shittiest shit.
    Where is your morale to still do this after 2 reasons above?
    Why would you spend money on this?
    Why do you want higher mmr? To Brag to to girls on parties. Hey babe, I got 5k mmr in dota 2!

    This is cancer of dota 2... is this why sometimes we get that 1 shit teammate?


      Only retards buy MMR boosts. They want to increase the shitty number on their profile but not their skill.


        You know its funny... xD


          when you play in a higher bracket you can improve more from there. also why would the idea of ruining people's games play a big part of their reason for the purchase? people buy things mostly for their own benefit and not for others no?
          not to mention for people who dont buy the higher rated accounts to improve, they just leave it untouched and play other modes ie. unranked / party mmr

          also i think ppl hate playing with friends whose pt mmr > solo mmr because it just means their pt mmr is inflated and makes the game unnecessarily hard.


            go fuck yourself trash


              Thanks, this is what I wanted to hear, you shed some light.
              My words pierced someone's soul, this makes me feel awesome!


                I don't get that whole 'I bought myself more mmr I can improve faster now'. Wouldn't this be the opposite? At lower mmr your opponents do more mistakes and wont capitalise on your own mistakes as much. If your team mates don't support you properly then that also helps you improve as it teaches you to be self-reliant and adaptable. If your team mates are great that's a bonus to your performance of course assuming you are skilled enough to take advantage of it.

                Someone explain to this concept to this 2.7k mmr scrub.


                  i got boosted to 4k and now i rape games
                  when i was 2.8 i always had shit allies, now they all pros like me.

                  კომენტარი შეიცვალა

                    u as 2.7k, lane against a 6k player mid. pretty sure like 95% of your mistakes will be exploited by him. then you can learn from your mistakes.
                    u as 2.7k, lane against another 2.7k player. you go some shit ass mid tinker build like soul ring recipe + ring of regen, opposing viper goes equally shit build like double stout shield. he punishes like maybe 20% of your mistakes, and some of those mistakes turn out to work out cos he makes a misplay while trying to exploit your misplay, you think that what you did was correct when it was in fact wrong.
                    u play in 2.7k tier, pick storm, 70% of your gpm comes from solo pick offs, minimal farm. your try sustaining that gpm in even 4k tier, you fail miserably.

                    tldr : you play in low mmr tier, mistakes goes unpunished = bad play reinforced. you buy account, get your ass whipped and learn the error of your ways.


                      Its probably just attitude then. People are pessimistic at the beginning of their low skill games and make more mistakes, while in their boosted mmr they feel confident and play better. Right?

                      Ninja'd; valid point

                      კომენტარი შეიცვალა
                        კომენტარი წაშალა მოდერატორმა

                          insults everywhere, please stay muted


                            Play DotA - Get bitches


                              I heard that there were players that straight off buy accounts with high mmr (~5000). I had a friend that created a smurf and got 5k mmr with it and sold it for cash $.$


                                you swear at people and ruin people's moods. and yet you don't understand why someone wouldn't "ruin other people's games"


                                  Swear at people? :D
                                  I didn't swear at anyone, I just overused fuck and shit for the sake of fun.

                                  I don't understand why someone would not care about ruining other people's games, just as I don't understand people who litter the streets. Its almost the same.


                                    if anyone needs booster services, pm me. ez mmr boost ez winrate ez kda ez life.


                                      GTFO cancer!