General Discussion

General DiscussionMoving from WoW to DotA

Moving from WoW to DotA in General Discussion

    I myself moved from WoW to DotA 2 years ago.

    I've really appreciated it ever since. I feel like its more about skill then epeen/farming. Also i love being able to play 2 games a night if i want to instead of joining a raid for 4,5 hours.

    How u guys feel about this?


      idk why would u compare mmo to moba its way different kind of games

      i used to enjoy grinding in mmos like lineage2 spending my nights camping for epic bosses but now i just don't enjoy that shit anymore

      hell i dont even enjoy dota anymore but yeah the games are so different i dont think u can compare them


        I left wow 2 years ago, started dota a year ago.
        For me, wow was all about pvp and i hated farming, so good decision. I can waste the same amount of time, so not a big difference.
        Though I prefer wow community over doto community couse... well... wow had one. Here everything is about flame flame flame flame. But im getting used to it and now that i have enough ppl on my friend list, who are most of the time, nice, im okey.
        And i hate pandaria.


          I left wow for dota about two years ago too. Hardcore raiding was just draining and after 2 years it drained the shit out of me and then I swapped to pvp and then to doto

          Spinach Rag

            I think you'll eventually learn at some point that in DOTA2 your skill is your epeen, at least when it comes to the members of this site who take it much more seriously than others. I personally have grown tired of 'the grind' in most video games, and this game is much more satisfying than the other types of games I've played before due to its short term mechanics and the steep learning curve that is non-existent in most other games.

            Hex Sigma

              I left wow because pandaria became shit. I had a love-hate relationship with wow.

              I came to dota cause LoL was a piece of crap. I have a love-hate relationship with dota.

              However wow will remain forever in my heart as one of the best games that i've ever played.

              bum farto

                Started WoW when it first came out and I wouldn't get punished for spawn camping as a Druid in Cat form pre-nerf. Then they nerfed it and started punishing camping so I left the game for good. This was back when it was in free to play beta for 6 months.

                King of Low Prio

                  I played during the glory days of pvp, got gladiator s2-8(warlock too strong) and cata looked awful and the devs did not listen to any of the top pvpers on blatant imbalances that where going through the beta so I quit. The only time I raided was during sunwell because the top guild was recruiting pvpers for epeen and I saw a opening to steal a nice weapon.

                  the realm's delight

                    wow its complete horseshit atm. hopefully wod will be better

                    კომენტარი შეიცვალა

                      playing l2? lol, i've been playing that for 5 years atleast.


                        ive been playing since prelude until c6 idk how many years was that

                        Dire Wolf

                          Nice sampson! I narrowly missed glad is s1 and s3, got it in s2 on my lock (have the netherdrake to prove it!) in 5 man arena. 5s was where it was at! So fun an chaotic, 2v2 was stupid back then all either blow you up rogue/mage teams or see who goes oom first lock/priest/paladin/druid teams. 3v3 was cool until people ran double healer teams and slowed the game down. What seems stupid though is you only got to keep the title if you were the number 1 team like the merciless gladiator or vengeful gladiator. I think regular gladiator's should've gotten to keep their titles.

                          Well my team disbanded after s3 and we never really got it going again. Then they started pushing rated bgs and really fucked up the points system so everyone got the same amount of arena points until you were like 1900 and even after that you barely got any more. So no one had incentive to play unless they were really good. My old teams we started as scrubs but we ranked up cus we wanted to be the best and it took time and patience. No wow player today has that patience.

                          I eventually quit wow ~3 years ago basically cus I got married and had a baby. Wow is a huge time sink. To even have a chance in arena you have to grind millions of honor points like 100+ hours. It's retarded. Dota is so much better in that regard. And at this point I enjoy dota pvp more.

                          King of Low Prio

                            I started getting annoyed with how low people would sink for titles (wintrading, creating fake passports and alot of backdoor deals). It became impossible to get r1 without some form of cheating(one teammate tried to convince me to do it). I really only played 5s in s2 because I got a good group of friends that made it fun but I usually stuck to 2s and 3s. Yea I agree WoW requires consistent gameplay to be competitive and I havnt had that kind of time in a long time :(


                              Sampson stole warglaives, ban inc.

                              the realm's delight

                                i got both warglaives on my alt account in 2 bt runs
                                gg no re


                                  God.. my first wow guild ever... One of the tanks got BOTH molten core bracers in one night. AND NEVER CRAFTED HIS FUCKING LEGENDARY. He constantly brought it up and bragged about it. Too lazy or poor to do anything though. Still makes me rage to think about.


                                    I played from release to early wotlk before realizing the game had become utter trash. Raiding was a lot more fun in vanilla imo.

                                    Hex Sigma

                                      I was thinking of getting into wow again... Is anyone of you still playing?

                                      King of Low Prio

                                        Jason I actually stole, well not actually stole it but I just took it knowing that I was quitting the guild once I got a item worth my time


                                        :D :D :D


                                        the game looks fucking awful with pandas and shit

                                        კომენტარი შეიცვალა
                                        Dire Wolf

                                          The problem with trying to do anything in wow is the playerbase is two extremes. On one side is the super extreme raiders/pvpers who play 8 hours every day, grind all the gear, require you to raid t/w/f/sun nights from 10pm - 3am or you can't be in their guild. On the other side is the super casuals who never have money for repairs or respecs, won't stick with a group if it wipes more than twice, won't arena with you if you go on a 3 game losing streak, doesn't even have craftable pvp gear to start arenas etc. You're stuck trying to pub raids which never works or you have to become a super extreme player. Back in the day I was in guilds with a bunch of likeminded people, all mature 20 year olds who only wanted to raid a couple nights a week for a couple hours but we were serious about it and got stuff done. You really need a core group of 5-10 people who can stick to a schedule and have the same goals and how big the playerbase is now it actually hinders you from finding that imo.


                                            well, let me put my nostalgia glasses on

                                            *puts glasses*
                                            Burning Crusade, best time ever. End of the story

                                            *removes nostalgia glasses*


                                              i used to rock that cs 1.6 back in the days. i was soooo good. the skill from cs transitioned vrey well into dota, like dota is so ez.