General Discussion

General Discussion"Russians well educated?"

"Russians well educated?" in General Discussion

    lol. lord gaben pls

    King of Low Prio

      as long as they buy his shit, he will tell them what they want to hear

      MLG Quickscoper 420 Kushlord

        They didn't make him pretend to like the brazilian community at least

        Jay Ashborne

          Sounds like he's at gun point. Stutters and gets tongue tied every few seconds.


            they are extraordinary... stupid
            they dont understand the game at all, and they arent educated. when you try to explain them game mechanics, they start "cyka, noob, kurva"
            and most of them are really stupid as people. they are close minded people. they dont want to change, they keep their stupidness, though you want to help and teach them.


              You need some authority to teach others. If you think that your "students" are stupid, close minded, etc you can't help. If you know nothing about DOTA2, you can't teach.



                russian sky. babysitted me on mid without taking any exp, stacked ancients 4 times, got me like 3 kills. practically won the game on his own while trying to communicate in english, even if it was hard. this is an example every 10 games, so there's just few of this kind - but they do exist ^_^.


                  that itw was hilarious, the guy is a complete philanthropist, he just win billions for the community. thanks gabe, now if u wanna do favor to the community, fix this mmr

                  Low Expectations

                    Nice russians are as rare as unicorns

                    Bone Chilling

                      Just a thought.

                      I'm Russian and I've been playing a lot on the eu servers before. I did this because I hate playing with Russians as well. But unfortunately EU servers are Russia2. So, I at some point I was like "Fuck this, I'm switching to Russian server since there's no difference at all". And was pretty amazed how different the Russians on the Russian servers are lol. They are willing to communicate, pick properly and rarely go cyka, blyad or other retarded shit. But the most amusing thing, that many Europeans are actually playing on the Russian server! And most of the time both sides are quite friendly towards each other.

                      TL:DR: Russian server seems to be a better place than EUW/EUE

                      ICE SKULL

                        yeah agreed russia is so tryhard server, anyone with 80%+ winrate in russia is a god A++ player in my eyes


                        Bone Chilling

                          Wave-sama, have mercy. They're no way near as strong as you are and the superior EUW-race.

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