General Discussion

General DiscussionList the Things Wrong in this Match

List the Things Wrong in this Match in General Discussion
playinginursockdrawer mm soc

    I'm not sure about my teammates, but I had a magic stick and a tp for a majority of the game, until I sold it/stopped a last attempt at rat dota.


      Your Invoker doesn't...appear to really know how to play his hero. Seriously, what the fuck is that skill build. WHAT IS IT. HE DOESN'T SKILL INVOKE UNTIL LEVEL FOUR. HE IS LITERALLY A CREEP FOR THREE LEVELS.

      Pudge needs some sort of mobility item. Agh's is nice and all, but blink > dismember is money. He also was skilling stats/flesh heap before maxing rot...even though he has a hood. What.

      I have no idea why Spirit Breaker has a Blade Mail.

      Bounty, I prefer a second level of Shadow Walk before maxing Shuriken Toss, but whatever. Your items are pretty typical, though I like to see early Medallion pickups.

      Can't really comment on enemy item builds; that many shadow blades typically means they're trying to avoid the fountain dives. Leshrac is trying for either Bloodstone or Agh's, neither of which are great. LC probably built her shadow blade for duels, but Blink is so much better.

      NP didn't get Sprout until level 7, which means he didn't do anything except AFK farm with his midas.

      Lone Druid putting points in Rabid before maxing Synergy is fucking awful.

      Legion didn't skill her Q until level 10, except it's her best spell and that's horrifying.

      Individual bad decisions aside: Dire team is fucking ass. It has three heroes whose only contribution to a fight is rightclicks, and every single one of them is farm dependent. Leshrac without another setup is pretty crap for laning. Sort of shot themselves in the foot. That was a Pudge mid, Sniper/SB safe, BH/Invoker off? Or something like that? You can at least 2-1-2 vaguely effectively, and have a lot of pickoff potential with the BH and Spirit Breaker. Could have been better if Invoker was maxing Exort for sunstrikes but he went for some sort of "pick random abilities every level" build. You clearly took advantage of their stupidly farm-dependent lineup and got a lot of pickoffs and balled on them before they could become relevant in any way, so props for not sitting in lane afk farming and shit.

      But seriously this is awful.



        the invoker is not me


          His invoker is worse than your wisp.

          playinginursockdrawer mm soc

            @Hardcore Heathen

            We had Sniper/Invoker safelane and SB/BH offlane. So my entire purpose was to provide vision and track gold for the SB to charge the ever farming NP.